Supporting documents requirements
Which supporting documents do I need to supply?
As part of your application, you will need to supply a number of supporting documents. The list of documents will depend on the course you are applying to.
To find out which documents you need to provide in your course application, see the How to Apply section of the relevant course page. This provides information about each required document, such as guidance on length/word count and how it will be assessed.
You are responsible for making sure that all required documents, including references, are submitted by the course deadline and meet the University’s requirements. If your application is incomplete at the course deadline, or becomes complete after the deadline, it is unlikely to be assessed at that deadline. Please see the Deadlines and when to apply page for further guidance on this.
Check the documents you submit carefully. You will not be able to upload revised versions once your application is ready for assessment.
You must submit your supporting documents by the course deadline. Documents should be submitted as part of your application.
Requirements for supporting documents
All of your supporting documents should meet the following requirements:
File format
Files should be in PDF, .jpg or .png format. Word documents (.doc or .docx) are not accepted. If you are unsure how to convert your files to PDF format, see below for instructions.
File size
Files should be smaller than 4MB for upload to the application form. Documents larger than 4MB cannot be uploaded to your application form. If your document is between 4MB and 10MB it should be submitted by following our instructions for uploading a document with a larger file size. We are not able to accept documents larger than 10MB.
File language
Documents you have written yourself, such as a research proposal or written work, must be in English unless indicated otherwise on the relevant course page. An English translation by a third party is not acceptable, unless explicitly permitted by the department.
Official transcripts not issued in English should be translated and submitted in accordance with our requirements for transcripts translated into English. Please note, if you are uploading a translated transcript, you will also need to upload the original language version of this transcript. Translated transcripts submitted without the original version will be removed from your application.
Documents such as a research proposal or written work must be entirely your own work, except where clearly indicated. Your work may be checked using plagiarism detection software (see our guidance on plagiarism).
Document protection
When your application is processed, all of the documents you have uploaded will be merged into a single PDF document, so make sure you have removed any encryption or password protection.
All documents must be legible and easy to identify. Make sure that the documents are as clear and easy to read as possible. Remember to give your name and the type of document (eg 'Research proposal') in each document.
How to upload supporting documents
Documents that are not required
You should not upload documents that are not specifically required for your course, such as degree certificates, or documents relating to training courses or study below degree level. Your supporting documents must meet the specifications set out in the How to Apply section of the relevant course page.
If your documents significantly differ from these specifications, such as exceeding the word limit, they may be removed from your application. Your application will then be considered incomplete and is unlikely to be assessed by the academic department.
What should I do if a document has been removed from my application?
If a document has been removed from your application by Graduate Admissions because it does not meet the academic department's requirements, you should consult the How to apply instructions on the relevant course page before uploading a replacement document. Make sure that you are only uploading documents that are required for the course you are applying to, and that the document you are uploading does not exceed the required word count. Replacement supporting documents can be uploaded via Graduate Applicant Self Service.
Use of Artificial Intelligence tools
Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools may be used to research materials in preparing your application, but may not be used to generate documents or form the basis of documents that are then adapted. Our academic assessors will be looking for your own insights and critical evaluation skills, so it is unlikely that using AI tools to create your supporting documents will improve your chances of success. If academic assessors consider that inappropriate use of AI was made in application documents, they may reject your application.
Supporting documents FAQs
Should I post my paper documents to you when I apply?
Please do not send in hard copies of your application materials when you apply. Any paper documents should be scanned and uploaded to your application.
If it is not possible for you to scan your paper documents and upload them to your application, please contact Graduate Admissions for guidance.
If your application is successful, you may be required to provide the original paper versions of documents you have scanned in. The relevant academic department will be in touch to request these from you later in the process.
How do I convert Word documents to PDF?
You can convert Word (or similar) documents into PDF format by selecting 'Save As' from the Microsoft Word 'File' menu and selecting 'PDF' from the 'Save as type' drop-down menu.
If the software you are using to create your document does not permit you to save the document as a PDF file, you may need to print out a hard copy of the document and then scan this to produce either a .jpg or .png image or a PDF file before uploading this in the relevant document slot.
How do I upload a document larger than 4MB?
For documents that are a mandatory part of your application form, you must upload a placeholder document to the relevant slot on the Supporting Documents tab in order to be able to submit your application form. The placeholder document should:
- be in an accepted format (PDF, .jpg, .png); and
- include only the following statement: "My document is over 4MB and will be sent separately".
I'm unable to upload one of my supporting documents to my application
If you are having trouble uploading a supporting document to your application:
- make sure it is one of the required file formats (PDF, .jpg, .png);
- make sure it does not exceed the maximum file size (4MB)
If your document exceeds the maximum file size, follow our instructions to submit a document via the upload portal.
If you believe that your supporting document meets our requirements, but you are still unable to upload it to your application form, please contact Graduate Admissions for guidance.
What might I need to supply if I receive an offer of a place?
If you are offered a place, you may be asked to send the original(s) of any official documents uploaded to your online application. You should only send these if they are specifically requested, as these documents cannot be returned to you.