Tracking your referees
Tracking your referees
When you register a referee, we will send them an email request with the deadline you have chosen. After this, we will not contact your referees again.
If your referee has not received their notification email or they experience difficulty when submitting their reference, please consult our troubleshooting guide for instructions.
You and the relevant referee will receive a notification email each time one of your references is submitted via the online reference system. If the reference is submitted outside of the online reference system, you will not be notified by email. Please note that references submitted outside of the online reference system will only be added to your application after your application has been submitted. In peak times around application deadlines, there may be a delay to this process, but they will be treated as received on the day they were sent to us.
After you submit your application, you can track the status of your references using Graduate Applicant Self-Service. The status of references submitted outside of the online reference system will also be shown in Graduate Applicant Self-Service, but there may be a delay in showing these references as received as they can only be added to your application after your application has been submitted. You can also use Graduate Applicant Self-Service to re-send email notifications to your referees.
What should I do if one of my referees is unable to provide a reference?
We do understand that referees are not always able to provide references.
You are required to register three referees as part of your application form. However, once your application has received a minimum of two references, it is possible for the relevant academic department to begin their assessment. The department may request that you obtain a third reference before they make a final decision on your application.
If one of your referees informs you that they will not be able to provide a reference, you will need to approach another suitable referee as quickly as possible. If they agree to be a referee, you must add them as a new referee on your application. You must inform your referee of the course deadline, and remind them to submit their reference by that deadline. We will not send any reminders on your behalf.
Guidance on how to register a new referee before you submit your application is available within this Application Guide. Our Applicant Self-Service Guide provide instructions for adding another referee after you have submitted your application. Remember that we can only accept references submitted by the referee themselves.