Virtual Public Consultation - Institute for Global Health

Due to the current situation, the University has arranged this virtual consultation to put forward the University’s proposals for the new Institute for Global Health building at Old Road Campus.

The Institute for Global Health building represents an exciting new phase of development at Old Road Campus as the University continues to expand the world-class medical research that takes place here. The new Institute will foster collaboration and innovation bringing together staff from the University’s Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health and the Nuffield Department of Population Health. The Centre for Tropical Medicine is currently located within the temporary building.

Outline planning permission was granted in 2013 for five new plots at the Old Road Campus. The Institute for Global Health will be situated on Plot B1 on the Northern boundary of the campus sitting inside the planting which forms the boundary with Old Road to the north and Mileway Gardens to the west.

The building will provide approximately 4,500 square meters of high-quality research set over three floors, with a partial basement.

Institute for global health
Architecture image of the proposed Institute for Global Health Building

The top floor will house plant and some research accommodation with the remaining floors being used for offices, research and teaching space. Vehicular access to the building will be via Roosevelt Drive, with parking already provided for in the recently completed building.

As part of the initial assessment work on the site, design proposals have been prepared, and we are keen to share these with you. Your feedback is very important to us and it will be taken into account by our design team as the design for the scheme is developed.

This consultation is now closed.