About us
Who are we?
Although University of Oxford colleges have been working with schools across the South West for many years, students from your area are still under-represented at Oxford and we want this to change. It's time for a new approach!
Exeter, Lady Margaret Hall and Merton Colleges are combining forces to launch Oxford for South West, our community outreach programme in your area. By working together, we hope to make the most of their access resources, and to provide better support for the students and schools.
Our aims are ambitious and focus on supporting students from backgrounds that are underrepresented at Oxford, and their schools. Oxford for South West will develop outreach programmes which:
- To help students in the South West enjoy their learning, to think big and become independent learners
- To inspire students of all ages and from all backgrounds to have the confidence to be themselves and to be ambitious about their futures
- To support raising attainment of primary level, GCSE and A level students
- Offer information and skills development to support studying in FE, HE and the University of Oxford
- To encourage more students from the South West to apply to Oxford and other top universities
- To support increasing the number of students from under-represented groups from 15% to 25% of Oxford's UK undergraduate intake
- To promote the University of Oxford as a realistic goal for anyone with academic talent and commitment.
For more details on the research underpinning these commitments, please see the University of Oxford's Access and Participation Plan.
Working together
In 2020/21 we expect to work more closely with schools and colleges. with a particular focus on non selective state schools and colleges.
We are also developing partnerships with local authorities, multi academy trusts, community organisations, local universities and social mobility organisations.
Please note that if you or your school do not fall into our access categories, there is still plenty of advice and support available for you here and on the University website.
All schools, sixth form and further education colleges have a point of contact within University of Oxford who will be happy to provide information and advice on admissions and outreach. Please contact Oxford for South West colleges either via our contact form or directly through college websites.
We do not expect to make radical changes overnight, but hope to build lasting partnerships across the region which will benefit the whole school community as well as our University.