Three students in outdoor clothes record data on a clipboard in a rocky area of Orielton, Wales
A first-year field trip to Orielton in Wales
(Credit: Dave Wilson)


Course overview

UCAS code: C100
Entrance requirements: A*AA (with the A* in a science or Maths)
Course duration: 4 years (MBiol); 3 years (BA)

Subject requirements

Required subjects:  Biology and either Chemistry, Physics or Maths
Recommended subjects: Not applicable
Helpful subjects: Not applicable

Other course requirements

Admissions tests: None
Written Work: None

Admissions statistics*

Interviewed: 46%
Successful: 15%
Intake: 109
*3-year average 2022-24



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Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small.

About the course

Biology, the study of life, is an exciting and rapidly developing subject. Recent years have witnessed tremendous progress catalysed by technological breakthroughs and the integration of different biological approaches and disciplines. Breakthroughs in Biology are playing a key role in addressing global challenges, from disease and poverty to biodiversity loss and climate change.

This revised and upgraded Oxford Biology course was first introduced in 2019. The structure of the course encourages a cross-disciplinary approach. Following an introduction to fundamental biological principles in the first year, the second and third years allow students to choose options of particular interest and specialise in these areas with increasing depth. The options cover a comprehensive range of topics, which currently include but are not limited to:

  • animal behaviour and physiology
  • cell biology
  • conservation
  • developmental biology
  • disease biology and host-microbe interactions
  • ecology
  • evolutionary biology
  • genomics
  • plant physiology and molecular biology. 

The course offers an optional fourth year. This means that students can either leave after three years with a BA or choose to stay on for the fourth year, where they complete an extended research project under the supervision of qualified academic staff. Progression to the fourth year is contingent on satisfactory academic performance in the second and third years.

The Biology degree is taught by the Department of Biology, with almost all teaching taking place in the University's Science Area. Additional resources include the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the Botanic Garden, the Herbarium, the Arboretum, the John Krebs Field Station and Wytham Woods. There is a compulsory UK residential field course to study ecology in the first year. Optional residential field courses are also available in the second year.

The course puts a strong emphasis on research skills training, which is an integral part of teaching across all years. Compulsory skills training in the first year includes carefully selected dissections that have been designed with animal welfare and conservation principles in mind.

Skills training in the second year is also compulsory and covers a whole range of more advanced practical and quantitative skills essential to a modern biologist. In the last part of the second year, students choose from a range of extended skills courses that last one or two weeks. Examples include avian behaviour, digital morphology, ecological fieldwork, genome sequencing and genome editing, plant molecular biology, and technological applications to ecological monitoring.

In the third year, students specialise on a narrower range of options, and skills training continues in the form of journal clubs and computer classes.

Biology studentstudents Botanic Gardens 

'Throughout my whole life my head has buzzed with questions; questions about humans, plants, the oceans and the microscopic world invisible to the naked eye. Oxford offers me the answers to these questions. It’s incredible! There’s loads of practical work, from a brilliant week-long field trip in the UK in your first year, to tropical Borneo in your second. Lab work is a great chance to test the theories you’ve learnt in lectures and the supervisors are always happy to offer help and explanation.'


'I'd always been interested in biology from a young age. I'd loved learning about the human body and was practically brought up on David Attenborough documentaries – therefore, learning more about the subject was a natural fit! The course at Oxford in particular spanned the whole topic, covering everything there is to know, and I liked the flexibility this could give me, simultaneously allowing me to learn about a broad spectrum of topics but also enabling me to discover what I found most interesting and specialise accordingly! It has also taught me more about the practical skills required, and thus the course has really helped me to become a well-rounded biologist.'


'With biology, there's no shortage of new and exciting research going on, and the breadth of content in the first year is just mind-blowing! It's a really great idea to give students a taste of all aspects of the subject today, as from the second year onward there are increasing opportunities for specialisation. That ability to drop less interesting topics and really focus on the ones you love is a most welcome form of flexibility.'


Unistats information

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