Interns walking together in a corridor
Graduate Access Programme participants on their way to an event
(Image credit: Phil Brooks)

UNIQ+ Frequently Asked Questions

Before you contact us, please read our FAQs which cover everything from eligibility requirements for UNIQ+ to research projects and the application process.

Select a category to find the most relevant answers:

FAQs about eligibility

Can I apply for UNIQ+ if...

I’m not an Oxford student?

Yes! The majority of our participants are current or recent students at other universities. If you meet at least one of the UNIQ+ eligibility criteria, we strongly encourage you to apply.

I’ve studied for my undergraduate degree abroad?

To be eligible for the UNIQ+ Research Internships, you must be studying or have studied for an undergraduate degree at a UK or Irish university.

I've already graduated?

You would normally be in the middle years of your degree, as the programme is aimed at those who have not yet experienced a substantial period of research; however, if you are in your final year, or have already graduated, your application will be considered where a clear benefit to taking part in UNIQ+ can be demonstrated (eg your degree did not include a research project, or you graduated a long time ago and are now wanting to pursue doctoral study, etc) Please give further details in your personal statement of the extent of your research experience and why you think UNIQ+ would still be beneficial to you. You are not able to apply if you have already completed or are currently studying a PhD/DPhil, or have an offer to start a PhD/DPhil. As graduate admissions are still underway at most institutions for next academic year, you may not know the outcome of any PhD/DPhil application you have made/intend to make. We recommend you apply to UNIQ+ if you meet the criteria, but if you are then successful in your application for a PhD/DPhil, please let us know so we can withdraw your application.

Please note that our UNIQ+ Research Internships are funded through a number of different sources. Some of these placements have additional eligibility criteria. If you have already completed your undergraduate degree, your application will not be considered for a placement funded through the Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarships, as applicants need to be in the middle years of their course (not the first or final year) to be eligible. Please check the UNIQ+ eligibility criteria for further details.

I'm not a permanent resident of the UK?

Unfortunately not. To be eligible for the UNIQ+ Research Internships, you’ll need to be ordinarily resident in the UK.
Your country of ordinary residence is the country in which you are normally resident, out of choice and for a settled purpose, apart from temporary or occasional absences. It is not a country in which you are studying, working or living temporarily. You would usually have indefinite leave to enter or remain in the UK in order to be considered ordinarily resident. Those with a time limitation on how long they can stay in the UK (for example, a time-limited UK visa) would not usually be eligible for UNIQ+.

If the country in which you are ordinarily resident is not the UK, or if you moved to the UK to undertake a full-time university degree, unfortunately you will not be able to apply.

I have previously applied or plan to apply in 2025 for a PhD/DPhil course?

As graduate admissions are still underway at most institutions for next academic year, you may not know the outcome of any PhD/DPhil application you have made/intend to make. We recommend you apply to UNIQ+ if you meet the criteria, but if you are then successful in your application for a PhD/DPhil, please let us know so we can withdraw your application.

I have previously completed a UNIQ+ Research Internship at the University of Oxford?

If you have previously completed a UNIQ+ Research Internship, ESRC-funded UNIQ+ Research Internship, Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship or UNIQ+ DeepMind Internship at the University of Oxford, then you are not eligible to apply for the programme.

I am undertaking a foundation year as part of my degree?

If your course includes a foundation year, you need to have completed the foundation year, and be in at least year 2 of your undergraduate course, ie any student who is in Year 1 immediately following a foundation year would not be eligible.

I have not yet completed a full year of my undergraduate degree?

If you are currently in your first year of your undergraduate degree or if you are attending a university where you have entered directly into the second year of your degree, you need to have completed year 1 and be in at least year 2 of your undergraduate course at the point of application, ie any student who has not yet completed a full year of their undergraduate degree would not be eligible.

I am in my final year or have already graduated from my undergraduate degree?

You would normally be in the middle years of your degree as the programme is aimed at those who have not yet experienced a substantial period of research; however, if you are in your final year, or have already graduated, your application will be considered where a clear benefit to taking part in UNIQ+ can be demonstrated (eg your degree did not include a research project or you graduated a long time ago and are now wanting to pursue doctoral study, etc) Please give further details in your statement of the extent of your research experience and why you feel UNIQ+ would still be beneficial to you.

I have already completed an undergraduate degree and am currently studying for a second undergraduate degree?

If you are currently doing a second undergraduate degree, you need to have completed year 1 and be in at least year 2 of your second undergraduate course at the point of application. Any student who has not yet completed a full year of their current undergraduate degree would not be eligible, even if they have completed another undergraduate degree.


FAQs about research projects

Can I choose a research project?

You can choose up to three projects when you apply.

You will need to make sure that your academic background is a good fit for the programme, so consider which projects cover similar or relevant areas to your degree/research interests. Please use the relevant project code to indicate your preferred projects in the application form. Please enter at least one and up to three preferred projects and rank them in order of preference. You should select the project you are most interested in for your Project preference 1. Make sure that you select the correct projects as once your application is submitted, you won’t be able to change your selection.

If you are successful, we will try to match your interests to available supervisors. We won’t always be able to meet your preferences for a project/supervisor, but we will try our best to do this wherever possible.
Only projects that are matched to successful applicants will run this year. If you are successful, we will try to match your interests to available projects and supervisors. Please note that we will not always be able to meet your preferences for a project/supervisor, but we will try our best to do this wherever possible.

Do UNIQ+ research projects require a background in a specific subject area?

It depends on the project. You can find the entry requirements for each project (including subject background) on our UNIQ+ projects page. 

Places will be distributed across the three themes (Humanities and Social Sciences; Mathematical and Physical Sciences; and Life and Medical Sciences).


FAQs about the application form and applying

I’ve applied to the UNIQ+ Research Internships but want to update my application form - how can I do this?

If your circumstances have changed and you would like to provide updated information or a replacement document, please email us at with further information before the application deadline (12 noon on Wednesday 19 February 2025). This will be considered in the assessment of your application. Applications may not be updated to correct typos or to provide revised versions of supporting documents.

What happens if my application is missing one or more documents?

Please make sure that all documents, including your reference, are submitted in time for the deadline. All applications will be considered once the deadline has passed.

Will I have to attend an interview for the UNIQ+ Research Internships?

No, interviews will not be held as part of the admissions process. Applicants will be told whether or not they have been successful via email by the end of May 2025.

Why do you need to know about my financial circumstances in the application form?

As the UNIQ+ Research Internships are aimed at those coming from a backgrounds that are which is under-represented at postgraduate level in UK universities, we ask for information about your financial and social circumstances in order to assess your application.

When will I find out if I have a place?

We will let you know the outcome of your application to the UNIQ+ Research Internships by email by the end of April 2025. If you are placed on a waiting list, we will let you know when you can expect a decision.

I did not get a place on the UNIQ+ Research Internships. Can I have feedback on my application?

Unfortunately, due to the large number of applications we receive for UNIQ+, we are not able to offer feedback on individual applications.

You have emailed me to offer me a place. What happens if I don’t reply?

If we offer you a place on the UNIQ+ Research Internship programme, we will send you an email asking you to confirm that you want to take the place by a set deadline. It is really important that you reply to this email as we receive many more strong applications than we have places, so we will offer it to somebody else if you do not wish to take it up. The email offering you a place will give you a deadline by which we need you to respond. If you don't reply by this date, your place will be offered to somebody else.

What if I have changed my mind and no longer want to attend?

If you can no longer take up your place on the UNIQ+ Research Internships, whether you've changed your mind or your circumstances have changed for whatever reason, please email us at as soon as possible so we can offer your place to somebody else.

What if I find out I have resit examinations during or shortly after the programme?

If you are offered a place on UNIQ+ and have been informed by your university that you will have resit examinations during or shortly after the programme, we advise that you do not accept your place on the programme. If you have already accepted your place on UNIQ+, we advise that you withdraw from the programme when you are informed that you have resits. UNIQ+ is an academically demanding programme, requiring full-time work throughout the seven weeks, so we would strongly encourage you to prioritise getting the best grades necessary to proceed with your undergraduate degree. You would be welcome to re-apply for UNIQ+ in a future year.


General questions about UNIQ+

Will participating in the UNIQ+ Research Internships make it more likely that I will get a place at the University of Oxford?

Through UNIQ+ we hope that you'll be informed about studying at the University of Oxford at postgraduate level, and improve your CV and academic skills. Students who take part and decide to apply to the University of Oxford do not receive any preferential treatment at the application stage. 

I have a medical/accessibility/disability requirement which may affect my ability to take part. Should I still apply?

We are committed to ensuring that the selected applicants are able to take part in the UNIQ+ Research Internships, regardless of medical, accessibility or disability requirements. We make every effort to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made for students with specific medical, dietary and/or accessibility requirements. We encourage you to fully disclose any access requirements in advance of the programme so that we are able to do all we can to support you. If you are made an offer, we will request this information from you then.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to participate in the UNIQ+ Research Internships. Accommodation is provided free of charge, and we pay you a stipend to cover living costs. Please read our What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page for details of the opportunities and benefits of UNIQ+.

I need more information before I apply. Who can I talk to?

If you have any questions about the UNIQ+ Research Internships, please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


FAQs about references

Who should my referees be?

Your referee should be a member of university academic staff (eg a tutor, advisor or professor) who can comment on your academic ability, the quality of your work, your potential for further study, and your suitability for the programme. Where possible, please enter your referee’s institutional/professional email address. It is a good idea to send your referee the information about the programme and let them know which projects you are applying for.

What should I say to my referee when I contact them?

Before you include your referee in your application, you should speak to them first to make sure they are happy to act as your referee. Tell them about the UNIQ+ Research Internships and why you want to take part - It is a good idea to send your referee the information about the programme and let them know which projects you are applying for. The reference they provide should comment on your academic performance and motivations, your qualifications and your potential for further study. Your referee will be sent an automated email that will explain how to submit their reference via a form when you complete the relevant section of the application form. Please read our full guidance on how to submit a reference and what to include in the reference letter for more information. 

What happens if my referee does not have an official email address?

If your referee has retired or does not have an official email address for any other reason, they can still be registered as a referee for your application. However, you will be asked to provide some more information about why they do not have an official email address. Your referee will also need to explain in their reference letter why they do not have access to an official address.


FAQs for referees

I’m a referee. What should I include in my reference?

We ask that referees comment on the academic ability and general suitability of the applicant for the UNIQ+ Research Internships, and any other information you may consider relevant.

Generally, a reference letter should include the following:

  • the name of the applicant, so that we can attach your reference to the correct application;
  • the duration and extent of your familiarity with the applicant;
  • the specific course the applicant is/was on;
  • their academic achievements and academic potential;
  • their relevant skills and experience (eg academic writing, work and/or research experience, laboratory skills, etc);
  • their suitability for participating in a graduate access programme at Oxford; and
  • their relevant personal characteristics (eg independence, innovation or determination).

Please read our full guidance on how to submit a reference and what to include in the reference letter for more information.

I'm a referee. How should I submit my reference for the UNIQ+ Research Internships?

If you have been registered by the applicant as a referee, we will send you an email containing instructions on how to submit your reference. Please submit your reference by 12 midday (UK time) on Wednesday 19 February 2025.

The email will contain a link to a form through which you can upload your reference as a PDF attachment.

Please read our full guidance on how to submit a reference and what to include in the reference letter for more information. 

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