Close up of a plant in front of the Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge of Sighs, part of Hertford College
(Image Credit: Alyssa Ovadis / Graduate Photography Competition)
Application Guide


Proposed funding arrangements

You can use the fees, funding and scholarship search to get an estimate of the amount of funding you will need per year to cover your course fees and living costs. Our Fees and Funding pages have advice on external sources of funding you might wish to consider. 

If you receive an offer of a place, your college will ask you to complete a Financial Declaration form to meet your financial condition of admission.

Can I still apply if I am unsure how I will fund my graduate studies?

Yes. You do not need to finalise your funding arrangements before applying, and your financial situation will have no bearing on the assessment of your application.

We would recommend that you research funding opportunities that might be available to you on our Fees and Funding pages.

Can I work or have a part-time job during my studies?

The University's paid work guidelines for graduate students are intended to make sure that any work you undertake doesn't adversely affect your studies or your ability to complete your course on time. There are different guidelines for full-time and part-time students.

Speak to your academic department if you have any queries about whether paid work could fit in with your course of study. 

If you are studying in the UK on a visa, or funded by a research council, you may have limitations on how many hours' paid work you can undertake. Your college may also have guidelines.

We do not recommend that you rely on the availability of paid work when planning how to fund your studies. More information about working while studying is available in the Employment section of our pages on other funding sources.


On the 'Funding' tab of the application form, you can apply for departmental studentships and Oxford scholarships.

How to apply for Oxford scholarships

The 'Oxford scholarships' section of the application form will be removed after the funding deadline for your course. As this may not happen immediately, please do ensure that you apply by the funding deadline for your course if you wish to be considered for funding.

For over two thirds of Oxford scholarships, all you need to do is submit your graduate application by the funding deadline for your course, with no separate scholarship application process or extra supporting documentation required.

Based on the information supplied in your graduate application, you will be automatically considered for scholarships where you meet the eligibility criteria, with most scholarships using academic merit and/or potential as the basis on which award decisions are made.

To help identify the minority of scholarships that require an additional application, use the Fees, funding and scholarships search and look at individual college websites.

In this section of the application form, you will see that there are a small number of scholarships which require you to tick a box in order to apply for them. Click on the scholarship name to find out more about it. 

If a scholarship is marked with an asterisk on the application form (*), you must also submit additional supporting material in order to apply for it. Read the instructions carefully: you may be required to upload a supporting document to your application, such as a supporting statement of questionnaire, or submit it to a separate organisation.

If the document is to be included with your application, you will be able to upload it to your application form in the appropriate slot of the 'Supporting documentstab. For more information about uploading a scholarship statement, see the Supporting documents section of this guide. 

How to apply for a departmental studentship

A departmental studentship is a specific type of funding offered by an academic department of the University, usually to undertake a specific project.

If the course that a studentship is associated with is still open for standard applications, studentships will be advertised on the departmental website, with a studentship reference code. To apply for a studentship, you must enter the reference code in this section of the application form. The department's website will provide the closing date for the studentship; this information will not be shown on the course page.

Studentships associated with courses that have closed to standard applications will be advertised on the Courses open for studentships page.

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