Five quantum dots in different colours
Semiconducting nanocrystals ("quantum dots") luminescing in different colours depending on their size
(Image Credit: Argonne National Laboratory / Flickr)

MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care

About the course

The University of Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering (Department of Engineering Science) and the Department for Continuing Education, in collaboration with Begbroke Science Park, offer the part-time MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care. 

This advanced modular course is delivered by leading scientists and experts in this rapidly developing field and has been specifically designed for those who would value a part-time modular learning structure, for example those in full-time employment.

Nanomedicine is at the forefront of modern healthcare. Nanoparticles offer a new platform for drug delivery that can extend the 'patent life' of drugs, but also greatly increase the targeting and effectiveness of therapy. They can also enhance most of the medical imaging modalities, and in some cases offer a combined diagnostic and therapy, now called 'theranostics'.

Nanoparticle-based medicines are now becoming part of the mainstream approaches for diagnostics and therapy. A 2016 review identified 51 FDA-approved nanomedicines and 77 products undergoing clinical trials. By August 2018, 151 clinical trials using nanomaterials were completed or underway. Whilst most of these used fairly simple single-phase materials, there is a growing trend for more complex multi-functional nanomaterials and there are exciting possibilities ahead. Prime examples being the recent use of lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-based agents to deliver nucleotide payload for vaccination (COVID-19 Vaccines | FDA) and in liver directed gene therapy approaches (FDA approves first-of-its kind targeted RNA-based therapy to treat a rare disease | FDA). In addition to which a range of nanoscale viral-based vectors continue to make progress and achieve approval (FDA Approves First Gene Therapy to Treat Adults with Hemophilia B | FDA).

Nanotechnology is providing the basis for many of the new regenerative medicine approaches that are based on artificial scaffold structures and it offers solutions for many of the new generation of point-of-care biosensors and some of the advanced gene sequencing instrumentation. There are already early indications of improved healthcare outcomes, and the creation of new business and industry.

The University of Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME), an Institute within the Department for Engineering Science, is a world-class interdisciplinary centre for biomedical engineering research, where engineers and clinicians collaborate to address unmet needs in the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of major diseases and conditions. The Institute’s core research missions are to develop novel medical devices, technology and systems capable of delivering substantial healthcare benefit, and to translate new engineering technologies into clinical practice.

The MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care draws on the world-class research and teaching in nanotechnology and nanomedicine at the University of Oxford and aims to provide you with the necessary training to enable you to understand the principles of nanotechnology and its application in medical research and clinical practice.

The programme will appeal to professionals working in the commercial or healthcare sectors who develop or use nanotechnology in their work, including:

  • biomedical engineers
  • materials scientists
  • biotech-entrepreneurs
  • medical practitioners and dentists
  • chemists and pharmacists
  • electrical engineers
  • project managers in related industries
  • patent agents and patent lawyers
  • legislators
  • clinical research fellows, graduates and other researchers in a related area of science.

Course structure

The course is taken part-time as a mixture of online and face-to-face modules, consisting of six modules and a research project and associated dissertation. The programme is normally completed in two to three years. Students are full members of the University of Oxford and are matriculated as members of an Oxford college.

The course uses a blend of individual study together with group work during live online tutorials, conventional lectures and discussions and also requires the student to submit a dissertation reporting an original piece of nanomedicine-based research. The group sessions with tutors are particularly valuable because they offer highly focused learning and assessment opportunities.

The course comprises:

  • three online modules giving a thorough introduction to the fundamental science of nanotechnology and the behaviour and characterisation of nanoscale materials;
  • three five-day residential modules taught face-to-face in Oxford explaining the scientific, regulatory, clinical and commercial aspects of the application of nanotechnology to medicine and healthcare; and
  • an original research project of approximately 18 weeks to be written up as a dissertation.

The three online modules can be taken from anywhere in the world with tutors who provide online support and electronically replicate the Oxford tutorial system, whereas the three face-to-face modules offer intense, focused lectures from Oxford academics from a range of disciplines with expertise in this field. Assessment throughout the modules ensures that students can monitor their progress.

It is recommended that students plan to spend at least 10-15 hours per week in private study in addition to time spent in classes or participating in online learning.

Programme modules:

  • The Wider Context of Nanotechnology
  • The Fundamental Science of Nanotechnology
  • Fundamental Characterisation for Nanotechnology
  • Introduction to Bionanotechnology
  • Nanomedicine – Science and Applications
  • Clinical Translation and Commercialisation of Nanomedicine


This course is part-time. You will be required to attend three, five-day residentials in Oxford during the course.

Resources to support your study

As a graduate student, you will have access to the University's wide range of world-class resources including libraries, museums, galleries, digital resources and IT services.

The Bodleian Libraries is the largest library system in the UK. It includes the main Bodleian Library and libraries across Oxford, including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Together, the Libraries hold more than 13 million printed items, provide access to e-journals, and contain outstanding special collections including rare books and manuscripts, classical papyri, maps, music, art and printed ephemera.

The University's IT Services is available to all students to support with core university IT systems and tools, as well as many other services and facilities. IT Services also offers a range of IT learning courses for students, to support with learning and research.

The Rewley House Continuing Education Library, one of the Bodleian Libraries, is situated in Rewley House. The department aims to support the wide variety of subjects covered by departmental courses at many academic levels. The department also has a collection of around 73,000 books together with periodicals. PCs in the library give access to the internet and the full range of electronic resources subscribed to by the University of Oxford. The Jessop Reading Room adjoining the library is available for study.

Opening up possibilities for peer group interaction, students for the MSc in Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care are taught alongside those studying for other MSc and Post Graduate Diploma courses in the health sciences, as well as healthcare professionals undertaking the modules for continuing professional development.

The department provides various IT facilities, including the Student Computing Facility which provides individual PCs for your use. 


The allocation of graduate supervision for this course is the responsibility of the Department of Engineering Science and/or the Department for Continuing Education, and this role will usually be performed by the Course Director.

It is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff. A supervisor may be found outside the Department of Engineering Science and/or the Department for Continuing Education.


To qualify for the award of an MSc, you will need to:

  • Complete and pass six taught modules, submitting one or more written assignments with each module. All modules are compulsory. Modules 1-3 are taught online, Modules 4-6 in person in Oxford. You will also be expected to attend a Residential Weekend in Oxford at the end of Module 3.
  • Feedback will be provided for each submission when marks are released. Assessment is summative and weighted marks for each assignment will count towards your overall result for the MSc. Full details of the assessment structure are included in the Course Handbook provided to on-course students.
  • You will need to submit a research dissertation of up to 15,000 words. You will be expected to define your own dissertation topic in consultation with your allocated supervisor and the Course Director. You must submit your proposed title no later than the ninth term of study. You will have three terms to complete and submit the dissertation. Students normally begin work on their dissertation project in October with submissions due the following September.

Graduate destinations

Most students on this part-time course are already in full-time employment in related fields (commercial R&D, bio-entrepreneurship, academia, medicine) on commencement of their study. The course offers a contribution towards their professional development. In addition, several students who have recently completed their undergraduate course have used the MSc as a bridge to PhD studies.

The Department for Continuing Education regularly follows up with its alumni to find out what they have gone on to do after completing their course.

Changes to this course and your supervision

The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made if a pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency occurs. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study.

Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment.

For further information please see our page on changes to courses and the provisions of the student contract regarding changes to courses.

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