People walking under the Bridge of Sighs at sunset
Bridge of Sighs, Hertford College
(Image credit: Henry Lee (DPhil in Molecular and Cellular Medicine) / Graduate Photography Competition)

Courses accepting applications

Applications are still being accepted for entry in the 2025-26 academic year.

A-Z of courses that are open to applications

The table below contains a list of courses that are currently open to applications and use the standard graduate application form. The table can be filtered to display courses that have reopened to applications and/or courses that have been continuously open to applications since the start of the admissions cycle.

Filter by admissions status

Please select the course you are interested in for further information about how to apply and the closing date for applications.

Table of courses accepting applications via the standard graduate application form (106 in total, updated 14 March)
CourseApplications acceptedAdmission status
Applied Landscape Archaeology MScPart time studyOpen
Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition MScFull time studyOpen
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching MScPart time studyOpen
Applied Theology MThFull and part time studyOpen
Applied Theology PGDipFull and part time studyOpen
Archaeological Science DPhilFull time studyOpen
Archaeology (Full-time) DPhilFull time studyOpen
Archaeology (Part-time) DPhilPart time studyOpen
Architectural History DPhilPart time studyOpen
Architectural History PGCertPart time studyOpen
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics DPhilFull time studyOpen
Atomic and Laser Physics DPhilFull time studyOpen
Biology DPhilFull time studyOpen
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (Oxford-GSK) DPhilFull time studyOpen
Cancer Science (Intercalation) DPhilStudentshipsReopened 28 Feb 2025 (studentship applications only)
Chemical Synthesis for a Healthy Planet  Full time studyOpen
Chemistry DPhilFull time studyOpen
Classical Archaeology DPhilFull time studyOpen
Clinical Embryology MScFull time studyOpen
Clinical Medicine DPhilFull and part time studyOpen
Clinical Neurosciences DPhilFull and part time studyOpen
Clinical Neurosciences MSc by ResearchFull and part time studyOpen
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy DPhilPart time studyOpen
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PGCertPart time studyOpen
Computer Science DPhilFull time studyOpen
Condensed Matter Physics DPhilFull time studyOpen
Creative Writing MStPart time studyOpen
Doctorate in Medicine (DM) DMPart time studyOpen
Early Childhood Education PGDipPart time studyOpen
Earth Sciences DPhilFull time studyOpen
Ecological Survey Techniques PGCertPart time studyOpen
Education (Child Development and Education) MScFull time studyOpen
Education (Comparative and International Education) MScFull time studyOpen
Education (Digital and Social Change) MScFull time studyOpen
Education (Research Design and Methodology) MScFull and part time studyOpen
Educational Assessment MScPart time studyOpen
Engineering Biology  Full time studyOpen
Engineering Science DPhilFull time studyOpen
English as an Additional Language PGDipPart time studyOpen
English Local History DPhilPart time studyOpen
Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy PGCertPart time studyOpen
Evidence-Based Health Care (Medical Statistics) MScPart time studyOpen
Evidence-Based Health Care (Systematic Reviews) MScPart time studyOpen
Evidence-Based Health Care (Teaching and Education) MScPart time studyOpen
Evidence-Based Health Care DPhilPart time studyOpen
Evidence-Based Health Care MScPart time studyOpen
Experimental and Translational Therapeutics MScPart time studyOpen
Fundamentals of AI (CDT) Full time studyOpen
Fusion Power (EPSRC CDT) Full and part time studyOpen
Global Health Research PGDipPart time studyOpen
Health Research PGCertPart time studyOpen
Health Research PGDipPart time studyOpen
Inorganic Materials for Advanced Manufacturing  Full time studyOpen
Integrated Immunology (Part-time) MScPart time studyOpen
Intellectual Property Law and Practice PGDipPart time studyOpen
Intellectual Property MScPart time studyOpen
Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period MPhilFull time studyOpen
Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period MStFull time studyOpen
Jewish Studies MPhilFull time studyOpen
Jewish Studies MStFull time studyOpen
Learning and Teaching MScPart time studyOpen
Materials 4.0 (EPSRC CDT) Full and part time studyOpen
Materials DPhilFull time studyOpen
Mathematics of Random Systems: Analysis, Modelling and Algorithms (CDT) Full time studyOpen
Medical Education MScPart time studyOpen
Medical Sciences DPhilFull and part time studyOpen
Modelling for Global Health MSCFull time studyOpen
Molecular Cell Biology in Health and Disease DPhilFull time studyOpen
Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care MScPart time studyOpen
Nanotechnology PGCertPart time studyOpen
Oncology DPhilFull time studyOpen
Oncology MSc by ResearchFull time studyOpen
Paediatric Infectious Diseases MScPart time studyOpen
Paediatric Infectious Diseases PGCertPart time studyOpen
Paediatric Infectious Diseases PGDipPart time studyOpen
Paediatrics DPhilFull time studyOpen
Paediatrics MSc by ResearchFull time studyOpen
Particle Physics DPhilFull time studyOpen
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement PGCertPart time studyOpen
Pharmacology DPhilFull time studyOpen
Pharmacology MSc by ResearchFull time studyOpen
Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics DPhilFull time studyReopened 10 Mar 2025
Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics MSc by ResearchFull time studyReopened 10 Mar 2025
Primary Health Care DPhilFull and part time studyOpen
Psychodynamic Counselling PGCertPart time studyOpen
Qualitative Health Research Methods PGCertPart time studyOpen
Sleep Medicine MScPart time studyOpen
Sleep Medicine PGDipPart time studyOpen
Statistics and Epidemiology PGCertPart time studyOpen
Statistics and Machine Learning  Full and part time studyOpen
Statistics DPhilFull time studyOpen
Statistics MSc by ResearchFull time studyOpen
Superconductivity: Enabling Transformative Technologies Full and part time studyOpen
Surgical Science and Practice MScPart time studyOpen
Surgical Sciences DPhilFull time studyOpen
Surgical Sciences MSc by ResearchFull time studyOpen
Sustainable Urban Development DPhilPart time studyOpen
Sustainable Urban Development MScPart time studyOpen
Teacher Education MScPart time studyOpen
Teaching Evidence-Based Health Care PGCertPart time studyOpen
Theology and Religion PGDipFull and part time studyOpen
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry MScFull time studyOpen
Translational Health Sciences DPhilFull and part time studyOpen
Translational Health Sciences MScPart time studyOpen
Women's and Reproductive Health DPhilFull and part time studyOpen
Women's and Reproductive Health MSc by ResearchFull time studyOpen

Courses that have a separate application process

Information about the status of courses that have a separate application process can be accessed via the relevant course page. Courses that have a separate application process include:

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