Wide shot of inside the Pitt Rivers Museum
The Pitt Rivers Museum, housing the University's anthropological collections
(Image Credit: Pitt Rivers Museum)

MSc in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology

About the course

The MSc in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology (VMMA) consists of a structured programme of lectures, classes, and tutorials from October to June, followed by individual study and the writing of a dissertation over the summer. 

Course structure

In addition to the teaching provided specifically for the VMMA programme, you will also be able to attend lectures in social anthropology to link your work to broader trends in the discipline. A programme of research seminars is available, some specifically for research students and others featuring talks by invited speakers, often from outside the University. The principal event in this programme is the departmental seminar, run weekly during term time.

The MSc is structured around teaching for four papers:

1. Contemporary themes in visual, material and museum anthropology

This paper focuses on topics such as visual and material cultures; photography; digital anthropology;, art and aesthetics; film and cinema; museum, colonialism, collecting, and contemporary debates; ethics and relationships with 'source communities'; production and consumption; transnational cultural flows and the wider issues of cross-cultural investigation.

2. Option paper

You will select one option paper from those taught each year for students in the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (SAME). Titles of options available will be made known at the beginning of each academic year.

3. Research methods in visual, material and museum anthropology

This paper consists of two parts. Paper 3a is an outline research proposal. Paper 3b is a methods portfolio consisting of a report on trials of a research method in visual, material, and museum anthropology.

4. Fundamental concepts in visual, material, and museum anthropology

This paper focuses on key issues and themes in visual, material and museum anthropology, including current anthropological debates relating to materials, bodies, environments, museums, photography, film, art, archives, and digital.


You will then use the next three months to research and write a dissertation for submission in September; you will be able to choose and refine the dissertation topic in consultation with your supervisor and other tutors as appropriate, but you will be required to write the dissertation unaided as a piece of independent research.


The course is full-time and requires attendance in Oxford. Full-time students are subject to the University's Residence requirements.

The School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography takes the view that full-time degrees require full-time study (ie equivalent to typical employment, around 40 hours per week, throughout the year). You should expect to spend six to eight hours per week in term time in formal teaching contexts (lectures, seminar groups, tutorials, classes), which can be supplemented with attendance of the many research and visiting speaker seminars on offer; the remainder of you time (ie around 30 hours per week) should be spent on independent study and preparation of submitted work. The periods outside term time are considered to be opportunities for further independent study, consolidating and supplementing the knowledge gained during the preceding term and preparing work for examination, as well as for an appropriate break from study.

Resources to support your study

As a graduate student, you will have access to the University's wide range of world-class resources including libraries, museums, galleries, digital resources and IT services.

The Bodleian Libraries is the largest library system in the UK. It includes the main Bodleian Library and libraries across Oxford, including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. Together, the Libraries hold more than 13 million printed items, provide access to e-journals, and contain outstanding special collections including rare books and manuscripts, classical papyri, maps, music, art and printed ephemera.

The University's IT Services is available to all students to support with core university IT systems and tools, as well as many other services and facilities. IT Services also offers a range of IT learning courses for students, to support with learning and research.

Workspaces are available in the school on a first-come, first-served basis. Laboratory and other dedicated workspaces and equipment for methods teaching will be provided where required. All students receive an email account.

The Pitt Rivers Museum has its own library, the Balfour Library. The Pitt Rivers Museum also has an online catalogue of its entire collections and a number of dedicated collections-based and research-related websites.

A student-run society, the Oxford University Anthropology Society, runs coffee mornings, talks and other social and academic events throughout the year. 


You will receive all or most of your academic supervision in the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography. You will have a named supervisor, possibly two, who will have overall responsibility for the direction of your work from inception to submission.

The allocation of graduate supervision for this course is the responsibility of the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography and it is not always possible to accommodate the preferences of incoming graduate students to work with a particular member of staff. Under exceptional circumstances a supervisor may be found outside the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography.

Students will normally meet with their supervisor at least twice per term, to discuss planning and progress. They also meet with their supervisors for tutorials and in other teaching contexts; students may also contact their supervisor at other times.


During the second term, you will be examined on one core paper. In the third term, you will be examined by two core papers, and a Research Methods assessment consisting of a methods portfolio and a research proposal. Core and option papers usually take the form of an essay or an unseen timed examination. 

You will submit a dissertation in August, which will be assessed. You will be required to write the dissertation unaided as a piece of independent research.

Graduate destinations

The conditions for applicants to proceed from an Oxford master's degree to a doctorate are:

  1. a viable project
  2. agreed supervision
  3. an overall mark of at least 67% in an Oxford anthropology master's degree
  4. the agreement of the School of Anthropology as a whole.

Many graduates enter teaching and research, though this often requires a doctorate. Others often go on to work in museums and galleries, design and market research companies, development agencies, NGOs etc.

Changes to this course and your supervision

The University will seek to deliver this course in accordance with the description set out in this course page. However, there may be situations in which it is desirable or necessary for the University to make changes in course provision, either before or after registration. The safety of students, staff and visitors is paramount and major changes to delivery or services may have to be made if a pandemic, epidemic or local health emergency occurs. In addition, in certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to course requirements for international study.

Where possible your academic supervisor will not change for the duration of your course. However, it may be necessary to assign a new academic supervisor during the course of study or before registration for reasons which might include illness, sabbatical leave, parental leave or change in employment.

For further information please see our page on changes to courses and the provisions of the student contract regarding changes to courses.


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