Campion Hall
About the college
Campion Hall is the Jesuit Hall in the University of Oxford. Its unique character combines the intellectual and educational traditions of Oxford with the Society of Jesus.
The hall is a welcoming and inclusive community of fellows, graduate students, and staff, who share the motivation to advance transformative learning, research, and outreach. A high value is placed on hospitality and care. The hall seeks to welcome everyone by name, and to offer students a holistic context that nourishes the heart and soul as well as the mind. In its research, Campion aims to promote a collaborative approach; encouraging attentiveness in reading and conversation, and interaction between disciplines. The hall seeks to develop research which contributes to the greater good.
Applicants are welcome from a wide variety of disciplines and backgrounds. The resources of the hall are well suited to students in the humanities and social sciences. Students working in development studies, theology, philosophy, ethics, environmental studies. politics, and history are regularly admitted.
In this small but diverse community which offers a common table for all meals, students experience fruitful regular interaction with their peers and with fellows.
College facilities
Library and IT services
The library enjoys a privileged location within the Lutyens designed building. Its collection mainly consists of Arts and Humanities subjects and it is especially strong in Modern Catholic Theology, Integral Ecology, and Jesuit studies. At present its stock consists of some 32,000 volumes (including serials) and is open 24/7 for Campion members.
IT connections are available throughout the hall, in all study-bedrooms and in the Norfolk House apartments.
Facilities for disabled students
Some study-bedrooms have been adapted for use by disabled students and there is step-free access to all the main facilities. Please contact Campion Hall about any accessibility requirements.
Campion aims for an 'upstream' approach to welfare by providing a supportive and relational context in which each individual may flourish. There is a Dean for Welfare and a Welfare Representative in the MCR, as well as the Senior Tutor and Chaplain who offer additional pastoral support. Each student has a College Advisor who keeps in regular contact with them during their studies.
The MCR Committee, elected from the student body, organises a number of social events each term. The President of the MCR is entitled to attend meetings of Governing Body to represent the students.
Accommodation and meals
Accommodation for students at Campion falls into two categories, both of which provide high quality accommodation in central Oxford.
Self-contained apartments are available in Norfolk House, about 100 metres from the main building. They are self-contained with a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen/living space.
There are also single-rooms, with shared bathrooms available in the ‘Lutyens Wing’ of the Jesuit residential part of the main building.
Campion provides free dining rights to all its students, throughout the year, whether they live in one of the hall buildings or elsewhere in Oxford. We want all students, whether they live in the building or not, to feel Campion Hall is their home while in Oxford.
This college accepts graduate students for the following courses:
Please note that not all subjects areas or streams of a particular course may be offered by this college. Please see the college information on the relevant course page for further details. For a comprehensive list of all graduate courses available at the University of Oxford, please refer to our courses A-Z listing.