The grounds and river Cherwell with Wolfson College in the distance
Wolfson College
(Image Credit: Kim Wilkinson)

Wolfson College

About the college

Wolfson is a modern and modernist college for graduate students and postdocs. It has been located for over 50 years in a traditional setting positioned on the tranquil banks of the River Cherwell, overlooking its own medieval meadows. 

Wolfson is an exciting and inspiring academic environment with a large scholarly community of students, senior academics, postdoctoral researchers and visitors. The college has since 2000 built on its academic prestige across the disciplines, establishing interdisciplinary research clusters for fellows and students, ranging from Quantum Computing to the Ancient World, and from Life Writing to the Climate Emergency. These academic initiatives have been matched by a new Academic Wing and 150-seat auditorium. 

The college was founded to create a relaxed and family-friendly atmosphere. There is family accommodation and a nursery. There are punts, canoes, an allotment and extensive gardens.

With its setting and ethos the College has been at the forefront of work to support biodiversity and decarbonisation. The entire College estate is now fossil-fuel free in scopes one and two (gas boilers all replaced by heat pumps, no emissions from the College, no use of fossil fuels, no investment in fossil fuels, all renewable energy supply, solar farm on our roofs) and each year we set an offset budget for scope three – supply chains – which we spend at college on green initiatives led by students.

The college is open, informal, diverse, democratic and multidisciplinary. Its ethos has been carried through from its founding President the historian of ideas Sir Isaiah Berlin, and is embedded in the college structure up to this very day. Wolfson has one single common room organisation to which all members of the college belong and which reflects the college’s egalitarian philosophy. It has no high table and no chapel. 

The college offers a number of scholarships each year and several new students receive scholarships either fully or partly funded by the college. Details of the scholarships available for entry in the current admissions cycle may be found on the college website. 

College tour

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