The chapel and quad in Exeter College
View across Front Quad with the MCR on the left and the Chapel on the right.
(Image credit: Greg Smolonski / Oxford University Images).

Exeter College

About the college

Graduates make a valuable, and valued, contribution to life at Exeter, both through regular events designed to stimulate intellectual debate and through the thriving MCR, which in 2016 celebrated the 50th anniversary of its foundation.

The college is one of the oldest in the University. Graduate students enjoy a lively and supportive community within Exeter's historic walls.

The Senior Tutor and the College Adviser system, provided by the college and independent of departmental or faculty supervision, build links with the college’s full-time academics. The college's modern graduate centre at Exeter House on Iffley Road provides a warm and welcoming base for graduates from all over the world.

The college funds several generous graduate scholarships, including one reserved for Exeter College students who want to stay on for a further degree - the Amelia Jackson Senior Studentship.

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