Balliol College with plants to the left and right
The Bursary and Porters Lodge in the Front Quad of Balliol College
(Image Credit: Greg Smolonski / Oxford University Images)

Balliol College

About the college

Balliol is one of the oldest and most centrally situated of the Oxford colleges, well known for its high academic standards, diverse community, friendly atmosphere and lively spirit of intellectual debate.

Balliol graduate students (members of the Middle Common Room) enjoy the advantages of being part of a large, established college and of forming an independent and active graduate community. The Graduate Centre, with the beautiful medieval building of Holywell Manor at its heart, has a thriving academic and social life, and the college is proud of its large, lively and international graduate community.

Students come from over 40 different countries and study an even greater variety of subjects. There is a programme of interdisciplinary seminars with distinguished outside speakers of many varieties and the Middle Common Room organises excellent internal research seminars. 

Balliol College also offers a range of graduate scholarships, and there is financial support in the form of bursaries, conference and research project grants, and additional funding for college activities.

College tour

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