Colourful buildings on Holywell Street
Holywell Street
(Image credit: Photovibe)


There is a wide range of accommodation available in Oxford for graduate students, provided both by the colleges and the University. In addition, many graduate students secure accommodation in the private sector.

The University can't guarantee accommodation to its graduate students. However, in 2018-19, 72% of full-time graduate 'freshers' (first-year students) were housed in college or University accommodation, and 53% of all full-time graduate students.

Ordinarily, your college will explain their process for applying for accommodation when you receive your college offer. Please be aware that if you apply after the main December or January deadline for your course, you'll typically receive a college offer much later than the majority of applicants.

If you receive your college offer relatively late in the admissions cycle and/or your college does not have any suitable accommodation available, there are still options available. The University's Graduate Accommodation Office may be able to help or you may need to seek accommodation in the private sector (refer to the University and private accommodation section of this page). 

Disabled students

If you have a disability which means that you have specific requirements related to your accommodation, please make sure that you declare this when you apply to your course. Colleges (and the University) have a range of rooms that can cater to a variety of needs, but these are allocated throughout the admissions cycle, and so suitable accommodation may not be available if your needs are not known until a late stage.

If you've declared a disability on your application form, you'll be contacted by the Disability Advisory Service with further advice if you receive an offer of a graduate place at the University.

Make sure that your College Accommodation Office (or the University's Graduate Accommodation Office) is aware of any specific needs when you apply for their accommodation.

Please note that no applicant can be guaranteed accommodation.

Part-time students

The University and its colleges cannot ordinarily accommodate part-time students, with the exception of Kellogg College and Keble College. If you are a part-time student and need to stay in Oxford for short blocks of time, some colleges offer their part-time college members the opportunity to book short-term accommodation. Please speak to your college directly to see if they are able to help you. 

The University Club and the Department for Continuing Education offer overnight accommodation. You may also find appropriate accommodation advertised in the Gazette or through University Rooms (an external website).

Please note that the the inclusion of a link to an external website on this page should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website, the site's owners, or their products and services.

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