Researching the past
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Study the language, literature, history and culture of an Asian or Middle Eastern civilisation.
'It involves immersion in a more distant culture than most courses. That makes it all the better for stretching one’s sense of what is most valuable, what can safely be left aside.'
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies tutor (Arabic)
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies can be studied on its own or as part of one of the following joint degrees:
Archaeology and Anthropology
'The remit is essentially every human society in the world both today and throughout the whole of history. You can pretty much study anything within that, which is so exciting!'
Archaeology and Anthropology student
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
'The subject is enormously diverse in time and place, and allows the exploration of almost anything important to human beings.'
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History tutor
Study the literature, history, philosophy, languages and archaeology of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds.
'If you are fascinated by human beings, how they think, behave, react and interact, as individuals, families and societies, then the ancient world offers you a laboratory to explore timeless problems in a context which is sufficiently familiar to make the issues familiar, but sufficiently different to allow distance and objectivity.'
Classics tutor
Classics can be studied on its own or as part of one of the following joint degrees:
History of Art
'History of Art allows students to engage with a wide range of visual material – from ancient to contemporary and from widely diverse cultures – whilst also developing all the core humanities transferable skills: essay writing, verbal communication, research and analysis, argument.'
History of Art tutor
'It strikes a balance between being creative, imaginative and moving, and statistical, factual and balanced.'
History tutor
History can be studied on its own or as part of one of the following joint degrees:
- History and English
- History and Modern Languages
- History and Economics
- History and Politics
- History (Ancient and Modern)
Human Sciences
'This degree is an amazing journey that introduces you to subjects and to questions you might not have found elsewhere. It better enables you to come to answers using an informed and interdisciplinary approach.'
Human Sciences tutor
Theology and Religion
Theology and Religion may include the historical study of a variety of religious traditions, from their ancient foundations to contemporary expressions. Theology and Religion can also be combined with Philosophy or Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
'I learned that, when trying to understand a religious text or tradition, it isn’t enough to make assumptions or ignore the originators, developers and later proponents of an idea. I realised I’d have to take seriously the disciplines of history and become a historian if my work was going to have any integrity.'
Theology and Religion student