A multi-coloured feathered artefact from the Pitt Rivers Museum.
An artefact from the Pitt Rivers Museum.
(Credit: Andrew Gosler)

Human Sciences

Course overview

UCAS code: BCL0
Entrance requirements: AAA
Course duration: 3 years (BA)

Subject requirements

Required subjects: Not applicable
Recommended subjects: Not applicable
Helpful subjects: Biology, Maths

Other course requirements

Admissions tests: TSA (Section 1)
Written Work: None

Admissions statistics*

Interviewed: 52%
Successful: 15%
Intake: 29
*3-year average 2022-24


Tel: +44 (0) 1865 274702
Email: admissions@ihs.ox.ac.uk

Unistats information for this course can be found at the bottom of the page

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small.

About the course

Human Sciences is an interdisciplinary degree course which enables students to study humans from multiple interconnecting perspectives across the biological and social sciences.

The degree allows students to make connections between biological, social and cultural phenomena.  Such connections are essential for addressing the major issues we face in a rapidly changing world. The programme offers an exciting and challenging alternative to more traditional undergraduate courses.

The BA in Human Sciences was founded in 1969 by specialists across a range of departments at the University. They recognised the need for an interdisciplinary understanding of fundamental issues and problems confronting human societies. This need is as critical now as it was then, as is reflected in the global intensification of interdisciplinary research across traditional subject boundaries in the decades since the degree began.

Central topics include:

  • the evolution of humans and their behaviour
  • molecular and population genetics
  • population growth and ageing
  • ethnic and cultural diversity
  • and human interaction with the environment, including conservation, disease, and nutrition.

Within a framework of human diversity and sustainability, Human Scientists study the connections between human biology, evolution, genetics, development, psychology, behaviour, ecology, demography, society and culture. This helps them to develop professional competences suited to addressing multidimensional human problems. 

The course is taught by specialists from across the University. Lectures introduce the material and provide the core concepts and theories for each paper. Tutorials allow students to consider particular topics in greater depth and draw connections across different perspectives and parts of the degree. They also allow students from different academic backgrounds to gain the necessary grounding across a range of competencies.

Option courses and dissertation preparation in the final year enable students to deepen their interdisciplinary training and expertise in particular topics of interest.

 student at a lecture students socializing Student studying

'In my first term alone I have studied human geography, anthropology, maths, physiology, genetics and evolution! That’s what I love about Human Sciences – it covers so many different areas and subjects. It’s interesting to develop an understanding of humans as both social and biological creatures by seeing how everything fits together.'


'Human Sciences is the perfect course for ever-curious, ‘all-rounders’ who refuse to be pigeonholed into arts vs sciences. Being exposed to such a wide range of subjects, viewpoints, and approaches fosters a diverse skill set invaluable for any future career.'


'Frequently friends on other courses, watching with envy as I studied such diverse and interesting subjects, said to me: "if I had known about Human Sciences earlier, I would have applied for that instead.'


Unistats information

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Human Sciences