An illuminated page of the 'Kennicott Bible'.
An illuminated page of the 'Kennicott Bible'. The Hebrew Bible owes its name to the English Hebraist, Benjamin Kennicott (1718-1783), who acquired it for the Radcliffe Library.
(Credit: Bodleian Library)

European and Middle Eastern Languages

Course overview

UCAS code: See combinations
Entrance requirements: AAA
Course duration: 4 years with year abroad (BA)

Subject requirements

Required subjects: A modern language (depending on course choice) 
Recommended subjects: Not applicable
Helpful subjects: Not applicable

Other course requirements

Admissions tests: MLAT
Written Work: None

Admissions statistics*

Interviewed: 91%
Successful: 37%
Intake: 13
Successful for a different course: 4%
Applicant intake for a different course: 2
*3-year average 2022-24

Modern Languages contact

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 270750

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies contact

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 278312

Unistats information for each course combination can be found at the bottom of the page

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small. 

About the course

The European and Middle Eastern Languages (EMEL) course enables students to combine papers in one of the languages taught in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages with papers in Arabic, Hebrew, Persian or Turkish taught in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. This provides opportunities to take advantage of the cultural links which exist between a number of European and Middle Eastern languages.

For example, appropriate combinations might well be French and Arabic, German and Turkish, or Hebrew and Russian. However, even some of the less obvious pairings would provide similar cultural and historical linkage. For example, Spanish and Turkish would be an interesting combination for the history of Sephardi Judaism, while Persian and Portuguese are important for the study of early colonial expansion.

Through its long-standing traditions and connections, Oxford has outstanding resources for the study of Middle Eastern and modern European languages. The Bodleian Libraries, including the Taylor Institution Library, have an extensive collection of books and manuscripts. The Taylor Institution is one of the biggest research and lending libraries devoted to modern European languages in the world.

Associated with the University is the Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, which houses the Leopold Muller Library with more than 35,000 volumes in Hebrew and more than 7,000 volumes in Western languages.

Middle East: year abroad arrangements 

You will normally spend your second year on an approved course of study in the Middle East. There are arrangements in place with partner universities and institutions to help you make the most of your time abroad. In addition to undertaking a study placement, students may also choose to undertake further language study or participate in internships.

Elisa (who studied French and Arabic) says: ‘I did my entire year abroad in Amman, Jordan. I studied Arabic at a French language and research institute called IFPO which I thoroughly enjoyed and was where my Arabic drastically improved. Amman is an exciting city with character and Jordan is a beautiful country with many places to visit and sights to see.’

Other year abroad activity and funding

You are strongly advised to spend the adjacent summers in a country where the European language of your choice is spoken. Past opportunities have typically included undertaking an internship or following a summer course for your chosen European language, which provides valuable experiences for improving language competence.

Some year abroad activities provide a salary, and other year-abroad funding is available from a variety of sources. Actual costs (such as course fees) and living costs will vary depending on the destination and the activity undertaken.

Some of the costs relating to year abroad activity may be subject to variation in the post-Brexit era. Visit the dedicated Study Abroad webpage for the latest information. You will need to pay for living costs during the year abroad, including accommodation and travel expenses, and there may be costs relating to visa requirements for travel.

UK students from lower-income households with means-tested assessments will remain eligible for Oxford’s generous bursary provision. Travel grants may be available through your college and/or the Faculty. For students who experience particular difficulties related to their year abroad, some hardship funds are also available from the Faculty. For UK students with a shortfall in their finances, the University’s Student Support Fund may also provide additional assistance. 

In certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to a course’s requirements for international study. Students who consider that they may be affected are asked to contact their department for advice.

Library students socializing

'The most important thing that studying at Oxford did for me was to provide me with the confidence to assert my opinions and the ability to substantiate my arguments. Having to defend your essays to someone a lot more knowledgeable within the tutorial system is a sure-fire way to build your self-assurance!'



'One day you might be studying literature, the next day you might be studying philosophy. You can also look at history - languages are a vehicle for the exploration of many different fields.'


Unistats information

Discover Uni course data provides applicants with Unistats statistics about undergraduate life at Oxford for a particular undergraduate course.

Please select 'see course data' to view the full Unistats data for each of our language courses.

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small. 

Visit the Studying at Oxford section of this page for a more general insight into what studying here is likely to be like.





Modern Greek




Arabic, Hebrew, Persian and Turkish