Sharing the cost

We aim to ensure that everyone who is offered a place at Oxford is able to study here.

Very few of the costs are paid upfront, and there is lots of financial support available for those from the UK, not just from government but also generous funding from Oxford.

Before coming to Oxford I was really worried about being a burden on my family in terms of money… But I was really surprised just how much financial support you get at Oxford. You have bursaries at most universities, but Oxford is really generous.


Most importantly I think the bursary has allowed me to enjoy myself more, as I am not constantly worrying about whether I have enough money to do something or not.


Having the eight week terms makes it quite easy to plan, because once you’ve paid for your battels (your college bill for the term) in first week, you can figure out what your major expenses are going to be, what's important to you and what you want to spend your money on.



The two main costs you will need to think about are living costs, which include food, accommodation and your social activities, and course fees, which are what you pay for your academic teaching and facilities. Did you know that an Oxford degree costs the same as most UK universities? If you are a Home student undertaking your first undergraduate degree, current University policy is to charge fees at the level of the cap set by the Government, which for 2025 will be £9,535. You can apply for government funding, which covers course fees and contributes to living costs. These loans are not expected to be paid back until after graduation, if you earn above a set amount, and there is a greater level of funding available for those from lower-income households.

A student grocery shopping in a supermarket


Oxford offers one of the most generous financial support packages available to UK students from lower-income households. Around one in four UK students at Oxford currently receive a non-repayable annual bursary, such as the Oxford Bursary or Crankstart Scholarships, which can be worth up to £6,090 per year. Extra support of up to £3,500 is available for students with additional needs such as those who are care-experienced or studying without family support.

Find out more about fees and funding on the undergraduate admissions website. 

Three students paying at an outdoor cafe

While university life can be expensive, I have been lucky enough to be financially supported through college bursaries, and this has allowed me to enjoy life in Oxford.


I’m a Crankstart Scholar, you do have to fulfil some eligibility requirements but they do give you quite a lot, and with that you get a lot of different opportunities, like different internships and 1:1 support.


In terms of finances, Oxford does help you along the way quite considerably.


Sign up to our Choosing Oxford newsletter and visit our undergraduate admissions website for all the latest information about applying to Oxford.

Please fill in our feedback form about this prospectus to be entered in a prize draw. 

Our 2025 University-wide undergraduate Open Days will be held on 2 and 3 July and 19 September. Further information will be published on our website in the build up.

A group of students sit in a restaurant. A waiter takes their orders.
A group of students in a restaurant.
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