English Literature & Modern Languages Study Day

Event date
Event time
10:00 - 16:00
Event cost
Free, with up to £100 travel reimbursement
New College
65 Holywell Street,
Information for visitors with disabilities

Disabled parking available upon request

Target audience
Parents, Students, Teachers
Age range
Age 16-17 (year 12)
Required Book here

On Saturday 8th June 2024, New College will host a study day for Year 12 state-school students who are interested in pursuing a degree at a Russell Group University in either:

Modern Languages

English Literature

A combination of the two

Up to £100 in travel expenses will be paid for by New College and a hot lunch in our Dining Hall will also be provided.

Following the event, attendees will encouraged to enter an essay competition which has a £500 cash prize. In addition, £250 worth of books will be donated to the winner's school library.

For more information and how to apply, please follow this link: www.new.ox.ac.uk/subject-study-days