For students over 16
If you are over the age of 16, these resources will help you delve further into current interests as well as perhaps leading you to explore new ones. Take a look at our broad subject areas to discover relevant academic resources as well as finding out how your deep enthusiasm for a subject area maps onto the undergraduate courses offered at Oxford.
Big thinking with real-world impact:
- BBC Future - A series of articles exploring interesting questions, from 'What's the best age to learn a language?' to 'Can AI help cure loneliness?'
- Big Tent! Big Ideas! - A programme of live events from 2020 bringing world-leading speakers and researchers into conversation to explore the biggest questions of our day.
- Oxplore - As the 'Home of Big Questions', Oxplore engages you with debates and ideas that go beyond the classroom. Big questions tackle complex ideas across a range of subjects and draw on the latest research undertaken at Oxford.
- Oxford Impact case studies - A collection of articles exploring Oxford research and its impact upon the world.
- Oxford Impact videos - A collection of videos exploring Oxford research and its impact upon the world.
- Oxford University Medium- The University's blog offers expert comment, drawing on research at Oxford.
- Springboard videos - These videos bring you cutting-edge research from Oxford's graduate students on a wide range of topics - from climate change and colonialism, to microbiomes and mathematical logic. Each video offers an introduction to a new topic, plus lots of activities and further resources to explore.
- TED Talks - A series of short and fascinating talks discussing bold ideas.
- Zooniverse - A platform that lets you contribute to real-life research projects.
Students, tutors and colleges recommend...
- St John's College Inspire Digital - A collection of articles, TED talks, video lectures, and competitions that delve into topics that interest you. There are also resources to help you prepare for university admissions.
- Library Quad - A hub of learning resources personally recommended by students at Trinity College.
- Staircase 12 - An online hub of resources and information for students thinking about applying to top universities, created by University College.
- University College Reading Bank - An online reading bank, with book reviews by University College students and tutors.
For all subjects...
- Digital Bodleian - The Bodleian Libraries’ digital collections are open to people from around the world for learning, teaching, personal enjoyment and research. There are more than 650,000 freely available digital objects on offer, from political cartoons and campaign posters to ancient manuscripts.
- Gresham College - Gresham College was founded to offer free lectures to the general public. You can access a huge range of their lectures online.
- In Our Time - BBC Radio programme exploring a wide range of historical topics with academics and experts from around the world.
- My HE Plus - Created by the University of Cambridge, this website helps you to explore subjects beyond the classroom.
- Suggested subject resources - Learning resources to help you explore subjects offered at Oxford.
Subject-specific resources
Languages and literature
Courses offered at Oxford:
- English Language and Literature
- Classics, European and Middle Eastern Languages
- Modern Languages
- Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics.
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Arabic, Islamic Studies - Middle East Studies Association - Publications and journals.
- Classics - Archives of Greek and Roman Drama - A centre for research into performances of Greek and Roman drama, with learning resources and event performances.
- Classics- Classical Art Research Centre - Research on ancient Greek and Roman art.
- Classics - Classics EPQ - Support in developing an EPQ in Classics, helping you to explore the relevance of ancient thought on current debates such as migration, conflict and gender.
- Classics - Classics for All - Reading room featuring book reviews and an online classical journal.
- Classics - Empires of Faith - Blog posts from the Empires of Faith research project, examining imagery from various current and lost religions.
- Classics - The Roman Society - Journals, publications and classics-related site visits.
- Classics, Arabic, Islamic Studies - Manar Al-Athar - Searchable images of archaeological sites, buildings and art, covering the areas of the former Roman empire.
- Classics, Philosophy - Omnibus Magazine - Magazine aimed at students in their final year of school or first year of university covering a range of academic topics.
- English - Great Writers Inspire - A collection of literary resources aimed at students from sixth-form to university, containing lectures, eBooks and essays focusing on great writers from around the world.
- English - Lest We Forget Project - A project aiming to collect and digitally archive First World War artefacts stored in bedrooms and attics across the UK.
- English - Online Chaucer Resources - A list of online and accessible resources for students studying Chaucer.
- English - The Poetry Foundation - An interactive website bringing poetry to life.
- English - Postcolonial Writers Make Worlds - An expansion of Great Writers Inspire with a set of free resources focusing on contemporary Black and Asian British writing.
- English - Shakespeare's Globe - A dedicated repository of resources specialising in Shakespeare.
- Linguistics - Creative Multilingualism - Learning resources from a research programme investigating the interconnection between linguistic diversity and creativity.
- Modern Languages - Adventures on the Bookshelf - A blog for students and teachers of Years 11 to 13, and anyone else with an interest in Modern Foreign Languages and Cultures.
- Modern Languages - Les Liaisons Dangereuses - A podcast series exploring the book, its author, and contemporary reception.
- Modern Languages - Oxford Spanish Literature Podcast - Listen in on our conversations with Spanish tutors to find out what's so fascinating about the literature they teach, why they love teaching it and why they think you might love it too.
- Philosophy - Philosophical Society - Articles, excerpts and passages that provide introductions to a range of philosophical topics.
- Philosophy- Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy- Introductions to philosophical topics.
- Psychology - Royal Psychology Society- Research articles, podcasts and blog posts from the Royal Psychology Society.
The natural world
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Archaeology and Anthropology
- Biology
- Earth Sciences (Geology)
- Geography
- Human Sciences.
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Archaeology - The Hellenic Journal - Journals, publications, events and lectures on Hellenic Studies.
- Archaeology - Omnibus Magazine - Magazine aimed at students in their final year of school or first year of university covering a range of academic topics.
- Biology - Conservation Optimism - Conservation resources produced in collaboration with young people, to inform and empower.
- Earth Sciences (Geology), Geography, Human Sciences - American National Museum of Natural History - A virtual tour of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
- Earth Sciences (Geology), Geography, Human Sciences - Project Drawdown - Latest science and insights from global thought leaders on climate solutions.
- Geography, Human Sciences - Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
Art and music
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Archaeology and Anthropology
- Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- Fine Art
- History of Art
- Music.
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Archaeology, Classics - The Hellenic Journal - Journals, publications, events and lectures on Hellenic Studies.
- Classics, History, Archaeology - Omnibus Magazine - Magazine aimed at students in their final year of school or first year of university covering a range of academic topics.
- History of Art - Art History Archive - A glossary of terms used within Art and Art History.
- History of Art - Ashmolean Museum resources - Downloadable learning resources and short videos on a range of topics including History of Art and Literature.
- History of Art, Fine Art - The Louvre - A virtual tour of the Louvre Art Gallery in Paris.
- History of Art, Fine Art - The National Gallery - An online version of the National Gallery's collections, where you can explore works of art.
- History of Art, Fine Art - Oxford Art Online - Articles covering ancient to contemporary art.
- History of Art, Fine Art - Royal Academy of Arts - Current exhibitions, news and blogs on art.
- Music - Classical Music - The official website of the BBC Music Magazine, featuring podcasts, reviews and artist interviews.
- Music - MusicMap - An interactive hub of popular music, showing how it is all connected.
Medical sciences
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical Sciences
- Medicine
- Human Sciences
- Psychology (Experimental).
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Human Sciences - Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
- Medicine - Health Careers - If you’re interested in finding out more about working as a doctor in the UK, this NHS website offers information about medical degrees and career options.
- Medicine - The Physiological Society - Journals, videos and a magazine that feature the latest developments in physiology, research, education and policy.
- Medicine - Wellcome - Discover research into mental health, infectious disease and climate and health.
- Psychology - Royal Psychology Society - Research articles, podcasts and blog posts from the Royal Psychology Society.
- Science - Interactive Periodic Table - An interactive periodic table offering information on each of the elements, as well as historic and alchemic alternatives.
Philosophical questions
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Philosophy (can only be studied as a joint course)
- Classics
- Law
- Theology and Religion.
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Classics - Archives of Greek and Roman Drama - A centre for research into performances of Greek and Roman drama, with learning resources and event performances.
- Classics - Classical Art Research Centre - Research on ancient Greek and Roman art.
- Classics - Classics EPQ - Support in developing an EPQ in Classics, helping you to explore the relevance of ancient thought on current debates such as migration, conflict and gender.
- Classics - Classics for All - Reading room featuring book reviews and an online classical journal.
- Classics - The Hellenic Journal - Journals, publications, events and lectures on Hellenic Studies.
- Classics - Manar Al-Athar - Searchable images of archaeological sites, buildings and art, covering the areas of the former Roman empire.
- Classics - The Roman Society - Journals, publications and classics-related site visits.
- Classics, Philosophy - Omnibus Magazine - Magazine aimed at students in their final year of school or first year of university covering a range of academic topics.
- Classics, Theology - Empires of Faith - Blog posts from the Empires of Faith research project, examining imagery from various current and lost religions.
- Law - BBC Law in Action - A radio show that analyses the law stories featuring in the news.
- Law - The Lawyer Portal - Advice about applying for Law at university and legal careers, as well as some opportunities and events with law firms.
- Law - Public Law for Everyone - Covers topical legal questions and issues.
- Philosophy - Philosophical Society - Articles, excerpts and passages that provide introductions to a range of philosophical topics.
- Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy - Introductions to philosophical topics.
Physical sciences
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Chemistry
- Earth Sciences (Geology)
- Engineering Science
- Geography
- Materials Science
- Physics.
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Chemistry - Chemistry Olympiad - Take part in the leading chemistry competition for secondary students across the British Isles.
- Chemistry - Isaac Chemistry - Online platform aimed at engaging GCSE and A-level students with Chemistry.
- Chemistry - Royal Society of Chemistry - Resources on the subject of Chemistry, from podcasts to online games.
- Earth Sciences (Geology), Geography - Project Drawdown - Latest science and insights from global thought leaders on climate solutions.
- Engineering - Greenpower - Design, build and race an electric car with Greenpower Education Trust.
- Engineering - I Want to Study Engineering - Aimed at students interested in Engineering, with online problems, video content and puzzles.
- Engineering - Royal Academy of Engineering - Engineering-specific news, features, blog posts and events.
- Geography - Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
- Physics - British Physics Olympiad - Annual physics competition, including past papers and other resources.
- Physics - Isaac Physics - Online platform aimed at engaging GCSE and A-level students with Physics.
- Physics - Telescope Guide - An astronomy calendar to help you plan for all of the best stargazing and astronomical events.
- Science - Interactive Periodic Table - An interactive periodic table offering information on each of the elements, as well as historic and alchemic alternatives.
- Science - Museum of Natural History virtual tour - A virtual tour of the University's Museum of Natural History.
- Science - Oxford Sparks - An online portal for engaging with the scientific developments happening in the University.
- STEM - Causeway Education - Ideas for wider reading for personal statements.
- STEM - New Scientist - Articles, podcasts, videos, courses and events.
- STEM - Women in STEM - Blog posts, features, articles and insights aimed specifically at women in STEM.
Researching the past
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Archaeology and Anthropology
- Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Classics
- History of Art
- History
- Human Sciences.
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Arabic, Islamic Studies - Middle East Studies Association - Publications and journals.
- Archaeology, Classics - The Hellenic Journal - Journals, publications, events and lectures on Hellenic Studies.
- Classics - Archives of Greek and Roman Drama - A centre for research into performances of Greek and Roman drama, with learning resources and event performances.
- Classics - Classical Art Research Centre - Research on ancient Greek and Roman art.
- Classics - Classics EPQ - Support in developing an EPQ in Classics, helping you to explore the relevance of ancient thought on current debates such as migration, conflict and gender.
- Classics - Classics for All - Reading room featuring book reviews and an online classical journal.
- Classics - Empires of Faith - Blog posts from the Empires of Faith research project, examining imagery from various current and lost religions.
- Classics - The Roman Society - Journals, publications and classics-related site visits.
- Classics, Arabic, Islamic Studies - Manar Al-Athar - Searchable images of archaeological sites, buildings and art, covering the areas of the former Roman empire.
- Classics, History, Archaeology - Omnibus Magazine - Magazine aimed at students in their final year of school or first year of university covering a range of academic topics.
- History - BBC History - Official website for the BBC History magazine, featuring articles, interviews and podcasts.
- History - Black Cultural Archives - Telling the story of the Black British experience.
- History - English Heritage: Story of England - Website covering thousands of years of English history.
- History - Historical Association - History journals and podcasts.
- History - Lest We Forget Project - A project aiming to collect and digitally archive First World War artefacts stored in bedrooms and attics across the UK.
- History - Postcolonial Writers Make Worlds - An expansion of Great Writers Inspire with a set of free resources focusing on contemporary Black and Asian British writing.
- History of Art - Art History Archive - A glossary of terms used within Art and Art History.
- History of Art - Ashmolean Museum resources - Downloadable learning resources and short videos on a range of topics including History of Art and Literature.
- History of Art, Fine Art - The Louvre - A virtual tour of the Louvre Art Gallery in Paris.
- History of Art, Fine Art - The National Gallery - An online version of the National Gallery's collections, where you can explore works of art.
- History of Art, Fine Art - Oxford Art Online - Articles covering ancient to contemporary art.
- History of Art, Fine Art - Royal Academy of Arts - Current exhibitions, news and blogs on art.
- Human Sciences - Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
Using mathematics
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Computer Science
- Earth Sciences (Geology)
- Economics (can only be studied as a joint course)
- Engineering Science
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics (can only be studied as a joint course).
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Computer Science - Christ Church Python Challenges - Can computers be used to create art? How fast can a computer read all of Wikipedia? Work out the answers to these questions using these exercises designed to teach Python programming language.
- Computer Science - Isaac Computer Science - Online platform for exploring computer science.
- Computer Science - National Museum of Computing - A virtual tour of the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park.
- Earth Sciences (Geology) - Project Drawdown - Latest science and insights from global thought leaders on climate solutions.
- Economics - Chatham House - Expert comment on current affairs, produced by a world-leading policy institute.
- Economics - The Economist - Expert commentary on current affairs and the economy.
- Economics - Freakonomics - Podcast episodes based on books about economics.
- Engineering - Greenpower - Design, build and race an electric car with Greenpower Education Trust.
- Economics - Institute of Economics Affairs blog - Publications, news and blogs on economics and politics.
- Economics - International Monetary Fund - Videos, articles, factsheets and an IMF DataMapper analysing the latest public financial developments.
- Engineering - I Want to Study Engineering - Aimed at students interested in Engineering, with online problems, video content and puzzles.
- Engineering - Royal Academy of Engineering - Engineering-specific news, features, blog posts and events.
- Mathematics - Oxford Mathematics Alphabet - The Mathematics Alphabet presents engaging mathematical ideas and the latest research.
- Mathematics - Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures Online - Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures enable anyone with an interest in the subject to see the best mathematicians in action.
- Mathematics - Oxford Online Maths Club - Online maths club with problem-solving and puzzles, as well as interesting mini-lectures on a variety of mathematical topics.
- Mathematics - Tom Rocks Maths - A series of videos and articles created by Oxford Mathematics tutor Dr Tom Crawford.
- Physics - British Physics Olympiad - Annual physics competition, including past papers and other resources.
- Physics - Isaac Physics - Online platform aimed at engaging GCSE and A-level students with Physics.
- Physics - Telescope Guide - An astronomy calendar to help you plan for all of the best stargazing and astronomical events.
- STEM - Causeway Education - Ideas for wider reading for personal statements.
- STEM - New Scientist - Articles, podcasts, videos, courses and events.
- STEM - Women in STEM - Blog posts, features, articles and insights aimed specifically at women in STEM.
People and society
Courses offered at Oxford:
- Archaeology and Anthropology
- Economics (can only be studied as a joint course)
- Geography
- Human Sciences
- Law
- Politics (can only be studied as a joint course).
Visit our A-Z of courses for a full list of our undergraduate courses and combinations.
- Archaeology - The Hellenic Journal - Journals, publications, events and lectures on Hellenic Studies.
- Archaeology - Omnibus Magazine - Magazine aimed at students in their final year of school or first year of university covering a range of academic topics.
- Archaeology and Anthropology - British Museum - A virtual tour of the British Museum in London.
- Economics - Freakonomics - Podcast episodes based on books about economics.
- Economics - International Monetary Fund - Videos, articles, factsheets and an IMF DataMapper analysing the latest public financial developments.
- Geography, Human Sciences - Project Drawdown - Latest science and insights from global thought leaders on climate solutions.
- Geography, Human Sciences - Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
- Law - BBC Law in Action - A radio show that analyses the law stories featuring in the news.
- Law - The Lawyer Portal - Advice about applying for Law at university and legal careers, as well as some opportunities and events with law firms.
- Law - Public Law for Everyone - Covers topical legal questions and issues.
- Politics - British Politics: A Very Short Introduction - Provides a theoretical basis for understanding and studying politics.
- Politics - Talking Politics - Politics podcast that every week features the ideas and events that shape our world.
- Politics - United Nations - Articles about international affairs and sustainable development from a variety of agencies, funds and programmes.
- Politics, Economics - Chatham House - Expert comment on current affairs, produced by a world-leading policy institute.
- Politics, Economics - The Economist - Expert commentary on current affairs and the economy.
- Politics, Economics - Institute of Economics Affairs blog - Publications, news and blogs on economics and politics.
- Politics, Law - Amnesty International - Global charity researching human rights abuses and campaigning for change.
- Science - Museum of Natural History virtual tour - A virtual tour of the University's Museum of Natural History.
- Science - Oxford Sparks - An online portal for engaging with the scientific developments happening at Oxford.