The Dr Ateh Jewel Foundation Awards

These awards, are available to UK undergraduates of Black African and Caribbean heritage who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. The programme is funded by the generosity of Dr Ateh Jewel, an award-winning journalist and diversity advocate.

The Dr Ateh Jewel Foundation Awards will provide a one-off payment of £3,300 to three students for 2024 entry.

Am I eligible?

Nationality and Residency: Applicants must be ordinarily resident in the UK and of Black African or Caribbean heritage (including applicants of mixed race with Black African or Black Caribbean heritage) 
Level of study:Undergraduate. Applications will not be considered from those applying for a second undergraduate degree.
Year of study:New students
Subject: All subjects in the course listing
College:All colleges
Other criteria: 

The scholarship, available to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, will be awarded taking into account the following criteria:

  1. Your level of household income.
  2. Socio-economic and educational measures of disadvantage, based on contextual undergraduate admissions data as used by the University. Visit our dedicated admissions page for more information. 
  3. A statement of between 500 and 1,000 words explaining why the scholarship would be beneficial to your studies at Oxford, how it would help you to achieve your academic goals, and how your education would be of future benefit to your community and/or society. 
  4. Evidence of your academic progress and achievements, as detailed in your UCAS form.  

What does it cover?

Duration: 1 year.
Number: Three awards will be available for 2024 entry

How do I apply?

  1. You must make an application to the University of Oxford for an undergraduate course through UCAS by 11 October 2023, and be successful in gaining a place for entry in 2024.
  2. If you have been offered a place at the University of Oxford for an undergraduate course for 2024 entry, you should read the Guidance notes (please see ‘Related documents’ on this page) and complete the application form online (please see ‘Related websites’ on this page) by 12 noon (UK time) on 19 June 2024
  3. The selection process will be undertaken in early summer 2024.
  4. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application in August 2024.

Further information

  • Applicants will be required to have applied to the Student Finance agency in their home region (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland) for an assessment of their household income and to have agreed for household income to be shared with the University of Oxford.*
  • Priority will be given to applicants whose household income is assessed as £32,500 or less. Applicants with a household income of between £32,500 and £50,000 may also apply.
  • Scholars will be expected to write a report at the end of their first academic year about their academic and social activities and achievements at the University.
  • If you are participating in Oxford’s Astrophoria Foundation Year Programme in 2023/24 and you would like to apply for this scholarship to support your undergraduate degree course commencing in October 2024, please apply for the scholarship once applications open in late spring 2024.

*UK-resident students who are not eligible to receive government support (tuition fee loans and/or maintenance loans/grants) may apply for the award if they meet all other eligibility criteria. In such a case, students would still be required to submit material allowing their household income to be assessed.