Fee liability
Your length of fee liability is the length of time that you have to pay course fees to the University. Your normal period of fee liability will usually be the same as the standard length of your course.
Fee liability information
For undergraduate qualifications the expected completion time is dependent on the course, but is usually three to four years. Course fees are payable for every year a student is registered on course.
You are required to pay your course fees for the year no later than Week 1 in the term in which you commence study, or seven days after the actual start date of your course if this is later. We recommend you contact your college to check payment arrangements.
If you are an Undergraduate Home student who is in receipt of a tuition fee loan from the UK Government you should have your funding in place by the end of Week 1 of your first term.
Detailed information is contained in the University's Regulations on Financial Matters, which are the definitive source for information on University fees.