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A Psychology test.
(Credit: Psychology Department)

Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics

Course overview

UCAS code: See course combinations
Entrance requirements: A*AA
Course duration:
     4 years (MSci) - CV85 and CQ81
     3 years (BA) - VQ51

Subject requirements

Required subjects: Not applicable
Recommended subjects: For Psychology: one or more sciences (including Psychology) or Maths.
Helpful subjects: For Linguistics: English Language, Maths, a science or language.

Other course requirements

Admissions tests: TSA (Section 1)
Written Work: None

Admissions statistics*

Interviewed: 38%
Successful: 14%
Intake: 38
*3-year average 2022-24

Psychology contact

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 271353
Email: admissions@psy.ox.ac.uk

Philosophy contact

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 276926
Email: enquiries@philosophy.ox.ac.uk

Linguistics contact

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 280400
Email: enquiries@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk

Unistats information for this course can be found at the bottom of the page

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small.

About the course

Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics (PPL) are closely interrelated disciplines, so studying a combination of them allows students to explore different aspects of each subject, resulting in a very varied and dynamic course.

Psychology addresses such questions as: how do we perceive and understand the world around us? How do children acquire language? What predisposes two people to get on with each other? What causes schizophrenia?

Philosophy is concerned with a wide range of questions including ethics, knowledge, and the nature of mind.

Linguistics is the study of language in all its aspects, including the structure of languages, meaning (semantics), pronunciation, and how people understand, mentally represent and generate language.

Psychology at Oxford is a scientific discipline, involving the rigorous formulation and testing of ideas. It works through experiments and systematic observation rather than introspection. Data science and coding play an important role in how we train students.

The Oxford Experimental Psychology Department is widely regarded as one of the leading psychology departments in the UK. At present, there are particularly strong groups in the fields of human cognitive processes, neuroscience, language, developmental, social psychology and psychological disorders.

The Oxford Philosophy Faculty is one of the largest Philosophy departments in the world, and regularly tops international rankings. Philosophers at Oxford have active interests in the philosophy of language and of logic, philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of science, and maintain close links with those working in neuroscience and psychology.

The Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics brings together scholars working in:

  • theoretical and descriptive linguistics (especially syntax, semantics and phonology)
  • experimental phonetics
  • psycholinguistics
  • linguistics of the Romance languages
  • historical linguistics and comparative philology.

Unlike other subjects in the humanities, it includes two scientific research laboratories – the Language and Brain Laboratory and the Phonetics Laboratory.

Students taking Psychology as one of their subjects can elect to graduate after three years with a BA degree. Alternatively, they can decide to remain for an optional fourth year composed of a research-intensive, clinically-focused or translation-focused extended project in Experimental Psychology and allied disciplines. Students who complete the fourth year will graduate with a Master’s degree in PPL.

Students studying students at a lecture

'It's really flexible in that you get to choose which papers you want to take and the split you want between psychology and philosophy. Sometimes, there is a cool crossover between a particular topic, allowing you to look at it from two completely different angles and disciplines. The 3rd year options for psychology are really varied and specialised, taught by a leading researcher in the area. You get to learn from top experts in the field, which is such a privilege.' 



'PPL is a great course where you really have the chance to take control of your learning and explore whatever interests you in a huge range of subjects from Philosophy, Linguistics and Psychology. You can explore how these three subjects intersect with each other in surprising ways, or you could also get a taste of many different interesting aspects of all three. What I like about PPL is that you aren't trapped in and restricted to just one faculty, you get to pursue whatever interests you in a range of different subjects!'


Unistats information

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Please select 'see course data' on the following course option to view the full Unistats data for Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics. 

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Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics