A tutor in a lab coat in an Old Road Campus lab
Medical research, Old Road Campus
Credit: John Cairns. This image comes from Oxford University Images

Medicine (graduate-entry / accelerated)

Course overview

UCAS code: A101
Entrance requirements: See Admissions Requirements tab
Course duration: 4 years (BM BCh)

Other course requirements

Admissions tests: UCAT
Written Work: None

Admissions statistics*

Interviewed: 37%
Successful: 14%
Intake: 32
*3-year average 2022-24


Email: geadmissions@medsci.ox.ac.uk

Unistats information for this course can be found at the bottom of the page

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small.

About the course

This page is about the four-year graduate-entry/accelerated medicine course (A101). 

Visit the A100 page to find out about our standard-entry medical degree. 

The four-year graduate-entry/ accelerated course (UCAS code A101 BMBCh4) is open to graduates who have a degree in an experimental science subject.

The course has a strong emphasis on the academic basis of medicine taught within a clinical context. We aim to produce doctors who are broadly educated in science and clinical practice, and whose clinical practice is informed by their scientific approach to medicine.

Fostering discussion-based learning within a small cohort, the programme builds upon the skills students have developed during their prior studies. It includes a thorough exploration and critical appraisal of both clinical and scientific literature, focusing on its application to clinical practice.

The first year integrates early clinical teaching in both hospital and community settings, giving students a solid foundation in clinical practice from the outset. Students also have the opportunity to explore personal interests through the Academic Special Interest Project and the Longitudinal Patient Case Study.

In addition to the teaching on the course, the college system provides weekly teaching from a college tutor (usually in groups of 2-4) in the early years. College tutors also provide strong pastoral support throughout the course.

This may be the right course for you, if you:

  • have a strong academic record
  • are interested in the scientific basis of clinical practice
  • value the opportunity to pursue independently areas of interest
  • are self-disciplined and able to plan your learning to manage the intensive curriculum delivered in an accelerated programme.

The first two years cover core medical science and clinical skills. In the first year the curriculum focuses on biomedical science taught within a clinical context which is combined with clinical teaching. In the second year, students continue with further core medical science, with increased time spent on clinical attachments. 

The final two years are shared with the six-year course. Students are fully integrated into the clinical course by the end of the second year of the programme and take the same final exams as candidates on the six-year course.

Unistats information

Discover Uni course data provides applicants with Unistats statistics about undergraduate life at Oxford for a particular undergraduate course.

Please select 'see course data' to view the full Unistats data for Medicine (graduate entry).

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small. 

Visit the Studying at Oxford section of this page for a more general insight into what studying here is likely to be like.

Medicine (graduate entry)