The Grand Canal and Basilica Santa Maria della Salute in Venice, Italy.
Grand Canal and Basilica Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, Italy.
(Image credit: Shutterstock).

History and Modern Languages

Course overview

UCAS code: See course combinations
Entrance requirements: AAA
Course duration: 4 years with year abroad (BA)

Subject requirements

Required subjects: A modern language (depending on course choice)
Recommended subjects: History
Helpful subjects: Not applicable

Other course requirements

Admissions tests: MLAT (depending on the course)
Written Work: One piece

Admissions statistics*

Interviewed: 83%
Successful: 25%
Intake: 19
Successful for a different course: 9%
Applicant intake for a different course: 9
*3-year average 2022-24

History contact

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 615000

Modern Languages contact

Tel: +44 (0) 1865 270750

Please note that there may be no data available if the number of course participants is very small.

About the course

A degree course in History and Modern Languages with us is an exciting way to explore language, culture and history from across the globe, and to develop skills that will open a wide range of career opportunities.

The course is an excellent way to combine the study of a single European language with a broader humanities education. In studying History and Modern Languages, you can call on the forensic literary skills of a linguist in interrogating historical documents. You can also draw on your understanding of political, social and economic developments to enrich your engagement with literature, film and other culture.

Our course is celebrated for its wide scope and the enormous amount of choice offered. In History you can study options on any part of British and European history from the declining years of the Roman Empire to the present day. You can also take options on North American, Latin American, Asian and African history.

In modern languages, as well as developing a high level of fluency and confidence in your language, you can study its thought and literature from medieval times right up to the present day, as well as twentieth- and twenty-first-century cinema.

Your studies can take you wherever your language is spoken, including post-colonial nations from Algeria to Argentina, perhaps inspiring you to explore some of them in person during the course’s year abroad.

Throughout the course you are encouraged to follow your interests, drawing connections between the history and modern languages sides of the course wherever and whenever is most fascinating to you. That includes the final-year dissertation project, which brings history and modern languages together in a combined study of a topic of your choice.

Oxford has a rich environment for the study of history and modern languages with teaching often led by world-leading experts, vast library resources, language training and overseas contacts. Undergraduate students have access to the Taylor Institution Library, the biggest research library in Britain devoted to modern languages. Our undergraduate students also have access to the History Faculty Library housed in the Radcliffe Camera.

The University’s well-equipped Language Centre has resources specifically tailored to the needs of History and Modern Languages students. Our students use the skills they have developed with us to build successful careers in such diverse fields as business, journalism, international relations and the creative industries.

International opportunities

History and Modern Languages students spend a compulsory year abroad, usually in the third year. 

Opportunities for the year abroad include (but aren’t restricted to):

  • working as a paid language assistant in a school;
  • undertaking an internship;
  • and/or studying at a University.

These all provide valuable experiences for improving language competence.

The University is working with European partners to maintain the opportunities available to its students post-Brexit. University exchanges, language assistantships and work placements continue to be available as opportunities for your year abroad.

In certain circumstances, for example due to visa difficulties or because the health needs of students cannot be met, it may be necessary to make adjustments to a course’s requirements for international study. Students who consider that they may be affected are asked to contact their department for advice.

Funding during the year abroad

Some year abroad activities provide a salary, and other year-abroad funding is available from a variety of sources. Actual costs (such as course fees) and living costs will vary depending on the destination and the activity undertaken.

Some of the costs relating to year abroad activity may be subject to variation in the post-Brexit era. Visit the dedicated Study Abroad webpage for the latest information. You will need to pay for living costs during the year abroad, including accommodation and travel expenses, and there may be costs relating to visa requirements for travel.

UK students from lower-income households with means-tested assessments will remain eligible for Oxford’s generous bursary provision. Travel grants may be available through your college and/or the Modern Languages Faculty. For students who experience particular difficulties related to their year abroad, some hardship funds are also available from the Faculty. For UK students with a shortfall in their finances, the University’s Student Support Fund may also provide additional assistance.

 students at a lecture

'I loved both History and German at A-level, and couldn’t imagine not studying either, so when I discovered that Oxford offered a course that would enable me to study both in greater detail, I decided to apply.

‘Greater detail’ turned out to be an understatement! One of the great things about History and Modern Languages is that I can choose how much the subjects work together. You can study the literature and the history of a period at the same time, or (like me) you can keep the two separate – my papers this year cover everything from 19th-century Britain to medieval German literature, modern linguistics and the Cold War.'


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