Exeter College
About the college
Exeter is the fourth-oldest college in Oxford, renowned for its warm welcome and supportive community. The College is a place where life-long friendships flourish in no time at all.
Accommodation is provided for three years of an undergraduate’s course, and usually for a fourth year for those who want it. All first-year students live on the main college site on Turl Street (Exeter's home since 1315), right in the heart of central Oxford. Other college accommodation, with self-catering facilities, is available in vibrant East Oxford, and Cohen Quad, Exeter's state-of-the-art multi-award winning site in fashionable Jericho.
During term time, three meals a day are served in Exeter’s Jacobean dining hall, and Cohen Quad’s 'Dakota Café' is a much-loved venue for socialising, studying, and refuelling.
Exeter’s stunning Victorian Gothic library was restored and modernised in 2023, with the installation of a lift and wheelchair-accessible toilet, more reader spaces, environmentally-friendly lighting and ventilation systems, charging points at every desk, and even a couple of secret doors!
The transformed library is not only breathtakingly beautiful but also a comfortable, functional and inspirational study space.
The College walls house a beautiful garden, which offers outstanding views over Radcliffe Square. Exeter College is the perfect mix of Oxford’s celebrated architecture and 21st-century study facilities.
Facilities include:
- on-site gym
- dining hall
- bar
- café
- chapel
- music practice rooms
- performance space
- learning space
- sports ground
- boathouse.
Exeter is home to a wide range of student groups, clubs and societies, including our excellent student-led choir, a life-changing student-run charity (ExVAC), plus fantastic music, art, theatre and sports teams.
Read more on the college website.
Exeter is...
'…small enough that you’ll never feel lost, but big enough that everyone finds their place. It’s a very inclusive and diverse environment, making it easy to settle in.'
'…impressive catering facilities, particularly at lunch time where there’s so much choice on offer.'
'…having communal spaces which are really well used.'
'…having fun with college sports teams – they’re all really close and friendly communities, as I’ve found with the rugby team.'
'...a perfect blend of old and new, historic architecture meets 21st-century innovation.'
College facilities
Visit our College Facilities page to compare facilities across different colleges.
College accommodation
Accommodation | College availability |
All first years on site | Yes |
Usually offered for three years | Yes |
Usually offered for first year and one other year | No |
Usually offered for all years | No |
Some vacation storage for international students | Yes |
Catering type | College availability |
Dining hall | Yes |
Bar | Yes |
Café | Yes |
Facility type | College accommodation |
Gym on site | Yes |
Boathouse | Yes |
Library open 24/7 | Yes |
Computer rooms/stations | Yes |
Wi-Fi throughout college | Yes |
Music room | Yes |
Theatre/performance space | Yes |
Chapel | Yes |
Multi-faith prayer room | No |
Clubs and societies
Club / society | College availability |
Music society | Yes |
Orchestra(s) | No |
Choir(s) | Yes |
Dramatic society | Yes |
College student magazine/paper | Yes |
Some subject societies | Yes |
Other societies | Yes |
Courses Available
- Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular)
- Biomedical Sciences
- Chemistry
- Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- Classics
- Classics and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Classics and English
- Classics and Modern Languages
- Computer Science
- Earth Sciences (Geology)
- Economics and Management
- Engineering Science
- English Language and Literature
- English and Modern Languages
- Fine Art
- History
- History (Ancient and Modern)
- History and English
- History and Modern Languages
- Law (Jurisprudence)
- Law with Law Studies in Europe
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Mathematics and Philosophy
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Medicine
- Modern Languages
- Modern Languages and Linguistics
- Music
- Philosophy and Modern Languages
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
- Physics
College outreach
Link areas
In order to ensure that all areas of the UK are fully supported by the University of Oxford, our colleges are working together to establish Oxford for UK, a series of regional outreach programmes offering tailored and local support to students of mixed ages, their parents and teachers.
Getting in touch with the college linked to your region has no influence on your chances of being accepted to this or any other particular college. You are also very welcome to get in touch with any other college for advice about applying or studying here.
Exeter College is part of Oxford for South West.
Link Local Authorities
Isles of Scilly
North Somerset
City of London
Outreach programmes
Access and Outreach has long been a key component of Exeter College’s activities. We wish to open our doors to students with great academic potential to excel at the University of Oxford, no matter what background they come from.
Through our access and outreach work we are committed to widening access to higher education and increasing social mobility for those who are currently under-represented in 3rd level education in general, and at Exeter College and Oxford in particular.
Exeter College runs a variety of access and outreach programmes for state schools and students of all ages to introduce them to the University of Oxford. We are open to working with state schools from all across the UK, especially those in our link region in the South West of England.
Our regional work includes school visits and a summer residential for Year 12 students.
"It broke down a lot of the presumptions that people had surrounding the admissions process, and made them seem much more achievable than you initially would think them to be which I found very encouraging!"
Student on a school visit, 2024
"Brilliant structure. Very organised."
Teacher on a school visit, 2024
We also run visits for prospective applicants from beyond our link regions including our Subject Days and Open Days.
Exeter Plus
Exeter College also runs the Exeter Plus bridging programme for a group of selected offer holders ahead of their first term. The residential aims to support a group of first year students in the transition from school to university by teaching study skills and providing academic challenges. This helps students acclimatize to the new academic environment and to experiment with new working methods before beginning their degree in earnest.
“Exeter Plus has been a great opportunity to make friends with a small and varied cohort of people, and has made me a lot more confident about my time at Oxford and my degree! The work was very useful, and getting one-to-one mentoring sessions has been an amazing opportunity. It has been an amazing experience.”
Exeter Plus bridging programme attendee, 2024
More information on the programme can be found on our website.
Access and Outreach at Exeter
Access and Outreach Manager: Ellie Lee
Outreach +44 (0) 1865 610532
Admissions +44 (0) 1865 279668
[email protected]
Postal address:
Exeter College
Turl Street, Oxford OX1 3DP