Learning at Oxford
Learning at Oxford

What is learning like at Oxford?

Some students want to study their favourite school subject at university, others want to learn about something new.

Choosing a course is the most important decision students make when applying to university. We know it can be difficult to decide, but what matters most is that your child chooses a course they really want to know more about and will enjoy studying.

Whatever their degree course, our students have a choice of exciting careers when they finish here.

How can they choose the right course?

There are several different ways to pick the right course to study.

A favourite subject 

Some people have a favourite subject from school that they want to study at university. It is worth looking at the detail of what is involved in the course, as some subjects can be quite different at university than at school.

Several subjects combined 

Oxford offers a range of ‘joint’ courses, which are different subjects studied together at the same time. This means that students can explore different subjects they are interested in, and see how they can work together.

Something new

There are also lots of courses that are not normally available at school, for example Archaeology and Anthropology, Biochemistry, and Human Sciences. These courses are perfect for students who want to learn about something new that fascinates them.

Are courses at all universities the same?

Courses at different universities can be very different, even if they are called the same thing.

It is a good idea for your child to look at the detail of what is involved in the course to make sure it covers what they are interested in.

What are courses at Oxford like?

There are a wide range of courses at Oxford, but they have some things in common.
  • All of our courses last at least three years, but some can take four or five. This is usually if they include a year abroad or an extended project.
  • All of our courses include essential topics, plus various options that students can choose from, depending on what they are most interested in.

What grades are needed to get in?

The grades that a student gets at A-level (or equivalent) make a big difference to the university courses that might be open to them. Students also need to have studied certain subjects to be able to apply for some courses.

To make a strong application to Oxford, a student would be expected to get three A-levels (or equivalent).

The grades they need vary depending on the course they apply to, and many successful candidates actually get higher grades than these, but it is usually around:

  • A-levels: A*A*A-AAA
  • If your child is using any science A-levels to meet their offer, they are also expected to take and pass the practical components.