Graduate study information session in Tokyo

Event date
Event time
18:00 - 19:30
Event type
Information session
Tokyo, Japan
University of Oxford Japan Office
UF Building 1F
6-3 Sanbancho Chiyoda ku

Please note, this event will take place at 6:00pm - 7:30pm, Tokyo time.

Dr Nadia Pollini, Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment, will host an in-person information session on applying for Graduate Study at the University of Oxford.

In this session Dr Pollini will give a presentation in English about studying at Oxford at graduate level and how to apply to the University. There will also be information about available scholarships. A number of alumni will also be on hand to talk through their experiences at Oxford.

Oxford is fortunate to have a number of scholarships for students, many of which are funded through the generosity of our donors. Some scholarships are particularly aimed at Japanese students, and in particular there is a scholarship called the ‘Oxford-Uehiro Graduate Scholarship Programme’ that will allow 5 scholars from Japan at any one time to undertake a graduate degree at the University of Oxford in any subject (except the MBA).

You can find more information on applying for graduate study at Oxford at If you are hoping to study in Oxford in future, please come to this session to find out more about how to apply and what to expect.

Please visit the University of Oxford Japan Office website for more information and to book your place at the event