A quad in St Edmund Hall on a sunny day
The Front Quad, St Edmund Hall.
(Image credit: Greg Smolonski / Oxford University Images).

St Edmund Hall

About the college

St Edmund Hall is one of the oldest undergraduate teaching institutions in the world, and nowadays also plays host to a vibrant and friendly community of around 300 graduate students. 

With a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, and a strong sense of identity, the college strives to ensure all its students have access to the facilities needed to support them in both their academic and extra-curricular activities.

Graduate students form a lively and diverse Middle Common Room (MCR), characterised by a shared intellectual curiosity and academic ambition. They are an integral part of life at the college, participating in academic, social, cultural and sporting events. Interactions between graduates and fellows are facilitated through informal academic events at the Norham Gardens site and events such as the college’s biennial Research Expo.

Postgraduate College Grants (up to £250 per year (PGT), £1,000 across the duration of DPhil studies, and £500 across the duration of MSc(Res) or MPhil studies) are available to cover academic-related expenses and the college also offers a wide range of prizes, including travel awards and a Masterclass Fund to which students can apply for up to £1000 per year to support advanced coaching in an extra-curricular activity. Several graduate scholarships are also available to apply for at the point of admission, with the deadline in January.

St Edmund Hall is able to consider applications in most fields and each graduate is allocated a College Adviser who is available for consultation on matters of academic course progression and personal matters. Various events are held to welcome graduate students and provide opportunities for academic and social interaction throughout the academic year.

College tour

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