A quad at Pembroke College on a sunny day
A quad in Pembroke College
(Image Credit: David E Smith)

Pembroke College

About the college

Pembroke College warmly welcomes graduate students from all over the world to study a wide variety of courses. With over 250 graduate students on course, there is a thriving graduate community and plenty to get involved in.

The college has a strong commitment to graduate students and supports many of its graduates through Pembroke scholarships, including on-course awards for students in need of financial support. All graduate students can access the generous Dean of Graduates' fund for field trips, conferences and other research- related costs and apply for travel scholarships and grants offered by the college.

The college's newest quad is host to a state-of-the-art lecture theatre, seminar rooms, café and art gallery. These spaces encourage interaction between its undergraduate, graduate and teaching communities and are regularly used by graduates for academic and social events.

All graduates are allocated a College Advisor from among its academics; graduates are encouraged to have regular meetings with their advisors, who take a strong interest in graduates' academic achievements and personal development. Graduate students may also take the opportunity to mentor undergraduates through a JCR/MCR mentoring scheme.

The Academic Director and Deputy Academic Registrar are also available for consultation and advice. The college also has a wide range of welfare support available, provided by a broad range of people in a variety of roles, including a Welfare and Wellbeing Co-ordinator who organises regular wellbeing activities.

College tour

Pembroke College: A Tour (descriptive PDF transcript)

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