Brasenose College
About the college
Situated in the heart of Oxford next to the Bodleian Library and the Radcliffe Camera, Brasenose is a friendly and diverse community with a strong tradition of academic excellence.
Brasenose's graduates study for a wide range of higher degrees across all of the University's academic divisions and collectively form a diverse and international group. The graduate community is highly cosmopolitan with up to 50 nationalities represented at any one time. The intellectual and social contribution that graduates make to Brasenose's community is highly valued.
The Tutor for Graduates, Professor Eamonn Gaffney, has oversight of the academic progress and welfare of students. He is supported by the Senior Tutor, Dr Simon Smith, and Graduate Administrator, Dr Bronwen Tomkinson. Each graduate is also allocated a College Advisor, who is usually a fellow of the college working in a related academic field.
A wide variety of activities are arranged for graduates by the college, including special dinners, guest speakers, and regular presentations of research by fellows and students, and a lively graduate common room (the Hulme Common Room or 'HCR') is available.
College facilities
Library and IT services
Brasenose has two excellent libraries with 24/7 access: the Greenland Library - made up of the Del Favero Reading Room, the Smith Reading Room, and the Hulme Library - and the Stallybrass Memorial Library. There are also several "stack" areas where antiquarian books and less frequently used items are kept; these books are all available upon request.
The Del Favero Reading Room is a light and airy space overlooking Radcliffe Square divided into sixteen study bays with power connections for students' laptops and WiFi availability. It is linked to the ground floor Smith Reading Room by a spiral staircase. The Hulme Library comprises the modern history, politics and geography collections and the Stallybrass Memorial Library is a specialised law library.
Each library has computers with internet access and colour printing, scanning and photocopying facilities. There are also computers in the HCR and dedicated college computing rooms in Staircase XV and Frewin Hall, both with colour printing facilities.
There is wireless internet access in all public areas of the college and network connections are available in all study bedrooms.
Sport, music and college facilities
Brasenose has its own sports ground near the college with football/soccer, rugby and cricket pitches - including a cricket pavilion - and a well-equipped boathouse on the river.
The college has a healthy sporting tradition. On the more recreational side of sport, the Junior Common Room (JCR) rents out four punts in the summer and a croquet set for use in the New Quad.
Brasenose has a Director of College Music who organises a weekly concert series each term and is also in charge of the college's friendly chapel choir, which is open to all. Practice rooms are available, and small grants for music-related purchases such as scores and coaching are always considered.
Termly 'Platnaeur' Concerts are given by professional musicians and there is a summer student-organised Arts Festival featuring music, art and drama.
Facilities for disabled students
Brasenose welcomes applications from graduate students with specific learning disabilities or medical conditions. Facilities available include specially adapted rooms in the graduate buildings. Please contact the college about any accessibility requirements.
Accessibility requirements are co-ordinated between the Oxford colleges by the University's Disability Advisory Service, which can also advise on the range of facilities available across the University.
We hope your time at Oxford will be one of the most enriching periods of your life. There may be times, though, when for one reason or other things can get on top of you or you find yourself in trouble. The Oxford term is short, and the best way to stop minor problems becoming serious is to tackle them early. Support put in place to help you by fellow students, the College and the University can often help you deal with things if they arise.
At Brasenose, we have a range of ways you can share problems and find advice, help and support. These range from College Parents, Peer Supporters and Welfare Reps to having a conversation with your Academic Tutor to our own on-site Welfare Fellows and Officers including the College Nurse, who deals with health issues (physical or mental) and who works closely with our College Doctors.
The most important thing is to talk to someone in the team as soon as a problem arises and they will support you or point you to other sources of assistance if needed. More information about the college welfare team is available on the college website.
Common Room
The Hulme Common Room (HCR) is the graduate common room in Brasenose, run by an elected committee of passionate graduate students.
The HCR Committee hosts a diverse selection of cultural, environmental, social, and wellness activities termly, for fellow HCR members to engage in throughout the academic year. Incoming and fellow brasenostrils can look forward to:
- "Blurbs", an evening of two stellar academic presentations ending off with fine food and fun
- Uncomfortable Oxford Tours
- Free weekly Yoga sessions and Headspace subscriptions
- Environmental-Welfare tea in nature walks
- Weekly themes movies and game nights
- Introvert Book Club sessions
- Equality & Diversity events, including Crafternoon Tea
- Fiesta-filled Garden parties (held every Trinity Term)
Moreover, the college kitchen is routinely stocked with staples (ie teas, coffee, biscuits) and offer x-box/PlayStation games on demand to unwind at your convenience. The HCR committee ensures the HCR is a safe and enjoyable space for all members.
Accommodation and meals
Accommodation for graduates is spread across two sites, Hollybush Row and St Cross. These are both within 15 minutes walking distance from the main Brasenose College site in Radcliffe Square. We have enough rooms to house the majority of new graduate students each year.
Hollybush Row comprises of 40 rooms, all of which are en-suite. Kitchens are communal and shared between a maximum of five rooms. There is an on-site laundry room. There are also two flats which are fully self-contained (eg have their own kitchens & washing machines).
St Cross comprises of 50 rooms. These are arranged in flats comprised of five rooms each. Every flat has a fully equipped kitchen and two bathrooms. There is also an on-site laundry room and a gated garden area.
Meals are available at the college for all students, regardless of where they live. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served during the week, and brunch and dinner over the weekend. Vegan and vegetarian options are always available and other dietary requirements can be catered for upon request. Formal dinners, with table service, is an option three nights a week during term-time. All meals are heavily subsidised by the college and students pay and pre-order via the UPay app.
This college accepts graduate students for the following courses:
Please note that not all subjects areas or streams of a particular course may be offered by this college. Please see the college information on the relevant course page for further details. For a comprehensive list of all graduate courses available at the University of Oxford, please refer to our courses A-Z listing.