UNIQ+ projects
Projects available for entry in 2025
As part of your UNIQ+ Research Internship, you will be working on a project under the supervision of academic staff from our community of world-leading researchers.
Places for UNIQ+ internships will be distributed across a wide range of subject areas with up to 130 places available in total. The application form will ask you to select at least one and up to three preferred projects that you are interested in working on. It is expected that the projects you select would usually be in a similar subject area.
The next sections of this page provide details of the projects available this year, categorised by research area. Many of our projects are open to those studying undergraduate degrees in a broad range of subjects; however, you should read the project descriptions carefully and check to see if a project has any specific entry requirements before applying.
Full instructions for completing the application form can be found in our Application Guide.
How are places distributed?
If you are successful, we will try to match your interests to available projects and supervisors. We will also match you to funding on the basis of your interests, project/supervisor availability, and closest match with the eligibility criteria, in order to maximise the number of places we can offer.
Please note that we will not always be able to meet your preferences for a project/supervisor, but we will try our best to do this wherever possible. Only projects that are matched to successful applicants will run this year.
Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarships
We intend to offer up to six Wellcome-funded UNIQ+ placements to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria and apply for the projects in the medical sciences that are eligible for Wellcome funding (this will be indicated in the project description where applicable).
The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions).
Confirming Wellcome funded places
If you are successful with your application to one of these projects and your place is funded by Wellcome, your offer will make this clear and provide all the contractual details, including how you will be paid and any additional activities.
Please note that there may be some amendments to the published information for internships funded by external sponsors in line with specific agreements with these funders. These amendments will be published as soon as they are available.
Projects in Humanities and Social Sciences are offered by the following departments:
Anthropology 01
Provincialising Perestroika: Central Asia in the Soviet Press, 1985-1991
Professor Madeleine Reeves
This project will contribute to understanding the dynamics of perestroika and glasnost' in Soviet Central Asia between 1985 and 1991. Students will be part of a larger research initiative to 'provincialise perestroika', which involves:
- re-assessing centre-periphery relations in the late Soviet Union;
- re-examining grassroots protest movements in Central Asia using previously under-studied sources; and
- analysing the social tensions that animated these protests in regional and comparative perspective.
Depending on your skills and interests, you will be working with either English-language summaries of the Soviet media as collected in the RFE/RL 'Report on the USSR' between 1985 and 1991; or with Russian-language sources, including the journal Ogonek. You will be involved in creating a research database of articles; a timeline of significant events; and a narrative summary of findings.
You will gain experience of identifying, and working with primary sources in English and/or Russian; you will gain an insight into postgraduate research in contemporary history/ area studies. You will have opportunities to work closely with your co-supervisors, and to present your findings in written and oral form, including in a presentation to the project at the end of the internship. You will be supported to write up your findings for publication as a blog post, and potentially as part of a journal article, for which you would be credited as co-author.
Entry requirements
There are two positions associated with this project. For the first position, you should have, or be studying for, a degree in history, Russian/Eurasian studies, or a social science. You will be working closely with English-language summaries of the Soviet press between 1985 and 1991, and should have strong analytical and writing skills.
For the second position, you should have a strong reading ability in Russian (minimum B2) and a willingness to work closely with written sources in Russian. This position would ideally suit a student of Russian language and literature, or a student in history, area studies or a social science with strong reading skills in Russian, demonstrated through A-level or similar.
For both positions, you should have a strong interest in the history of the Soviet Union, and a curiosity to learn more about the experience of Soviet Central Asia during perestroika. A demonstrated interest in 'peripheral histories' and/or the aftermaths of empire would be a distinct advantage.
You should be able to work independently, to organise large quantities of documentary material, and to present your findings in written and oral form.
Archaeology 01
Quantifying shard shapes of large volcanic eruptions
Professor Victoria Smith
Large volcanic eruptions disperse small fragments of quenched magma (tephra) hundreds to thousands of kilometres from source. At these locations that are far from the volcanic vent, the deposits from the eruption plumes deposit layers that are thin and they are often so dilute that they cannot be identified by eye in sediments. We have an impressive volcanic record from a lake in Japan, Lake Suigetsu, that records more than 50 explosive eruptions as both visible tephra and non-visible (termed cryptotephra) layers.
This project will involve imaging volcanic glass shards using a scanning electron microscope of various tephra layers associated with large volcanic eruptions in Japan. The aim is to establish whether there is a relationship between glass particle shape and eruption characteristics such as size and composition.
Experience using and taking images on a scanning electron microscope, and processing the images in MatLab or Python. The data will be able to assess what particle shape characteristics control dispersal distance, and may contribute to a publication.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, an archaeology or environmental (geography or earth science) science related degree.
Archaeology 02
Dating archaeological cave and palaeoenvironmental sites using volcanic ash layers
Dr Danielle McLean
Several Middle Palaeolithic archaeological sites have poor chronologies and consequently, it is not possible to directly compare technologies and changes between various sites. We have sediment samples from cave sites in North Africa that span the last 200,000 years. These caves are rich in archaeological remains and dating these records is crucial to understand human evolution, technological change, and migration in this area.
Fortunately, ash from volcanoes in the Canary Islands and Azores has been found across the region. Eruptions from these volcanoes are well dated and locating their ash in the cave sediments provides an age and can be used to correlate the archaeological records.
The aim of this project is to find volcanic ash layers in the sedimentary records in the laboratory using density separating techniques. These layers will then be correlated to dated eruptions by analysing the composition of the volcanic glass shards.
Proficient in the laboratory skills to identify volcanic ash layers that are not visible in sediments, and an understanding of the characterisation and correlation of tephra layers to dated volcanic eruptions using glass chemistry.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, an archaeology or environmental (geography or earth science) science related degree.
Archaeology 03
Considering Maritime Archaeology in Marine Spatial Planning
Professor Damian Robinson
The global reckoning of climate change is demonstrating within the scale of a lifespan the interconnectedness and interdependence of our natural systems, specifically in marine spaces. This is a small portion on a larger interdisciplinary project intent on tackling the documented divide between marine science, maritime heritage/archaeology, and climate change. It is intent on highlighting the mutual ignorance in both framework and vocabulary as well as offering solutions for how best to move forward.
This will include (but is not limited to) analysis of documents and datasets related to marine spatial planning and archaeology’s role in the MSP process, both in theory and in practice. This will include creating systematic review parameters, acting as an external or secondary reviewer, and creating a database with the results of this review.
This process may also include conducting interviews with organisations such as NOAA, BOEM, DEFRA, and Natural England, the use of GIS to compile multidisciplinary datasets, and analysing data using R.
This will contribute to a journal publication, with the opportunity for you to be listed as a co-author.
You will become a subject matter expert in marine spatial planning as it relates to heritage and the role it plays in our current reality. You will learn how to set up parameters and reviewers in a systematic review, how to act as a reviewer, how to create a database, and how to use GIS.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, a degree in archaeology or related subject such as (but not limited to) environmental studies or geography. You should have strong research skills in humanities, social science, or life science. You should be a self-starter with the ability to work with some guidance. A familiarity with GIS, R, and/or systematic reviews in social and life sciences would be incredibly useful but is not required.
Classics 01
Researching ancient Greek pottery with the Classical Art Research Centre and the Beazley Archive
Dr Thomas Mannack
Over seven weeks, you will work with the Beazley Archive at the Classical Art Research Centre (CARC) to digitise photographs of lesser-known ancient Greek pottery types (known as 'fabrics'). These photographs will ultimately be added to the Beazley Archive Pottery Database, one of the earliest digital humanities databases in the world.
After one week of digitisation, you will study a specific fabric using Oxford's libraries, including the Beazley Archive's own library, before writing introductory information about it for the CARC website's 'resources' section. You may also write another 'resources' section about any 18th and 19th century vase collectors you have come across during your research, if this is of interest to you.
You will then develop an original research topic on your studied pottery and write an essay, to be discussed with your supervisors. Finally, you will contribute to some entries in a new volume of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (CVA), the 102-year old worldwide catalogue of Greek pottery collections.
This project combines hands-on archival work, research, writing, and contributions to established academic resources.
If is expected that through this project you will:
- again a greater understanding of ancient Greek pottery;
- learn how to accurately date certain vase fabrics based on their style;
- develop archival skills;
- develop your library research skills using one of the UK's copyright libraries;
- contribute to introductory academic digital resources for the CARC website, thinking carefully about who the audience of this information will be and as such what the resources should include;
- develop an original research topic and write about it for around 3,000 words, which will stand you in good stead for any future Master's course, particularly in Classical Archaeology at Oxford, where you would have to write a 3,000 word essay in one week before turning it into an innovative and original 5,000 word coursework piece;
- gain an understanding of the well-respected Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (CVA), learn how to write a CVA entry, and will contribute to a new volume of it;
- be given time to visit the Ashmolean Museum, just next door to the Classical Art Research Centre;
- join academic Classical Archaeology staff and others for our daily 11am coffee break, providing you with a great opportunity to meet other Classical Archaeologists; and
- become proficient in using the Beazley Archive Pottery Database, one of the largest and most important Greek pottery databases in the world.
Entry requirements
You will have, or be studying for, an undergraduate degree in Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Classics, or History of Art (with a Classical focus), or for a degree with a similar scope. Some knowledge of ancient Greek pottery would be an advantage. An interest in and enthusiasm for Classical art is essential.
Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities 01
Cataloguing Voltaire's Manuscripts: Databases, Materiality, and Digital Resources
Dr Zoe Screti
The Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire left behind an extraordinary manuscript legacy, with c.20,000 letters from his correspondence alone known to be extant. Bringing together manuscripts by or about Voltaire in a digital union catalogue for the first time, the Catalogue of Manuscripts Relating to Voltaire is an exciting resource currently in development that will significantly shape research into Voltaire and the Enlightenment.
In this project, you will have the opportunity to contribute to an innovative digital resource that pushes the boundaries of what is possible with manuscript catalogues, transforming manuscript materials into digital records, researching manuscripts and their creators to create detailed catalogue entries, and exploring the materiality of manuscripts to understand their creation and use.
Working with the team at the Voltaire Foundation, you will be trained in producing detailed catalogue entries using the Voltaire Studio's Catalogue of Manuscripts Relating to Voltaire database, giving you the opportunity to learn how to describe manuscripts at item level in a way that enhances the researcher experience. As part of this, you will research the context of the manuscripts you are working with, and delve into their materiality, questioning how they were constructed and subsequently used. You will also have the chance to gain hands-on experience of special collections, working with Voltaire's manuscripts to explore his letter locking techniques, as well as with metadata from large archives and digitised reproductions of archival materials.
Based on your research, you will produce catalogue entries for a collection of manuscripts, and will also have the chance to produce digital resources for the catalogue website. This could include, but is not limited to, producing a video guide to letterlocking techniques, or creating a guide to reading eighteenth-century hands.
Entry requirements
You should have a working knowledge of French, a degree in any related discipline (ie History, French), and basic IT skills. Experience working with eighteenth-century handwriting would be advantageous but is not required as we can offer training in this area.
Digital Humanities 02
Slave Trade and Plantation Management: The Barham Papers (1792-1820)
Professor Nicole Pohl
The research intern will work with the Barnham papers in the Bodleian Special Collections, containing, amongst others, the papers of Joseph Foster Barham (1759-1832) and John Foster Barham (1799-1838). The family owned a considerable amount of plantations in the West Indies.
The papers, hitherto only rudimentary catalogued, document the management of these estates including the considerable amount of slaves. The intern will continue the inventory, started by a previous intern, write a blog, and prepare a mini-edition on a selection of letters to make slave ownership visible in the Bodleian Archives.
You will be trained in reading eighteenth-century manuscripts, transcribing eighteenth-century handwriting and introduced to editing/annotating manuscript letters. The output is a mini-edition of chosen letters to be published in EE.
You will learn how to compile a descriptive inventory of the manuscripts that will be used in the Bodleian Special Collection catalogue, with training in the conversion of catalogue information into standardised metadata, and an introduction to MARCO, the cataloguing system which underpins Bodleian Archives and Manuscripts.
You have an opportunity to write a blog about some of these letters and reflect on the challenges to make slavery visible in archives such as Electronic Enlightenment.
Entry requirements
No programming skills or prior knowledge of XML editing is required, these will be taught as part of the programme, but a basic computer literacy, and ability to work with simple data management software like Excel, is required. We would also ideally like the applicant to have downloaded and had some experience of plain text editing in an advanced plain text editor such as TextWrangler, Notepad++ or BBEdit. Applicants must be studying toward, or have completed, a degree in English literature, history, and digital humanities (or an equivalent area).
Education 01
Developing Oral Language through Drama: Practitioner Needs and Perspectives
Dr Faidra Faitaki
Oral language (the skills associated with producing and understanding speech) is fundamental for children's subsequent development. Oral language can be developed in the classroom through pedagogical activities, and drama can be particularly useful as it allows children to enhance their linguistic and social skills. However, not all teachers feel comfortable to incorporate drama-based activities into their practice.
This project aims to: investigate teachers’ current practices and beliefs concerning the use of drama-based activities for oral language development; identify their needs and challenges as they endeavour to incorporate drama into their teaching; and further our understanding how teachers perceive the potential impact of drama-based activities on students' oral language skills and overall academic performance.
The project involves the facilitation of online focus groups with primary school teachers and support staff around the world in order to understand the practitioners' needs and perspectives regarding the use of drama-based activities for oral language development.
You will join us after the focus group discussions have been transcribed. You will be tasked with analysing the data our team collected under supervision using thematic analysis. You will have the opportunity to write a blog post, and will also be acknowledged in future publications that might stem from the project.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, a degree in Education or a related discipline (eg Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, Psychology). You should have excellent organisation skills, and be able to work independently. Knowledge of/experience with thematic analysis would be advantageous, but is not a requirement.
Education 02
Social interaction with digital media: an app store review
Dr Fiona Jelley
Screen time is part of everyday life for many young children. Although children can learn from digital activities, solo digital time can displace other more language-rich activities such as reading. More promisingly, research tells us that children learn more when an adult joins them in digital activities, and further, that certain types of apps and digital features within apps can enhance the interaction that an adult and child might have while using that media. However, little is known about whether real-world apps offer such promising contexts and/or contain such features.
The aim of the project is to conduct an app store review to assess the extent to which apps available to young children encourage and actively support social interaction between children and adults. It will involve reviewing and assessing apps according to a framework developed by the team, as well as contributing to the analysis and writing up of the findings.
You will gain a deeper understanding of the broader issues and nuanced debates around screen time for young children. You will gain experience in conducting a systematic app store review and applying a rating framework to assess the quality of the apps found. In doing so, you will develop skills in research design, data management, quantitative analysis and report writing.
You will be part of a friendly and collaborative research team and have the opportunity to observe, learn and potentially contribute to other ongoing work on the project. If aspects of your work are included in a future publication, you may be included as a co-author of that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have experience in, or be studying, a relevant discipline (eg psychology, education, sociology, social science). Some background in quantitative research methods is desirable but not essential.
Education 03
Understanding the African journal ecosystem using OpenAlex.
Dr David Mills
Much of the research carried out in Africa is often marginalised and even invisible within global science. This is because the main global citation indexes (Scopus and Web of Science), which are used by many to define 'reputable' knowledge, include very few African journals, So they offer a very limited insight into African research ecosystem.
Open Alex is a new, rapidly expanding, and not for profit Open Science database. It currently has three times as many research outputs as the dominant commercial indexes, including much work from across the global South. This is a rich and important dataset, and researchers need basic R skills to make full use of its search functionality.
This project will involve the interns working with me to develop a shared set of search strategies to download and analyse Open Alex data. This will involve learning some R coding skills, and working with my DPhil student and Research Assistant who already has strong bibliometric skills, and has worked in this area already
You will get experience of bibliometric research, using R to search an important new database of knowledge. You will work with the supervisors in a small group, and also benefit from other students working in this area. You will present your analyses informally to the group, and then we will write both a blog and a draft research article to accompany the analysis at the end of the project.
Entry requirements
You should be interested in the big question of how knowledge gets created and 'verified' across the global science system. You may have studied across a range of social sciences, and will be interested in Africa and its place in a research world. You will be willing to learn to use R to analyse this data set and to collectively produce a comparative dataset for others to use too.
Geography 01
Measuring recovery of post-agricultural temperate forests
Dr David Moreno Mateos
We aim to understand how forests recover their complexity after the end of agriculture. This is a rapidly growing trends globally that will only increase in the coming decades as agriculture intensifies.
The student will be involved in soil and plant sample collection in the field and in processing those and other samples in the lab for their analysis. This includes soil samples preparation from chemical analysis or DNA extraction and purification for genomic analysis. Understanding the recovery process will help us design more efficient tools to recovery the complexity of restored forests.
You will learn to design field sample collections in response to specific research questions. You will work with those samples in a lab and prepare them for external analysis in specialized facilities. This will help you to have a first interaction with molecular biology techniques and how they can be used to improve current conservation and restoration efforts.
You will have the opportunity to engage with several research groups in the School of Geography and the Environment and potentially the Department of Biology in talks, lab meetings and discussion groups with other undergrads, masters, DPhil, postdocs and faculty. You will have a chance to discuss the potential statistical approaches to use with the data you have generated and will have the opportunity of participating in publications derived from this research.
Entry requirements
You should have, or being on the process of having, a degree in any field with in environmental science, including biology, environmental science or physical geography. Having previous experience in molecular biology techniques would be useful but not required.
Geography 02
Evidencing the economic impacts of Long Covid: Generating qualitative data for research and advocacy
Professor Beth Greenhough
A recent study [1] highlighted the significant economic impacts of Long Covid, with over half those affected working reduced hours, an average cost (in terms of work lost) of over £10,000 per person and many needing informal care support from friends and family. Our research has further highlighted the economic impacts of Long Covid are a key concern for the patient community.
Working with staff from the School of Geography and the Environment (SoGE) and the charity Long Covid Support (LCS), your role would be to complement and extend this work by:
- conducting a review of current published research on the economic impacts of Long Covid; and
- co-designing (with LCS), carrying out, transcribing and analysing 10 online qualitative interviews to generate patient testimonies about the economic impacts of Long Covid to be used in research and patient advocacy work.
At the end of the project, you would be required to produce a short report (in the style of a policy brief) and blog post aimed at a non-expert audience summarising this work. There may also be opportunities to contribute to academic papers on the economic impacts of Long Covid.
[1] Kwon J, and others. Impact of Long COVID on productivity and informal caregiving. The European Journal of Health Economics 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s10198-023-01653-z.
Joining the TechLife lab at the School of Geography and the Environment, you will gain experience in co-design approaches to research, reviewing and synthesising academic literatures and in the conduct and analysis of qualitative interviews, including some of the specific ethical and practical considerations of working with people with a chronic illness.
You will have the opportunity to collaborate in disseminating the findings of this work to both academic and non-academic audiences. You can also learn more about how academics and patient charities work together to generate research impact.
Entry requirements
You should have or be studying a social science degree, experience in reading, summarising and synthesising academic papers and in working with and analysing qualitative (interview) data. An interest in gaining experience working with third sector organisations would also be welcome. You will be a self-starter with the ability to work independently and as part of a team.
Geography 03
Digital Twins at Blenheim Palace
Professor Heather Viles
Blenheim Palace and Heritage Innovations Laboratory Oxford have spent the better part of two years collaborating to develop a "digital twin" for better managing the stone fabric of the palace. For a number of reasons masonry inevitably "fails", causing large pieces of the palace wall’s to fracture and fall. Our partnership has been focused developing research programmes to understand key contributing factors to stone failure; monitoring the environmental conditions/micro-climates of the Palace, identifying the ecologies of life growing on the walls, profiling the types of stone present at Blenheim, and cataloguing archival information about the history of restoration works at the Palace.
Successful candidates would here join the team to assist both HILO researchers and Blenheim staff in integrating these datasets; entering them into a bespoke relational database which will serve as the foundation for the resulting twin.
This placement sits at a unique intersection between a number of heritage science methods and their outputs; remote sensing, stone analysis, lichen ecology, and archives. All of which are associated here in the context of developing bespoke databases, platforms, and applications. As such, successful candidates will have a wealth of opportunities to interface with a range of heritage practitioners (both in the academy and in the sector) and the tools they use.
Furthermore, because the Digital Twins at Blenheim Palace project seeks to develop new platforms and tools for the conservation of historic built environments, this placement will also introduce candidates both to existing industry software (such as Cesium and Revit), and to consider them in experimental contexts.
Entry requirements
Candidates should have an interest in the heritage sciences and established experience working with dynamic datasets. You should be studying toward, or have completed, a degree in geography, earth sciences, or architecture.
Geography 04
Can cutting-edge climate models improve representation of extreme rainfall and its structures?
Dr Neil Hart
Tropical-extratropical cloud bands are prominent cloud features , spanning large parts of the hemispheres and bringing rainfall to otherwise dry subtropical parts of the globe. These weather systems are fundamental to agriculture and water management but can also produce extreme rainfall associated with deep powerful thunderstorms embedded within cloud bands.
Historically, climate models are not good at accurately representing such thunderstorms, which means that we have limited confidence in future projections of rainfall under climate change. However, in the past 3 years, atmospheric scientists have been able to run global climate models at extremely high resolution so that thunderstorms can be simulated directly, which theoretically should improve representation of rainfall – but will these models represent cloud bands that produce extreme rainfall accurately?
This project will use an established cloud band detection algorithm to find out whether these state-of-the-art weather models accurately simulate cloud bands and the embedded thunderstorms driving intense rainfall events, and thus whether we can trust their representation better than existing climate models.
You will join the Climate Research Lab to work closely with a team developing python software to analyse climate observations and models. By the end of the project you will have:
- gained advanced data analysis skills in Python;
- gained practical knowledge of applying advanced statistical techniques;
- gained knowledge of the latest cutting-edge atmospheric models;
- gained developed skills working as part of a research team;
- gained scientific communication and presentation skills; and
- contributed to a short paper communicating the outcome of your internship research.
If appropriate, you will also have attended a relevant research conference to meet other early-career researchers in the field and share your work.
Entry requirements
You should have basic familiarity with software coding. Python or similar (R, MATLAB) is desirable. Knowledge of statistics would be helpful. A background in physics, earth science, or geography would be beneficial although we would welcome students in mathematics or computer science with an interest in weather and climate. In general, students should be keenly interested in atmospheric and climate science – but in-depth prior knowledge is not required.
History 01
On Tour: Statecraft and the Politics of the “World Tour” across Empires
Dr Stephen Tuffnell
The final third of the nineteenth century was an era of the mass consumption of tall tales of global adventure from Nellie Bly’s seventy-two-day circumnavigation of the globe in 1889 to Joshua Slocum’s first solo circumnavigation of the earth by sail between 1895 and 1898. But, outside of mass popular adventure, world touring became a practice of knowledge-making, national and imperial development, and statecraft around the world.
This project examines case studies of world tours despatched from nation states, empires, indigenous polities, and transnational activists to understand this phenomenon. It examines the diversity of world touring as a diplomatic art as a way to break down the barriers between national historiographies and rethink how encounters across borders shaped societies around the world and seeks to develop new vantages from which to understand the phenomenon of globalisation.
You will take ownership of a distinct research project over the six-week period relating to a specific World Tour.
Through this you will have the opportunity to develop your research skills and gain experience using special collections and online archival repositories. You will also develop bibliographic skills and work closely with secondary works. Collaboration is at the heart of the project and you will gain experience of working as part of a collective research endeavour involving scholars at different stages of their career, with different research specialisms, and from different academic instructions around the world. You will also gain experience of designing a project from scratch, considering such questions as the availability of primary material, contribution to the field of study, and the feasibility of research over a short duration: all of which can transfer into the writing of future applications for postgraduate study.
At the project's end you will have the opportunity to write an academic blog post comparing world touring as a global phenomena. Your post will support a wider academic project involving scholars from Britain, Australia, and the United States who are working together to produce a special issue of a journal on the phenomena of World Touring. You will benefit from participation in the second workshop from this project where historians will discuss the methodologies for analysing world touring, share knowledge of the phenomena, and workshop one another's essays. Depending on the focus of your project you will also have a chance to discuss your work with a specialist from the field involved in this wider project.
The internship develops transferable research and project design skills, is an opportunity to experience postgraduate research independence, and gives an insight into the collaborative work at the heart of historical scholarship taking place under the banner of the "Global turn".
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying toward, a degree in History and have strong academic writing skills. You will have the ability to work independently and to use initiative when pursuing independent research. You will have an interest in modern global history (c.1750-1945), and it is desirable (though not essential) to have undertaken an undergraduate thesis or similar independent research project that might include experience of using newspaper databases or other online archival resources.
History 02
Oral History in Global Epilepsy and Mind Brain Health
Dr Sloan Mahone
This project gives interns an opportunity to join a multi-disciplinary team of historians and medical/neurology professionals engaged in research and public outreach to improve the quality of life of people with epilepsy in resource poor settings.
Epilepsy is a highly stigmatised condition with a long history of social exclusion. It is often associated with additional mental health conditions and myths about its causes and treatment. The newly launched Centre for Global Epilepsy works with embedded oral history projects, technology development, and neurology in Oxford and across sites in Africa, India and Brazil.
We have previously hosted interns very successfully and can provide opportunities to work on research papers, public outreach communications, and website and database development. We are also happy to incorporate individuals’ skill sets and interests but a general interest in neurological health and/or health in resource limited or hard to reach populations is desirable.
You will have an opportunity to work with a multi-disciplinary team engaged in oral history, public outreach, and communications. Interns' interests will be taken into account, but likely activities could include literature reviews and bibliographic work, blogging and science communications, and database development.
You will work with a variety of faculty but will be supervised primarily by a historian of medicine. You will have an opportunity to join team meetings and to present to the group. The project will aim to provide both new skills and a tangible output. Your contributions will be noted in the public communications and project/centre websites.
Entry requirements
You should have a history or humanities degree with an interest in global health and medicine. You should be comfortable working both individually and in a team. Strong computer, writing, and presentation skills are essential.
History 03
African women and decolonisation: nationalism, transnational networks and sisterhood 1920s-1960s
Dr Natalya Benkhaled-Vince
This project explores how we might use archives and other sources held at the Bodleian Libraries to examine the role of African women in twentieth-century anti-colonial struggles – through strikes, street demonstrations, journalistic writing and transnational networks. As well as using finding tools, talking to archivists and accessing documents, you’ll have the opportunity to think about how historians deal with lives which have, in a few cases, been documented, but have mostly been unrecorded or have left archival traces in the accounts and through the lenses of others.
This research will be a key preparatory stage of an exhibition proposal to the Weston Library. Working with the project supervisors, the internship will thus also involve an element of scoping of similar kinds of exhibitions held elsewhere, making contact with potential exhibition partners in the UK (eg LSE Women’s Library) and abroad (Ghana, France, Algeria, Egypt, etc) and early-stage exhibition planning.
You will gain experience working in research libraries, and will have the opportunity to explore how historians can use archives and design research projects to write the histories of groups which have historically been marginalised. You will also gain experience in thinking about how to transform academic research into public-facing projects and will participate in producing an exhibition proposal.
Entry requirements
You should have a background in history, or a history-adjacent subject area.
History 04
Feminism, democracy and transnational links in the early twentieth century
Dr Tania Shew
This project will give you the opportunity to investigate a key moment in feminist history and interrogate the question ‘which ideologies shaped early-twentieth-century feminist thought?’ Historians have long recognised that the movement for the Unification of Italy (c. 1833-1871) had a particular hold on the imagination of British feminists in the mid nineteenth century who were inspired by the liberal and emancipatory politics they detected among Italian Republicans. It is less widely known, however, that these links continued to exert a powerful pull well into the twentieth century.
This project is designed to map and examine this important moment in transnational feminist history. It considers how women’s rights activists in Britain drew on ideas and memories of Italian nationalism, unification and democracy during the course of the suffrage campaign, through attention to political, periodical and life writing, in order to better understand the transnational connections of both feminism and liberalism.
Your three main tasks in this project will be to:
- use the women’s periodical press to identify references or allusions to Italian nationalism and liberalism, beginning with the English Woman’s Journal in 1858 and continuing through to Time and Time in the interwar period, resulting in the production of a database;
- examine the life writing of suffrage activists for similar references; and
- construct a list of possible archival sources, identifying potential leads for novel, untapped or under-examined letters and papers relevant to this project. This material will feed into an article being produced for the Journal of Modern History for which you will receive appropriate credit.
Supervisors will also assist you to write up any material you are particularly interested in for a blog post.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be working towards, a degree in history, and ideally an interest in British, transnational or European history, or women’s and gender history. You are only expected to be working in English but speaking Italian would potentially open up new lines of enquiry.
History 05
‘A word to the wives’: Letters from spouses in twentieth century British election literature
Dr Lyndsey Jenkins
This project will give you an opportunity to interrogate how far gender continued to shape British politics in unexpected ways long after the enfranchisement of women. Election literature is used by political candidates to set out their values, priorities, interests and achievements. But throughout the twentieth century, many candidates drew on an unexpected source to endorse them: their spouse.
Letters from spouses—almost always wives—were used in many different ways: to position their husband as an ideal ‘family man’; to stress his frequent absences serving his constituency; to imply voters might get a ‘two for the price of one’ deal; and to make a direct appeal to women. Not only does this suggest a great deal about what candidates thought voters were looking for: it also indicates the ongoing barriers that women candidates, unable to offer this ‘package deal’, were up against.
Using the archives of election literature in the Bodleian, this project will document and analyse the extent, significance and belated decline of this essential electoral tool, with a view to enriching understandings of the political culture of electioneering in twentieth century Britain.
You will work independently to construct a database to enable longitudinal analysis of the letters. With guidance from the supervisors, you will also undertake quantitative and qualitative analysis of the material, across time, party and place. You will gain skills in independent research, archival work, presentation, and communication. Dependent on your skills, interests and objectives, you may wish to explore alternative means of presenting your findings - for example, through digital maps or visualisations.
The supervisor ultimately anticipates submitting an article to Gender and History based on this project: you may wish to contribute as a co-author. There may also be scope to co-present findings at an academic conference in British history. The supervisor will also support you to write up a blog post for the History of Parliament Trust.
Entry requirements
You should have a degree connected with history and/or politics. Some knowledge of British political and/or gender history would be especially useful. You should have basic familiarity with Microsoft excel. Interest or skills in digital humanities would be desirable.
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Biology 05
Earthtracker: Tracking progress towards recovering nature at the global level
Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland
Working with WWF-UK, a team of researchers is developing a new Earth Tracker tool, to be launched at UNFCCC in Belem in late 2025. This will aggregate existing tools and frameworks to track whether countries are meeting the commitments that they made under the 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework, whether these commitments are enough to "bend the curve" for biodiversity, and which conservation actions should be a priority for each country.
In this project you will compile existing tracking initiatives, and carry out exploratory research to explore their fitness for purpose. You will analyse how the actions and countries covered by existing databases map to various sustainability goals, what components of biodiversity are covered, and where there are gaps. For example you may find that there is a lot of international interest in Protected Area coverage but very little on sustainable wildlife use, and maybe that conservation in tropical countries is well explored, but not in East and Central Asia. Your project will therefore highlight gaps in evidence about country-level action towards the Global Biodiversity Framework and ways that these gaps could be filled.
You will be part of a team working with a major conservation organisation towards an exciting new tool that could be influential in global conservation. You will learn about international biodiversity conservation policy, and you will also learn how to interrogate policy documents, and how researchers currently track progress towards international biodiversity goals.
Entry requirements
No specific skills required, just an interest in international conservation policy. Must be studying towards (or have studied) in the areas of environmental science or data science.
Clinical Medicine 01
Examining Evidence and Perspectives on Medical Apprenticeships in the UK
Dr Yingxi Zhao
Medical degree apprenticeship, a new way of obtaining medical degrees, is set to launch in the UK this year, with proponents aiming to enhance access to medical careers and ensure graduates acquire skills directly aligned with workforce needs. However, concerns around equity, supervision, and the program’s effectiveness have been raised by some stakeholders.
This internship, building on work by the Health Systems Collaborative team on UK and global health workforce issues, will involve a series of literature and policy reviews as well as social media analytics to explore the historical context and current state of medical apprenticeships in the UK and internationally. Through this work, the intern will develop skills in conducting comprehensive literature and policy reviews or social media analytics and applying analytical frameworks and theories.
You will develop skills and understanding of literature reviews and/or social media analytics, including developing a search strategy and conducting thematic coding, and experience of working with an applied health research team.
We will expect you to produce a report or journal paper or other relevant output to disseminate the findings - and to present this to colleagues in the Health Systems Collaborative team.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in medicine, allied health, social sciences (eg education or policy), but you are welcome to apply from any subject background.
Clinical Medicine 06
Exploring debates on health workforce with quantitative text analysis
Dr Attakrit Leckcivilize
Text analysis using Machine Learning techniques have been used in various fields such as political science and economics. These text analysis tools can help to group 'text' by similarity, extract key themes from the articles, and explore writers’ sentiments. Despite the usage of these tools with eg patients’ records and feedbacks, they have not been employed to study health policy or public perception extensively.
This project aims to use text analysis tools to explore, extract and visualise key information from news articles of major news outlets in the UK regarding Physician Associates in the NHS. Physician associates (PAs) are healthcare professionals with a generalist healthcare education who work alongside doctors and surgeons providing medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.
However, there are concerns on issues such as patients safety, training, and integration into clinical teams. We expect the results from this project to be a proof of concept and feed into a further exploration on this topic across countries and international organisations.
You will have an opportunity to explore news articles with text analysis techniques, while learning more on the debates around health workforce in the UK. At the end of the project you will present the findings to the group. We also hope to publish the findings as research article(s) in peer-reviewed journal. And if possible, it will be used to support our team's future application for external funding to explore health workforce policy in the UK.
Entry requirements
Good knowledge in programming and Machine Learning is essential and interest in health care issues and policies would be advantageous.
Population Health 02
Women’s reproductive traits and their correlates and associations with adiposity and glycaemia in a study of over 100,000 Mexican women
Dr Eirini Trichia
Obesity and diabetes are major causes of death, illness and reduced quality of life globally, but with particularly marked impacts in some countries of Latin America, such as Mexico. Previous research has shown that certain reproductive traits are associated with higher risk of diabetes among women, and that this might vary by ethnicity. However, despite acknowledged challenges for women’s reproductive health in many low and middle income countries, including those in Latin America, the relevance of female reproductive factors for health and disease remain under-studied and incompletely understood in many such populations.
The Mexico City Prospective Study includes a cohort of over 100,000 Mexican women. Various data were collected for all women when they were recruited into the study, including through questionnaires, physical measurements and blood sampling. The aim of this project is to explore how various reproductive traits among women in Mexico differ according to levels of various socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, and whether these same reproductive traits are related to adiposity, blood glucose levels and potentially diabetes.
As well as the opportunity to gain experience of, and skills in, epidemiological research, data analysis and global health, you will produce a short research report, with the aim of submitting this for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in biomedical sciences, statistics, public health or a related area. You should have an interest in epidemiology, data analysis, medical research, global health, or research in understudied populations. Some experience or interest in statistics for data analysis would be beneficial but not essential, with relevant training provided.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 04
Food security, nutrition and health in Kenya
Dr Jennifer Carter
Kenya has been going through a nutritional transition over recent decades, where changes in the food environment (such as access to more modern supermarkets) have occurred as the country goes through economic and social development. However, there is little evidence about how this transition has impacted diets and health.
Two projects are available that will analyse pilot data from samples of adults in traditional villages in Kenya and from ‘transitioning’ villages with access to a more modern food environment.
One project will look at the relationship between food security (eg worrying that their household does not have enough food), diet (eg as how much meat or chips participants consume) and body weight.
Another project will look at the relationships between the food environment (eg access to takeaway food or supermarkets), diet and body weight. If time, students can also look at relationships with blood pressure or blood sugar.
The aim of both of these projects is to produce a short research report (<1000 words) that might be submitted for publication as a short research letter in a global health peer-reviewed journal or as an poster presentation at a conference.
Entry requirements
A student with an interest in global health would be well suited to this project. A background in biology, medicine or nutrition would be relevant. This project will use quantitative data analysis, so experience and/or an interest in statistics would be advisable. If the student has had no prior training in statistics, this can be learned during the placement.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Primary Care Health Sciences 01
Investigating communication of different weight loss treatments by health coaches
Dr Rachael Drewery
Rates of obesity are increasing worldwide, and there are an increasing number of effective treatments to support weight loss and improve quality of life. We do not know how they work in combination or how they compare with usual care. The LightCOM trial is comparing usual NHS care with a multi-component weight loss intervention, which includes total diet replacement, medication and lifestyle support delivered by health coaches. You will contribute to a work package exploring how health coaches implement this multi-component intervention.
In support of this project, you will:
- review recordings (and transcripts) of health coach-participant consultations;
- code the content of these recordings using a fidelity checklist; and
- present these findings using basic descriptive statistics to the trial team.
You will develop skills and knowledge in qualitative health research methods, including coding and analysis, and basic descriptive statistics. You will have an opportunity to write a report and present findings to the wider trial team. We will also support opportunities to review or contribute to presentations and/or publications.
In addition, we will ensure that you gain broader knowledge of intervention trials, behaviour change and clinical communication.
Entry requirements
You need to have some aptitude for or interest in working with recordings and transcripts of healthcare interactions. Basic skills in qualitative research methods, audio editing software and Microsoft Excel would be an advantage. Suitable degree subjects include medicine, nursing and other allied healthcare professional training, social sciences (eg sociology, psychology, anthropology, communication studies) or degrees where you have been dealing with textual data (eg English, linguistics)
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Law 01
Detention Landscapes
Professor Mary Bosworth
This project has two inter-related parts -- one is to work with the Border Criminologies research team headed by Professor Mary Bosworth at the Centre for Criminology on communications and the other is to work with our partner organisation Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) on gathering and inputting information about conditions and experiences of immigration detention in the UK into an international human rights database.
In both sites, the student will work alongside a small team of volunteers and paid workers who are documenting the intersections between immigration control and criminal justice. The Detention Landscapes Project which is hosted on the Border Criminologies website is currently focused mainly on Greece, but we are, together with BID expanding it to include the UK, while information from countries is being inputted by teams elsewhere. The database is open source.
You will be taught how to communicate academic research to a public audience. The database will involve handling a range of source material, from first hand accounts to documents and reports. It is an open-source platform which you be trained to use. The Border Criminologies website work will involve social media training on Bluesky and Instagram as well as Canva.
You will be guided through how to manage the documents and primary sources already gathered for the database and will be taught the basics about the immigration detention system. This role will teach you transferable skills about communication and dissemination, which you could use in a variety of other posts.
Entry requirements
You should be studying towards, or have completed, a degree in Law or any of the social sciences. The requirements are open although some familiarity with immigration matters in the UK would be advantageous. Legal training or a background in a related social science would also be helpful. Familiarity with social media and managing online content would be good. Any experience with data entry would also be helpful.
Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
Linguistics 01
Perceptual Asymmetries in the Interface between Phonology and Morphology
Dr Hilary Wynne
How do language users process complex words (such as "unwell") when reading or listening? Do they break them down into smaller (constituent) parts, thus recognising the meaning of "well" and that the prefix "un-" negates it (ie ‘not well’), or do they simply access the meaning of the whole word irrespective of its internal complexity; ie recognising that "unwell" means something like sick?
Using psycholinguistic (behavioural, eyetracking) and neurolinguistic (EEG) methodologies, we will investigate the processing of these complex linguistic structures in native and non-native speakers of English.
You will be trained in speech analysis software (Praat), experimental design, stimuli selection, experimental techniques, equipment usage, and analysis of data from behavioural experiments (lexical decision/priming). You will also have the opportunity to observe and potentially contribute to a number of experiments going on in the lab (eg electroencephalography/EEG and eye-tracking) during your stay as well as speech recognition projects.
At the end of the project you will present your findings back to the group in an internal meeting. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in or related to Linguistics or Psychology at an undergraduate level. You should be comfortable using MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Knowledge of MATLAB and R is not necessary but useful. Familiarity with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) would be advantageous. You will be a self-starter with the ability to work independently.
Modern Languages
Modern Languages 01
Teaching and Researching Ukraine: Past, Present, and Future
Dr Panayiotis Xenophontos
The Oxford Ukraine Hub (OUH) is a newly-formed research centre at the University of Oxford. The OUH serves as an interdisciplinary network to connect the exceptional breadth and depth of expertise across multiple disciplines at the university with international researchers and practitioners working on, and interested in, issues related to Ukraine. By placing Ukraine at the centre of scholarly enquiry and bringing together researchers from the social sciences and humanities, the OUH disrupts long-established epistemological hierarchies within Slavic and East European studies through the fostering of new collaborations across disciplines, departments, and institutions, including scholars in Ukraine.
By choosing this option, you will be joining the OUH team at this important moment of our development. You will work with key members of the team in producing and disseminating interdisciplinary, cutting-edge research on Ukraine for outward-facing channels, in particular our website and podcasts.
You will be trained in working with archival and bibliographical sources in libraries and research institutions in the UK and abroad by established scholars in the field. In addition, you will be assisted in making your and the OUH's research accessible to broader academic and non-academic communities. There will be scope to work independently on particular OUH research clusters you are interested in.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, a degree in a humanities-related subject, and be able to work with sources in a variety of different media. Interest in Ukraine (culture, history, politics) is preferable. Knowledge of Ukrainian and/or Russian, as well as any other foreign languages, is preferable, but not essential.
Music 01
Enhancing the research environment for Early Music
Dr Julia Craig-McFeely
DIAMM is the backbone of all research into early music and one of the longest-running digital humanities projects in the world. We make early music manuscripts available online by photographing them and cataloguing their contents. Our researchers update and interact with a live online relational database and work with original manuscripts. These are foundational skills for all research, not just in music.
The project team contributes new material to the research landscape on a daily basis, connecting and collaborating with major research initiatives and institutions around the world, and presenting research findings at conferences, symposia and workshops. Team members have access to a number of developing technologies, which means that there are also exceptional opportunities for those interested in development of web-delivery tools and the digital exploitation of music materials.
Interns will have the opportunity to interact closely with leading scholars in the field of musicology. In Summer 2025 we will be preparing image content for a large publication and migrating material from an older resource into our own, so good skills in the use of websites and online resources are essential. If you are interested in programming it is possible to work remotely with our technical development team in Switzerland, for which you would need skills in python and JavaScript.
You will be trained in the use of Adobe Photoshop for image manipulation and editing; you will learn how a relational database functions and how to add content; you will learn how to read Elizabethan manuscripts and how manuscripts of music were constructed, with the opportunity to develop a working relationship with senior academics.
Three outputs we expect are:
- the transfer of an older project into the DIAMM online environment;
- the creation of searchable online inventories for a number of sixteenth-century manuscripts in the Bodleian Library; and
- the preparation of materials and content for one or possible two large facsimile publications.
Entry requirements
Applicants who have completed, or are in the process of completing a music degree are ideal, but we will consider applicants who have good musical skills but are studying/have studied any humanities subject. If your interests are in humanities in general and how the research community builds and improves its digital research content and online environment, then this is a good project for you. You need to be flexible, well able to work alone and without constant supervision, have a good eye for spotting errors, be interested in learning new ways of working, be comfortable working entirely on a computer (the project is Mac-based). A lot of time is spent working with the back-ends of online resources, so some understanding of applications like WordPress would be very useful. Successful applicants will be asked to do some preparatory work to acquire basic skills, such as an online course in reading Elizabethan handwriting.
Projects in Mathematical and Physical Sciences are offered by the following departments:
Chemistry 01
Bioengineering of the fungal luciferase system for applications in natural lighting sources in plants
Dr Patrick Rabe
Hispidin Luciferase (HLuc) is part of the fungal bioluminescence pathway in Neonothopanus nambi, and is responsible for the distinctive light emitting reaction, utilising the chemical energy of oxygen. This cyclical pathway allows the perpetual emission of light, making it an attractive tool in both biomedical imagining and in autonomous bioluminescent plants.
The project will focus on the biochemical and structural characterisation of HLuc and related enzymes in the pathway, aiming to characterise the enzyme’s active site and detailed reaction mechanism, identifying any structural confirmations or mutations that could optimise the emitted wavelength and intensity of light. This will be achieved by using a range of advanced chemical biology tools, biochemical assays, and recombinant protein expression techniques. Additionally, we will employ various crystallographic and biophysical methods to provide a detailed structural and functional understanding of these enzymes.
Ultimately the goal is the application of this knowledge to bioengineer this bioluminescent pathway into plants for sustainable and tuneable carbon-neutral lighting in urban environments, and in other cellular systems as a tool for drug discovery and cellular imaging.
This project will provide hands-on training in a variety of classical molecular and microbiological techniques essential for biochemical research, including PCR, mutagenesis, SDS-PAGE, and Western blotting, as well as handling and protein expression in yeast and bacteria. You will achieve additional training opportunities in structural biology and biophysical techniques such as crystallography, mass-spectrometry and NMR.
Notably, we are a highly interdisciplinary chemical biology group, so you will be exposed to many different techniques and skillsets, and have the flexibility to engage in additional wet-lab experiments depending on your own personal interests. This comprehensive training will prepare you to contribute to the larger goal of bioengineering bioluminescent pathways for sustainable, carbon-neutral lighting and for applications in drug discovery and cellular imaging.
Entry requirements
The candidate will ideally have or be studying a biochemistry or related degree (chemistry, biology, biophysics etc) with some wet-lab experience and an interest in structural and mechanistic biology.
Chemistry 02
Inorganic Materials for Advanced Manufacturing
Professor Simon Aldridge
Two research projects are available to students with an interest in the synthesis, design and characterisation of inorganic materials. Students will learn skills associated with the synthesis of inorganic compounds and gain critical experience handling these. The projects will focus on the synthesis of novel compounds with potential applications in fields such as catalysis, energy storage and chemical synthesis. Applicants will be assigned a project in one of the areas prior to starting in the laboratory.
Students will learn how to:
- safely handle reactive compounds including materials that are air- and moisture-sensitive;
- analyse inorganic compounds and materials using state-of-the-art techniques (including, for example, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, mass-spectrometry, electrochemical methods, electron microscopy, etc);
- interpret experimental data;
- write scientific reports; and
- present their research to an academic audience.
Entry requirements
Students should have experience in chemistry, materials, or a related subject, from their undergraduate degree.
Chemistry 03
New light emitting organic molecules with interesting spin properties
Dr Dan Congrave
Organic molecules and materials that absorb and emit light broadly overarch traditional scientific disciplines with implications in applications related to energy, medicine, electronics and sensing. This projects will expose you to the world-class synthesis and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) facilities at Oxford Chemistry.
We have recently been pioneering organic molecules that can emit light while also featuring high-spin states. This is extremely promising for developing a new generation of molecules that can function as quantum sensors, with the ability to read-out information completely non-invasively through fluorescence.
You we be involved in developing our new fluorescent high-spin molecules, having the opportunity to see how physical and organic chemistry can link together and to learn a wide range of skills associated with this interdisciplinary research.
This project is interdisciplinary and combines organic and physical chemistry. It is therefore an ideal opportunity to learn a wide range of skills and be broadly exposed to scientific research so that you can make an informed choice in what to pursue in your research career after the internship. You will be involved in a collaboration between organic and physical chemists, which will be a great opportunity to improve your scientific communication skills.
You will have the opportunity to take a never before synthesized molecule on a journey all the way from the conceptual design to the final characterization experiments after synthesizing it. You will firstly be made familiar with the computational chemistry used to design new target molecules. You will next be trained in organic synthesis, particularly air- and water-free experimental techniques, and be exposed to multiple methods of chemical purification such as chromatography and distillation. Once the new molecule is synthesized you will have the opportunity to take part in characterization experiments such as NMR, absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, and ESR, and then be taught how to interpret the data.
You will be directly supervised in the synthetic organic chemistry lab by a PI who has a decade of experience in this type of research, and will be able to observe and be exposed to the wide range of other organic optoelectronics projects being carried out within the group. At the end of the project you will have the opportunity to write a report and may present your results to collaborative team. If any aspect of your work is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have of be studying a degree related to synthetic chemistry (Chemistry, Natural Sciences). Some familiarity with synthetic chemistry lab work typical of that encountered in an undergraduate degree is desirable.
Computer Science
Computer Science 01
Deep learning for statistical inference
Dr Seth Flaxman
Deep learning has emerged as the most effective, general purpose machine learning method, powering the amazing advances in Artificial Intelligence of recent years. Statistical inference combines probabilistic models of the world with data to learn things about the world. We are developing a suite of tools, based on deep learning, to accelerate statistical inference techniques and make them applicable to a range of tough scientific problems in, eg epidemiology.
The student will gain exposure to cutting edge deep learning techniques and libraries (PyTorch, jax) and statistical ideas. The student will learn how research is undertaken in a computer science research lab, and see what types of applications are possible.
Entry requirements
computer science, maths, or statistics degree experience with python or R
Computer Science 02
Application of Machine Learning Methods to research problems in computational biology
Professor David Gavaghan
Time series models are used to approximate the dynamic behaviour of dynamical systems and are ubiquitous across mathematical and computational biology. Embedded within the models are parameter values which govern model outputs and must be inferred from experimental data.
Research in our group focuses on the development of machine learning algorithms for parameter inference in applications ranging from the modelling of pandemics, through the safety of new drugs, to the potential use of enzymes in developing biofuels. Underpinning all of our research is our PINTS (Probabilistic Inference on Noisy Time Series) open-source software, which provides to the user an easy-to-use interface to the machine learning and optimisation algorithms that we have implemented within PINTS.
Depending on the interests of the interns, summer internship project might involve either further development of one of more algorithms within PINTS, of the application of machine learning techniques to one of the scientific problems that are of interest to our group.
Understanding of the use machine learning methods in parameterising biological models. Possible contribution to a research paper.
Entry requirements
A quantitative degree (maths, physics, engineering, computer science) and interest in biological problems. Some programming experience would be helpful but not essential.
Engineering 01
Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Human-AI Coordination
Professor Jakob Foerster
Understanding how complex systems of agents (including human and AI agents) interact and can cooperate to achieve common goals is essential if AI is to be integrated into real world problems.
Students will work on one of many possible exciting research directions under this umbrella project including:
- developing new benchmarks to evaluate algorithms on;
- modelling human interaction and behaviour;
- integrating large language models (like ChatGPT) into multi-agent settings with natural language; and
- developing new algorithms to solve cooperative games such as Hanabi.
Students will gain a solid foundational understanding of reinforcement learning - the formal study of how an agent learns to behave optimally in an environment. They will extend this foundation to work within the the multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) framework to design algorithms that build on an existing research codebase. They will learn about state-of-the-art algorithms, how to run experiments on powerful servers, experiment design and improve their practical coding skills.
Students will contribute to an active research project and will learn academic project planning, how to express their ideas rigorously and gain a grounding in good scientific paper writing. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to publish their work at highly regarded academic conferences.
Entry requirements
Applicants must be studying a machine learning related degree, for example engineering, mathematics, computer science or an appropriate STEM subject and must be looking to pursue a higher academic degree. Familiarity with Python and machine learning libraries would be desirable. Successful candidates will be working on real research projects and so must be self-motivated and fit into a team of researchers from various backgrounds.
Engineering 02
Understanding and Mitigating Hallucination of Multimodal Language Models
Professor Philip Torr
This project focuses on understanding and reducing the phenomenon known as “hallucination” in multimodal language models, which are advanced AI systems capable of processing both text and images. Hallucination occurs when these models generate inaccurate or misleading information that seems plausible.
Our goal is to identify the underlying causes of these errors and develop techniques to minimize them. We will analyse how the models interpret various inputs and apply methods like data refinement and improved training strategies to enhance their accuracy. By doing so, we aim to create more reliable AI systems that can provide trustworthy information across different formats, making them safer and more effective for users in everyday applications.
During this project, interns will gain valuable skills and knowledge in several key areas. First, you will learn to work with multimodal language models, including understanding how they process and generate information from text and images. This will involve hands-on experience in using computational tools for model training and evaluation.
Second, you will develop expertise in analysing model outputs to identify instances of hallucination, including methods for refining training datasets and implementing corrective strategies. Interns will also gain experience in conducting research and data analysis, which will enhance their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. At the conclusion of the project, you will present your findings to the research team, providing a platform to share your insights. If your contributions lead to significant outcomes, there is potential for you to be named as a co-author on any resulting publications, enriching your academic portfolio.
Entry requirements
To apply for this project, candidates should have, or be pursuing, a degree in computer science, data science, artificial intelligence, or a related field. A solid understanding of machine learning concepts is essential, along with proficiency in programming languages such as Python. Familiarity with libraries and frameworks commonly used in natural language processing and computer vision, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, is highly beneficial. Additionally, candidates should possess strong analytical skills and the ability to critically evaluate model performance. Experience with data analysis and visualization tools will also be advantageous. Ideal applicants will be self-motivated and capable of working independently, demonstrating a keen interest in AI ethics and the implications of language models. Good communication skills are important, as you will be expected to present findings clearly to the research team.
Engineering 03
Measurements of re-entry spacecraft models for a hypersonic wind tunnel test
Dr Tobias Hermann
A new hypersonic wind tunnel has been built at the Oxford Thermofluids Institute that allows the creation of air flows up to 7000 m/s velocity. These flows can be used to experimentally simulate the conditions faced by hypersonic vehicles, such as the Space Shuttle. Models are exposed to a high-speed flow, which is investigated using optical measurement techniques. Emission spectroscopy will be used to collect light that is naturally released by the flow. An imaging system allows the measurement of traces of atoms and molecules in the flow.
Design, build, calibration, and test of the measurement setup will be undertaken with the ultimate goal of understanding how chemical reactions between gas and vehicle surface change the hypersonic flow around the vehicle. This will include simulations, as well as experiments, with an option to test an instrumented model of NASA’s planned Mars sample return mission using the measurement technique.
You will gain knowledge in how high-speed flows are simulated computationally, and how such flows affect a spacecraft travelling through the atmosphere at several kilometres per second speed. In addition, you will learn about fundamentals of high-speed flow physics and how measurement technology is applied for such extreme conditions.
The intern will further be part of a scientific group and will learn about adjacent projects that deal with high-speed flows, such as optical laser-diagnostics, plasma-flow heating, etc. Results will be published at international conferences and in Journal articles.
Entry requirements
You should be studying (or have studied) in either Material Sciences, Engineering, or Physics to be eligible for this project. The necessary skills will mostly be developed during the internship. More important is enthusiasm and open-mindedness to learning new skills and getting involved with hands-on work.
Engineering 04
Making plant fertilisers from air and water
Professor James Kwan
The Haber process combines nitrogen and hydrogen to make ammonia. This ammonia is converted to fertilisers, enabling mass food production. However, it is extraordinarily costly to the environment. Finding methods to generate ammonia from air and water to create truly green ammonia is the holy grail of catalysis. Sonochemistry is the application of ultrasound to nucleate bubbles that implode to create locally extreme conditions capable of producing nitrogeneous compounds (N-compounds) found in fertiliser.
This project aims to use our novel sonochemical reactor to explore the possibility of sonochemical nitrogen fixation. The student will test various acoustic parameters and solvent conditions and measure the yield of nitrites and nitrates. Tests will be performed with or without catalytic cavitation agents. Emphasis on the experiments will be placed on determining the key physical (ie acoustic) and process conditions that will produce N-compounds. N-compounds will be measured using different chemical assays.
You will produce green N-compounds from water and air and quantify it using chemical assays and liquid chromatography. You will be trained in general operation of ultrasound devices and associated electronics.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in engineering, materials, chemistry or physics based subject. You should also possess familiarity with MatLab.
Engineering 05
Understanding hydrogen-metal interactions to enable a green energy transition
Professor Emilio Martinez-Pañeda
Hydrogen is said to be both a blessing and a curse. It is ubiquitous and its applications will drive the technology of a net-zero carbon society. However, it is also infamous for "embrittling" metallic materials, reducing - by orders of magnitude - their ductility (elongation), fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth resistance. This so-called hydrogen embrittlement phenomenon is responsible for numerous hydrogen-assisted failures across the transport, defence, construction and energy sectors and, importantly, is considered one of the biggest impediments to the broader implementation of a hydrogen-based fuel economy, hindering the transition away from fossil fuels.
This project will use experimental techniques (electrochemical, mechanical) to understand how hydrogen degrades metals and develop new materials that can enable a green hydrogen energy infrastructure.
Research will be conducted that can lead to scientific publications. The work will involve the use of electrochemical (permeation, desorption, galvanostatic/potentiostatic charging) and/or mechanical (tensile tests, fracture, fatigue) techniques, along with material characterisation to provide new understanding of the interaction of hydrogen with:
- 3D printed metals, an important area that remains largely unexplored, and
- new materials that hold promise in being suitable for hydrogen transport and storage.
Entry requirements
The project is most suitable for students studying Engineering, Materials or Physics.
Engineering 06
Design and manufacturing of personalised orthosis via 3D printing
Professor Liang He
Orthotic devices are important tools that help limit the movement of joints and support rehabilitation after injuries. However, most designs are not personalized to fit the unique shapes of different people. This project focuses on creating custom-made orthotic supports for the upper limbs—specifically, the shoulder, elbow, and wrist—using 3D scanning and printing technology. By using precise models of each person’s arm, orthotic devices can be made to fit better and more comfortably.
Additionally, this project will incorporate origami-inspired designs to make the process simpler and more adaptable to different sizes. For example, you will 3D print various folding patterns on fabrics and study how these patterns change their shapes. This approach will create orthotic devices that are both effective and easier to adjust for each individual.
You will receive training in using 3D scanning devices, modelling software (such as SOLIDWORKS and AutoCAD), and 3D printing tools (like Simplify3D and CURA). During your time in the lab, you will have the chance to observe and possibly assist in the mechanical testing of 3D-printed samples. You will also have the opportunity to get involved in the user study of the personalised orthosis.
As you progress, you will be guided to develop the skills needed to work independently.
By the end of the project, you will present your findings to the team in an internal meeting. Additionally, if your work contributes to a future publication, you will be recognized as a co-author.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be working towards, a degree in engineering or a related science field, with standard mechanical lab skills at the undergraduate level. Familiarity with computer-aided design would be a plus.
Engineering 07
Introduction to Soft Robotics: Designing Simple Actuators Inspired by the Digestive System
Dr Ryman Hashem
This project offers an introduction to soft robotics by focusing on the design and prototyping of basic soft actuators inspired by the digestive system. Interns will learn about soft materials, fabrication methods, and simple actuator designs that replicate basic functions like gripping and controlled movement. Techniques such as silicone moulding and 3D printing will be employed to create and test these prototypes.
The project aims to give interns a hands-on experience with soft robotics concepts, focusing on creating flexible devices that simulate gentle, biologically inspired movements. This simple and accessible project structure ensures a foundational understanding of soft robotics for biomedical applications.
The outcome will be a functional, small-scale soft actuator prototype that demonstrates basic movement inspired by the digestive system. Interns will present their work, outlining their design and testing results, and contribute to a project report.
Entry requirements
Candidates should be pursuing a degree in biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, or a related field. Basic familiarity with CAD design or 3D printing is beneficial, as well as an interest in robotics and biomechanics.
Engineering 08
Understanding the Healthcare Prediction Capability of Training-Free Large Language Models
Dr Yu Liu
Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 have demonstrated impressive reasoning and problem-solving abilities across diverse fields, including healthcare. However, current studies mostly focus on text-based medical question answering, overlooking applications with electronic health records (EHR), which are typically presented in tabular format.
In this project, you will evaluate the healthcare prediction capabilities of training-free LLMs (accessible through APIs and open-sourced LLMs) on tasks such as disease prediction, mortality prediction, and hospital readmission. Using publicly available datasets like MIMIC-III/IV, you will explore various interaction methods with LLMs, such as chain-of-thought prompting and role-playing agents, converting EHR data into text formats readable by these models.
You will acquire hands-on experience in healthcare data processing, including techniques for handling and structuring EHR datasets to prepare them for use with LLMs, and you will also develop skills in prompt engineering and interaction methods such as chain-of-thought reasoning and in-context learning, essential for maximizing LLM performance in healthcare tasks.
Additionally, you will gain analytical skills in evaluating LLM performance on various benchmarks and comparing it across healthcare tasks. By the end of the project, you will produce a well-structured report summarizing the results and submit to an appropriate journal/conference for publication.
Entry requirements
You should have a background in computer science or engineering, and experience in machine learning and coding in Python. Familiarity with machine learning techniques and basic knowledge of natural language processing concepts is highly desirable. Prior experience with healthcare data or large language models is advantageous but not essential, as comprehensive training and guidance will be provided during the internship.
Engineering 09
Using dynamic deep learning for competing risk prediction in intensive care with electronic health records
Professor Tingting Zhu
Deep learning has made it possible to learn from large amounts of noisy and complex data, including time-series like vital signs in intensive care units (ICUs). Currently, patients are stratified in ICUs according to simple risk calculators and heuristic decision-making. Through deep learning adapted to survival analysis, we can extract complex patterns from patient data and predict dynamic survival trajectories for patients throughout their stay in the ICU. The survival estimates allow clinicians to see which patients are more at risk of complications during their stay and at what point in time.
Previous work has been published on single-risk prediction. Still, these models can be extended to predict multiple competing risk complications. For example, a patient at risk of death from a heart attack might have a higher risk of death from other related complications. This project will be focused on exploring these extensions based on our previously published work.
You will:
- gain a solid background in probabilistic machine learning and statistical modelling with survival analysis, especially on the deep learning side;
- become familiar with electronic health records (time-series) datasets, including extraction, pre-processing, and data analysis;
- develop a strong understanding of experimental design in deep learning modelling, including parameter tuning, metrics, and visualisation; and
- implement and integrate new modules in deep learning architectures and design experiments to evaluate their performance; and write a final report on your findings of the research carried out comparing your new method against previous benchmarks like DySurv, Dynamic Deep-Hit, and CoxTime.
Entry requirements
Degree expectations would be Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science Familiarity with Python is strongly encouraged
Engineering 10
Developing Sustainable AI Systems
Professor Noa Zilberman
Frontier AI systems may be changing the world, but they also consume exuberant amounts of electricity and have a high toll on the environment. We are developing a new scalable AI system that is significantly cheaper than existing solutions, and offers a radical change to computer design.
As part of this project, you will develop mechanisms to assess the sustainability of the developed system. These will take the form of hardware-based or software-based monitoring and enforcing solutions. To estimate achieved carbon savings, you will develop a carbon emissions model of the system and evaluate it under different conditions.
This project covers topics in computer architecture, software engineering, AI workloads and sustainability.
As part of this project you will learn about computer architecture, efficient coding practices, AI workloads and sustainable computing. You will gain experience (based on your background and interests) in modelling carbon emissions, scripting, performance-aware programming, software/hardware development, publishing code and artefacts, and - importantly - you will help reduce the carbon footprint of AI systems.
If any publication opportunities will arise from the project, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
Studying towards a degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or Computer Science. Excellent programming skills in Python or C/C++ or Verilog are required. Basic knowledge in computer architecture is required.
Engineering 11
Navigating the Genetic Perturbation Landscape: Multi-modal causal representation learning for target discovery
Professor Philip Torr
Cardiometabolic disorders remain the leading cause of mortality globally [1,2]. Addressing this major public health issue necessitates identifying effective pharmacological interventions, which requires a detailed understanding of the complex aetiology of these disorders. Cardiometabolic diseases are driven by an intricate interplay of genetic and environmental factors that impact the functionality of diverse cell types across the human body [3]. To tackle this complexity, new drug discovery approaches are essential to navigate the vast combinatorial landscape of potential pharmacological interventions and cellular phenotypes.
This project aims to develop an innovative predictive model for cellular response to genetic perturbations, a key step towards discovering drug targets for cardiometabolic disorders. By focusing on how cells react to genetic modifications (eg gene knockouts or gene silencing), this model will provide insights into the druggable genome—a critical factor for target discovery.
- Develop a Predictive Model: Create a model capable of accurately predicting cellular responses to specific genetic perturbations across various cell types. This will be grounded on the comprehensive data generated in-house at the Novo Nordisk Research Centre in Oxford (NNRCO), where cellular phenotypes can be deeply characterized at scale.
- Develop Enhanced Cellular Representations: Leverage machine learning to develop cellular representations that capture detailed patterns in imaging, genetic, and expression data, advancing the accuracy of the predictive model.
- Explore Active Learning for Efficient Genome Screening: Given the scale of the human genome, exploring the combinatorial perturbation landscape defined by 20,000 protein-encoding genes poses a significant experimental challenge. Our approach will utilize an active learning framework to guide sequential, optimal experimental perturbation screens. This will enable efficient and targeted exploration of the genetic perturbation landscape, accelerating the discovery of therapeutic targets.
Interested students will have the opportunity to contribute to these multiple aspects of this project, from designing cellular representations to developing the active learning framework. This work will provide hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies at the intersection of AI, genetics, and pharmacology, contributing meaningfully to AI-driven drug discovery efforts.
Entry requirements
You should either have, or be studying, a computer science degree, or a degree with a strong focus on machine learning. Familiarity with Python, machine learning libraries and a basic knowledge of cell biology would be useful.
Engineering 12
Graph machine learning for robotic topological maps
Dr Victor-Alexandru Darvariu
Topological maps are widely used in robotics for representing and reasoning about problems. They are typically formalised as graph structures, in which nodes represent landmarks and edges indicate how the robot can navigate between them. These maps are constructed by human experts and annotated with data encountered by the robot during deployment.
The project will investigate machine learning techniques for predicting properties of topological maps. This has the potential of enabling robots to reason about scenarios that were not encountered previously, improving their generalisation ability. We are particularly interested in exploring Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), a technique designed specifically for operating on graph structures.
You will gain experience in building, training, and evaluating machine learning models, with a particular focus on Graph Neural Networks. You will work with datasets from real robot deployments and gain familiarity with fundamental concepts in robotics.
At the end of the project, you will prepare a report documenting your findings, and deliver a presentation about your work to our research group. You will have the opportunity to participate in the activities of the GOALS group and the broader Oxford Robotics Institute, such as reading groups, seminars, and social activities.
If the project is successful, there will be the opportunity to work towards a scientific publication.
Entry requirements
This project is suitable for interns studying towards an engineering, computer science, mathematics, or related degree. Experience with Python programming is required. Familiarity with machine learning methodologies and libraries is beneficial but not required. We will guide your development as needed.
Engineering 13
Build Personalised 3D Lego Heart
Dr Abhirup Banerjee
The project is designed to generate custom 3D model of human heart using Lego bricks, offering an engaging way for children to explore and understand human anatomy. By converting a heart model into a block-based format, this project makes complex biological concepts more accessible and visually appealing for young learners. Techniques such as 3D modelling and voxelisation (breaking an object into small 3D "pixels") are used to map the heart’s structure onto a grid of Lego-compatible blocks.
Through easy customisation, children can personalise their model with colours and different block arrangements, fostering both creativity and understanding. This project combines anatomy education, technology, and art, helping children build a hands-on connection with science in a fun, approachable way.
As an intern on the project, you will gain hands-on experience with computational software used to analyse 3D data, learning how to model and manipulate digital objects for educational applications. You will be trained in techniques to accurately measure the size and shape of human organs, specifically focusing on creating accurate, Lego-compatible representations of a human heart.
Additionally, you’ll develop skills in scientific communication, with opportunities to present findings to the scientific community through presentations, detailed reports, or contributions to open-source repositories. If this project leads to a published paper, your contributions will be recognised with co-authorship, giving you tangible credentials in scientific research and public dissemination of anatomical modelling techniques.
Entry requirements
The project would be suitable for interns studying engineering, computer science, data science, or similar fields. Basic programming skills, particularly in Python or MATLAB, would be useful. Familiarity with 3D modelling tools or machine learning libraries would be helpful, but not essential. Ideal candidates have strong analytical skills and an interest in anatomy and visualisation.
Materials 01
Modelling and Simulation of Solar Photovoltaic Devices for Optimal Green Energy Harvesting
Professor Sebastian Bonilla
This project focuses on reviewing and setting up advanced computer models to simulate the performance of solar photovoltaic (PV) devices, focusing on enhancing their efficiency for green energy harvesting on arbitrary surfaces: rooftops, solar farms, and electric cars. The objective is to study and optimise PV device architectures, materials, and operational conditions using advanced computational techniques. Through this project, students will simulate different solar cell structures using software such as SCAPS 1D, PVLib, Sesame, or Solcore. Simulations could go down from the solid state physics but also target a middle level using circuit analysis techniques or pspice. Depending on the student's preferences, we could target the analysis of solar cells or full photovoltaic system performance under various environmental and material parameters. The project aims to improve the understanding of factors that influence the energy conversion efficiency of PV devices, including light absorption, carrier transport, and material degradation.
Key Goals:
- Perform detailed modelling of solar photovoltaic cells.
- Investigate the impact of material choices (eg silicon, perovskites, and tandem structures) on device performance.
- Simulate the effect of external factors such as temperature, light intensity, and spectral variation.
- Optimise device structures to enhance efficiency for green energy harvesting.
- Compare simulation results with experimental data and literature benchmarks.
- Develop skills in simulation software for photovoltaic devices. There is quite a variety and students will have a chance to chose the most appropriate tools depending on their interests.
- Gain an understanding of semiconductor physics, solar energy, and device modelling principles.
- Learn to analyse and interpret simulation results for solar cell performance.
- Acquire knowledge in sustainable energy technologies and the role of photovoltaics in the energy transition.
- A complete report of the new code written or models set up.
- A presentation to all team members of the working principles of the models used.
- A step-by-step video guide of how to employ such models to generate useful data.
Entry requirements
You should have an interest in programming, computers, code, and simulation, along with a very basic knowledge of semiconductor physics or solid-state devices, or willingness to learn. Familiarity with MATLAB or Python is advantageous but not required, but you need to be willing to learn. You should also have an interest in renewable energy and device simulation. You must be studying towards or having a studied a degree in material science, engineering, or physics.
Materials 02
Atom Probe Tomography analysis of titanium-iron-oxide
Dr Paul Bagot
Atom probe tomography is an extremely powerful experimental technique which allows us to see atoms inside a material, understanding what they are, and where they are. This is vital to understand how materials work at a fundamental level, and atom probe is now increasingly used by a diverse range of scientists wishing to know detailed chemical and structural information about samples.
In this project, we have collected a number of datasets from an collaborator working in geology, who wants to know about the structure of some ilmenite - an ore of titanium, iron and oxygen. This has a number of very fine-scale interfaces in it, and the student will be trained to use our software to examine all of these interesting datasets, looking in detail at the atomic-scale structure.
You will be trained in computational software used to analyse 3D imaging data from a technique called Atom Probe Tomography - understanding the chemical composition and 3D atomic-scale structure of pre-existing datasets collected in our laboratory. The samples are from collaborators in Earth Sciences in Cambridge, and will provide the student with a unique chance to work on rare geological specimens.
At the end of the project you will present you findings to the Atom Probe group, who will also support you in your work, and we hope that the analysis from this would be featured in a scientific paper.
Entry requirements
You should have a good understanding, interest and background in physical sciences - chemistry, physics for example, and/or computer science.
Materials 03
Nanomechanical Testing of Multiphase Refractory Alloys
Professor David Armstrong
Multiphase refractory alloys are of a great deal of interest for both aerospace and nuclear applications. They would allow operational temperatures in excess of 1500K which allows for greater efficiency in both applications. Traditional single phase refractory materials, such as tungsten based and molybdenum based alloys, have two major issues 1) they have a low oxidation resistance and 2) they can show limited ductility at even high temperatures.
Recently discovered alloys (so called high entropy alloys) with multiple elements and phases (such as the TiVNbTaMo alloys) have been shown to have improved ductility and with the addition of Al and Cr improved oxidation resistance. However little is known about the fundamental deformation of the different phases in these alloys.
This project will use nanoindentation to measure the mechanical properties of each phase in the material and correlate it to the local chemistry and crystal orientation. This will be used to inform future alloy design.
The student will learn to independently perform metallurgical sample preparation, nanoscale mechanical testing methods, and statistical data analysis. In collaboration with group members they will perform electron microscopy based analysis of samples.
Entry requirements
The project is suitable for materials science students or students in engineering or other physical sciences with an interest in materials chemistry and mechanical behaviour,
Maths 01
Ricci flow on spheres
Professor Jason Lotay
The Ricci flow was the key tool in one of the biggest breakthroughs in mathematics in the 21st Century: the resolution of the Poincare conjecture, the only Millennium Prize Problem to be solved so far. One of the fundamental results which inspired this work was the study of the Ricci flow on 3-dimensional spheres.
This project would aim to look at the Ricci flow on spheres in various dimensions: surprisingly, there is a marked difference between what happens in 3D and what happens in 7D. The project would use analysis methods together with some geometric ideas. The final aim would be to potentially achieve some novel results on the behaviour of Ricci flow on spheres in higher dimensions, particularly in situations where there is a lot of symmetry.
You will be trained in the relevant analysis and geometry to understand and use the Ricci flow, including partial differential equations and curvature. These skills will be broadly applicable and will be invaluable for future research in pure maths. You will have the opportunity to explore other directions, such as complex geometry and topology, and interact with PhD students working in geometry.
At the end of the project you will produce a written report and have the opportunity to present your work to members of the Geometry group.
Entry requirements
You should be studying a mathematics degree. Familiarity with typesetting in LaTeX will be helpful. It may be useful, but not essential, for you to have some familiarity with using mathematical software, or otherwise performing symbolic calculations using a computer.
Physics 01
Measurement of the W boson mass with the CDF detector
Professor Chris Hays
In 2022 the CDF experiment performed the world's most precise measurement of the W boson mass. The measurement deviates significantly from the prediction of the Standard Model of particle physics, and also with other measurements of the W boson mass.
This project will dig deeper into the measurement to probe for any possible bias. The project will use existing code for data analysis and will focus on splitting the data, eg into time periods, to test the stability of the measurement. An important aspect of the project will be tuning the simulation to account for expected variations of the data.
The student will gain skills with C++ code and the standard particle physics analysis package, ROOT, developed by the CERN laboratory. The student will gain data analysis and modelling skills, and learn about the techniques required to perform a high-precision particle physics measurement.
Entry requirements
The student should have (or be working towards) a physics degree or have taken advanced physics courses including particle physics, and should have good computing knowledge.
Physics 02
Dark Matter from Cosmic Strings
Professor Edward Hardy
The QCD axion is among the best motivated candidates to comprise dark matter. However, experimental searches are hampered by the lack of a reliable prediction for the axion mass such that it accounts for the full cosmological abundance of dark matter.
During this project you will analyse a key ingredient in this prediction - the emission spectrum of axion strings (which form in the early universe). You will assist in adapting an existing C++ numerical simulation code to non-standard expansion histories, which will shed light on the emission spectrum.
The outcome of this project will be a new version of the simulation code that can evolve the axion string system in an arbitrary cosmological background, as well as data for the string emission spectrum, and an analysis of this that you will present in a report.
There may also be the opportunity to continue your work beyond the summer project with the aim of developing your findings to be submitted as part of a research paper.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in physics or theoretical physics including experience and enthusiasm for coding in C or C++, and some exposure to classical field theory and basic cosmology.
Physics 03
Observing the Atmosphere from Space
Dr Anu Dudhia
The project involves working within a group specialising in using satellite measurements of the Earth's infrared emission spectrum to retrieve concentrations of a number of different atmospheric gases normally only present in small concentrations (SO2, NH3, C2H6, etc).
The project will involve writing Python code to analyse our data and compare these with other datasets, culminating in a written report and a final presentation to the group. The student will be based in an office with other summer project students, with whom they are expected to collaborate, and also participate in weekly group meetings.
You will gain experience in Python coding to access, manipulate and display large datasets, collaborative working within a research group, giving formal presentations, writing a research report.
Entry requirements
You should be studying for a degree in Physics or related STEM subject, and have Python programming experience.
Physics 04
Hunting for supersymmetric dark matter at the Large Hadron Collider
Professor Alan Barr
Dark matter is one of the most prominent puzzles in modern particle physics. The mystery may be solved by Supersymmetry, a theory that introduces a suite of new fundamental particles which physicists are searching for at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s most powerful particle accelerator.
In this project we will explore the hints of supersymmetry that could be present in LHC data. There are several directions the project could take depending on the interests of the student, including applying machine learning methods, statistical techniques and particle physics phenomenology.
Depending on your interests, you will gain experience using machine learning methods, statistical techniques, and/or particle physics phenomenology. The results of the project will motivate future LHC analyses. At the end of the project you will present your findings to our research groups and produce a written report.
Entry requirements
You should be studying for an undergraduate degree in Physics. Experience with Python, or a desire to learn, is essential. Knowledge/skills in statistics and C++ may be advantageous but are not essential and can be learned on the job. Most important is a desire to learn new skills and ability to work independently.
Physics 05
Hardware development for the ePIC particle physics experiment at EIC
Dr Georg Viehhauser
Oxford is part of an international collaboration to build the ePIC detector and the EIC collider at Brookhave National Lab. The UK deliverable to this project will be the outer barrel layers of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT). We are currently designing and prototyping the mechanical support structures for these layers, which includes the integration of electrical and cooling services.
In this summer placement the student will help with the manufacture of prototype structures, and testing of the mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of the prototypes. The exact emphasis of this summer project will depend on the interests of the successful candidate, and availability of prototypes and testing hardware.
You will gain an insight into the R&D activities for a modern silicon tracking detector, measurement techniques to assess the performance of key aspects of such systems, and the complex optimisation behind todays particle physics experiments.
Entry requirements
Your must have studied, or be studying towards a degree in Physics. You should have a good understanding of the broad range of undergraduate physics you have learned about so far. Basic computing skills will likely be beneficial.
Physics 06
Ultracold atom laboratory
Dr Robert Smith
The project will be based in our ultracold ultracold atom laboratory in which we cool erbium and potassium atoms down to nano-Kelvin temperatures to study many-body quantum phenomena such as the recently realised supersolid state. The details of the project you will be working on will be finalised later but could involve design and construction of optical setups for trapping or imaging ultracold atoms, generation of custom magnetic fields for manipulation of atomic properties or numerical simulation of ultracold atom clouds.
You will gain experience in experimental techniques (eg in optics, electronics, data analysis) and gain insight into quantum gases. You will write up your work in a short report and if particularly successful could be a co-author on a publication.
Entry requirements
You should be studying (or finished) a degree in physics (or equivalent).
Physics 07
Observing volcanic clouds from space
Dr Isabelle Taylor
Volcanic clouds of ash and gas are one of the many hazards associated with volcanic eruptions. They can cause considerable damage to aircraft and have significant impacts on the environment and climate. Monitoring them is important for minimising the hazard they pose and for rapidly assessing the atmospheric impacts they might have. Satellites play a crucial role in this monitoring, providing some of the key information which is used in dispersion and climate models.
This project will involve writing Python code to process satellite data to learn about the composition of volcanic clouds. The student will be based in an office with other summer project students, with whom they are expected to collaborate, and also participate in weekly group meetings. At the end of the project, they are expected to produce a short written report and give a presentation to the group.
You will gain experience in Python coding to access, manipulate and display large datasets, collaborative working within a research group, giving formal presentations, writing a research report.
Entry requirements
You should be studying for a degree in Physics, Earth Sciences or related STEM subject, and have some Python programming experience.
Physics 08
How Much Does Dark Matter Matter?
Dr Adriano Poci
Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries in 21st-century science. According to our current understanding, its defining quality is that it does not interact with ordinary matter, aside from gravitationally. This makes it impossible to measure directly. Indirect measurements are necessary to constrain how much dark matter resides around galaxies.
Such methods include dynamical models of the stars and gas within galaxies, which `feel' the gravitational presence of dark matter. Yet these approaches, which is how dark matter was originally discovered, rely on a number of assumptions about the nature of the stars and gas within each galaxy, such as how old they are and how they are distributed within galaxies.
This project will use state-of-the-art observations and modelling techniques to directly measure the impact of these assumption on our inferences about the amount of dark matter in galaxies.
This project will provide experience working with the state-of-the-art dynamical modelling approach, which has only recently become publicly-available. Depending on progress, this work will warrant publication as a short letter; independent of what the specific outcome is, this work will act as a reference for similar studies moving forward.
Entry requirements
The project is computation-heavy. The student will work predominantly in Python, as well as on high-performance computing systems. The student should have a background in physics, astrophysics, statistical mechanics, or similar.
Physics 09
Instrumentation Development for the DarkSide-20k Dark Matter Search Experiment
Professor Jocelyn Monroe
This project will involve performance qualification of silicon photon sensors employed in the DarkSide-20k experiment. DarkSide-20k searches for dark matter particles, gravitationally bound to our galaxy, interacting in an ultra-sensitive terrestrial detector.
The signature of dark matter interactions in DarkSide-20k is light produced by the argon target. This light signal is detected by novel silicon photon detectors composed of arrays of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs).
In this project you will have the opportunity learn to measure the photon detection performance of these cutting-edge particle detectors in a cleanroom environment, work with lasers and liquid nitrogen, work with scanner and sCMOS camera imaging systems, employ calibration techniques and develop data analysis skills.
Students will have the opportunity to work with both silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) array detector hardware as well as to do data analysis.
The project aims are for you to learn new skills in research at the low background frontier of particle physics; to contribute to the delivery of the silicon detector readout system that instruments part of the international DarkSide-20k experiment, currently under construction at the LNGS laboratory in Italy; and, to gain experience with working as part of a research team.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a physics or astrophysics-related degree and have standard laboratory and software skills at an undergraduate level. Familiarity with particle detector hardware and/or techniques would be useful. You will be a motivated, enthusiastic person who enjoys both working independently and within a team.
Physics 10
Large Scale Structure cosmology with Hyper-Suprime Cam
Dr Thomas Cornish
Studying the Large Scale Structure (LSS) is a major focus of modern cosmology, as it can be used to shed light on the 'dark sector' of the Universe. Galaxies are biased tracers of dark matter, and their positions can thus be used to infer the underlying dark matter distribution in the Universe. Furthermore, combining information about galaxy positions with other tracers of the LSS provide powerful tools for studying different properties of the LSS, as well as averaged properties of the galaxies themselves.
The Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) is one of the largest existing galaxy surveys, covering approximately 1200 square degrees of sky. This project will involve cross-correlating the positions of galaxies from HSC-SSP with other observable tracers of the LSS (eg gravitational lensing of photons in the cosmic microwave background) to place constraints on its properties and/or the properties of its constituent galaxies.
You will have the opportunity to develop your computing skills (with a particular focus on Python) by applying them to the handling and statistical analysis of large datasets. You will also gain experience working in an astrophysical research environment, and involvement in the research community at the University of Oxford.
The outcome will be a report of 2-3 pages in length, and you will deliver a short presentation to astronomers in Oxford about the outcomes of your research.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in physics, mathematics, statistics, or computer science. You must have experience with, or be eager to learn, Python programming language.
Physics 11
Studying the local radio luminosity function with the MIGHTEE survey
Dr Catherine Hale
Radio surveys are in an exciting era in astronomy. MIGHTEE (Jarvis+ 2016, Hale+ 2024) is one radio survey that is sensitive whilst covering sufficient areas (20 sq deg) to reduce effects of cosmic variance and is being led in Oxford.
In this project we will use MIGHTEE data to study the local luminosity function of radio AGN and SFGs, helping to constrain the bright end of the luminosity function, which needs larger fields where we have ancillary multi-wavelength data to accurately constrain the bright end of the luminosity function.
Moreover, depending on student interests and timing, we could also combine the 1.4 GHz data (Hale+ 2024) with recent 3 GHz data (Hale, Heywood+ in prep) to study the effect of spectral variations on the luminosity function measured. Using multi-frequency deep data across from the same telescope in the same configuration is important to reduce biases and systematics.
The student will produce a report at the end of the project summarizing the results and the local luminosity function found. The student will also be expected to perform a short presentation to colleagues in the research group to demonstrate the results of the project.
Entry requirements
It is expected that students are studying for (or have achieved) a degree in physics, astronomy or a closely related field. Coding skills in python are desirable as this will be needed throughout the project.
Physics 12
Investigating how the far-infrared – radio correlation depends on galaxy properties
Dr Imogen Whittam
To understand how galaxies form and evolve with time it is vital that we are able to measure the rate at which they are forming stars accurately. Radio observations provide an unique way to do this because, unlike observations at other wavelengths, they are not affected by dust in the galaxy. However, radio measures of star-formation rate require calibration via the 'far-infrared to radio correlation', which is not fully understood. For example, recent work has suggested that this correlation may depend on the mass of the galaxy, and its evolution with redshift is currently under debate.
This project will use data from the MIGHTEE radio survey (a large survey project with the MeerKAT radio telescope, Hale et al. 2024), together with data from the LOFAR and GMRT radio telescopes and surveys at wavelengths (eg optical, infrared), to study how the far-infrared to radio correlation depends on galaxy properties.
The student will produce a report at the end of the project summarising how the far-infrared – radio correlation depends on galaxy properties. There is the potential to incorporate this into a journal article, on which the student would be a co-author. The student will also be expected to perform a short presentation to colleagues in the research group to demonstrate the results of the project. The student will also gain data analysis skills, and experience coding in python.
Entry requirements
Applicants must be studying towards ,or have completed, a degree in physics, astronomy, or a closely related field. Coding skills in python are desirable as this will be needed throughout the project.
Physics 13
Electrical Doping of Lower Dimensional Halide Perovskite Materials
Dr Krishanu Dey
Owing to their excellent optoelectronic properties, metal halide perovskites have revolutionized the research landscape of emerging solar cells and light emitting diodes (LEDs). However, due to the soft nature of the halide perovskite lattice, facile formation of ionic defects (vacancies, interstitials etc.) during processing significantly influences the achievable free carrier concentration (ie electrical doping) in these materials. While some recent studies, including a few in our group, have demonstrated effective doping strategies in a small subset of 3D perovskite compositions, the replication of similar attempts for lower dimensional (eg 2D) halide perovskites has seen little success. These perovskite compositions have inferior electrical conductivity than their pure-3D counterparts, but are more stable in ambient conditions. Therefore, tuning the carrier concentration in these materials with external dopants will be a viable strategy to address this challenge, thereby leading to optoelectronic devices with high performance.
In this project, the student will focus on exploring suitable elemental and molecular dopants for 2D perovskites. First of all, appropriate drift-diffusion simulations will be conducted to understand the influence of electrical doping of perovskites on the performance of corresponding solar cells. Subsequently, extensive experimental investigation on finding suitable external dopants for the bulk and interfacial doping of perovskites will be performed. Finally, these doped perovskite films will be integrated in photovoltaic (and LED) architectures to ascertain their effect on the device performance and operational stability.
The intern will:
- perform drift-diffusion simulation of perovskite solar cells using an open-source software SCAPS;
- fabricate perovskite thin films and devices using established methodologies in the group;
- use two-point-probe and other electrical measurements to investigate any changes in the electrical conductivity (and carrier concentration) of perovskites;
- employ absorption, photoluminescence and photoconductivity spectroscopies for ascertaining the influence of external dopants on the bandgap, non-radiative defect properties and long-range charge transport characteristics of the host perovskite;
- apply X-ray diffraction (XRD) to understand any possible inclusion of dopants into the host perovskite lattice; and
- expose the doped perovskite films and devices to a variety of environmental and operational stressors.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in chemistry, physics or materials science. You should also have an aptitude and/or interest in experimental research.
Physics 14
Analysing spectral observations of a neutron star merger
Dr James Gillanders
Neutron star mergers are among the most extreme explosive events in the Universe, and are linked to the production of the very heaviest elements (including eg platinum and gold). In this project, you will work toward advancing our understanding of spectral features caused by strontium, whose presence and evolution in the observational data of a kilonova have been used to argue for specific constraints on the kilonova ejecta properties.
You will utilise atomic data for strontium to make predictions for the strength and evolution of spectral features in a kilonova, and determine whether your model predictions support the current interpretation.
By the end of the project, you will have developed an understanding of how to interpret astronomical spectral observations, and how their analysis can lead us to extract information about the material ejected from violent explosions.
You will develop a base understanding of the atomic structure of strontium, a heavy element produced from a binary neutron star merger, and how this atomic theory expertise can be used to unravel the composite components of our spectral observations. You will present your results at the end of the project to the research group in Oxford, and the results may form part of a further project exploring the properties of kilonova spectra.
Entry requirements
You should be studying a physics (or closely related) degree, and have an interest in astrophysics and/or atomic physics. Some experience of programming, preferably python, is recommended.
Statistics 01
Machine Learning and AI for SARS-CoV-2 Mpro Inhibitor Discovery
Professor Garrett Morris
You will learn how to apply the latest machine learning and AI technologies to help discover new inhibitors of a key drug target in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID 19. By training models on binding data and 3D atomic structures of inhibitors of SARS CoV-2 main protease, you will advance our understanding of how to block viral maturation and how to develop new drugs to treat COVID-19.
You will explore data from the COVID Moonshot project to develop a variety of classical ML models and more advanced methods such as Graph Neural Networks, Atomic Environment Vector-based models, and molecular transformers.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, an archaeology or environmental (geography or earth science) science related degree. An interest in developing coding skills.
Statistics 02
Theory of Reinforcement Learning and Bandits
Professor Patrick Rebeschini
Reinforcement learning is a core approach in sequential decision-making that has demonstrated impressive empirical success across various applications. Driven by the need to close the gap between theory and practical performance, recent years have seen a surge in efforts to establish solid theoretical foundations for this field.
A particular focus has been placed on high-dimensional models, sparking the development of algorithms designed to leverage low-dimensional structures, such as sparsity and low-rank properties, to achieve near-optimal (typically worst-case) error rates with respect to effective dimensionality measures. This project aims to survey the current state of the literature, and explore new algorithms inspired from the setting of multi-armed bandits.
Literature review and design and analysis of novel algorithmic principles, mostly from a theoretical point of view (but possibly also via empirical simulations if of interest).
Entry requirements
Enrolled in a degree program in mathematics, statistics, or computer science with a strong interest in theoretical work, particularly in proving theorems.
Statistics 03
Nanobody Language Modelling
Professor Charlotte Deane
Language modelling using GPT-style training has been applied to proteins to convert the semantics of protein sequences into representations that are useful for state-of-the-art predictive methods. These include tools to predict the 3D shape of a protein, its biological function, and its biophysical properties.
One class of proteins of particular interest are antibodies, proteins produced by the immune system that identify and neutralise harmful substances, called antigens. In previous work, we have shown the importance of developing domain-specific language models for antibody sequences due to their unique characteristics compared to general proteins. Nanobodies are a subclass of antibodies consisting of a single domain that have recently emerged as a particularly promising therapeutic modality and a valuable resource for a wide range of biological applications.
The goal of this project is to develop a nanobody-specific protein language model, building on our experience in antibody-specific language models such as AbLang and our unparalleled databases of antibody sequences.
You will develop skills in deep learning, language modelling, and data science, increasing your knowledge of state-of-the-art tools and methods in deep learning and protein informatics. You will apply these techniques to develop a protein language model for single-domain antibody data and assess the model’s performance.
You will present your findings in an internal meeting at the end of the project. You may have the opportunity to contribute to a publishable research project (either standalone or as part of other projects), for which you would be included as a named co-author.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree related to computer science, statistics, engineering, bioinformatics, or another relevant field.
This project is suitable for those seeking to improve their practical knowledge of complex deep learning architectures, such as language models, and learn the application of such models to protein structures.
You should have experience of machine learning and programming with Python. Experience with the deep learning framework PyTorch would be beneficial.
Projects in Life and Medical Sciences are offered by the following departments:
Biochemistry 01
Understanding B cell and antibody responses to blood-stage malaria vaccines
Dr Carolyn Nielsen
The Draper group at the University of Oxford develop vaccines against the blood-stage of the Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites that cause the disease malaria. This includes running clinical trials to test leading vaccine candidates in both the UK and with collaborators in sub-Saharan Africa. The laboratory side of the clinical trials, including immunology assays to characterise vaccine-specific immune responses, is led by Ms Sarah Silk and Dr Carolyn Nielsen.
This project would be supervised by Carolyn and Sarah and be nested within the trial analysis taking place in July – August 2025. The aim will be to support improved understanding of antibody and B cell responses against the malaria vaccine antigens currently being tested. Specific project aims will be defined with the student ahead of time but could include comparison of responses between vaccine antigens, platforms, or age groups.
You will be trained in key clinical trial immunology assays for measuring vaccine-specific immune responses. We expect these to include ELISAs (for quantifying antibodies) and flow cytometry (for characterising B cell responses, the cellular source of antibodies).
You will also have the opportunity to gain first-hand exposure to how vaccine clinical trials are run in the clinic and laboratory, and be given the option of presenting your own data at an internal group meeting. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you would be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a biology degree related to immunology and/or infectious disease. You should also have an aptitude for learning basic analysis skills and attention to detail to learn new lab techniques.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Biochemistry 02
Understanding how trypanosomes resist the complement system
Professor Matthew Higgins
African trypanosomes are deadly pathogens which affect both humans and animals. We aim to understand how they use their surface receptors to help their survival. In particular, they live in blood and are attacked by the complement system. We are therefore using a combination of structural biology and biophysical methods to understand how.
You will gain an understanding of:
- how to conduct a research project;
- structural biology (x-ray crystallography and cryoEM);
- protein production and purification; and
- methods to study protein-protein interactions
Entry requirements
Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/ Chemistry/Medicine-related subjects
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Biochemistry 03
Understanding how bacterial pathogens survive within immune cells using single-molecule microscopy
Professor Stephan Uphoff
Bacteria are extremely adaptable, which allows them to infect new hosts, evade immune defences, and survive antibiotic treatments. Under harmful conditions, bacteria activate stress responses and can acquire mutations that make them more stress resistant.
Research in the Uphoff lab aims at understanding the interplay between phenotypic responses and genetic adaptation to stress. We have pioneered single-molecule and single-cell microscopy techniques that allow us to trace bacterial adaptation across enormous spatial and temporal scales, from cell populations down to individual molecular events.
Stress responses and tolerance mechanisms are particularly important for bacteria during infection. Phagocytic immune cells kill invading bacteria via a burst of reactive oxygen species that is thought to cause DNA damage. However, intracellular pathogens can withstand this damage and replicate within phagocytes. This project will utilise single-molecule imaging to visualize DNA repair functions in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium bacteria after invasion of phagocytes.
You will gain hands-on skills in cutting-edge single-molecule fluorescence microscopy, culturing bacteria and immune cells, performing infection assays, and analysing your research data using various computer algorithms and software tools. You will be working alongside other lab members and have opportunities to learn about a range of different research projects and methodologies in the field of molecular microbiology.
You will join weekly lab meetings and present your findings at the end of the internship. If any aspect of your work is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have or be studying a science degree. Our research is interdisciplinary, and we welcome students from a range of backgrounds, including biology, biochemistry, physics, computer science with an interest in addressing biological questions.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Biochemistry 04
Enhancing automatic pipelines for the study of virus structure
Professor Lindsay Baker
Single particle electron cryo-microscopy is a Noble Prize-winning imaging technique used to determine the atomic structure of proteins and understand how they assemble, function and interact with the cellular environment or pharmaceuticals. With recent advancements in technology, it is now possible to determine the structure of a protein in as little a few hours to days. However, the time required is highly dependent on the automatic particle picking software scientists use.
At Diamond Light Source, we have developed an automatic on-the-fly processing pipeline which allows users to go from sample to preliminary structure within a few hours. Currently, this only works for globular proteins. In this project, the student will be using machine learning and AI methods to optimise the particle picking algorithms to detect icosahedral and helical viruses. Successful execution of this project will greatly increase the speed in which scientists can solve the structure of medically important viruses.
The student will learn the basic theory and general workflow of protein structure determination using single particle cryoEM. They will actively contribute to optimisation of particle picking algorithms for detecting particles in cryoEM images using ML and AI software. They will learn how to validate ML or AI generated picking models. If validation is successful, the student will learn how to integrate the model into existing automatic data processing pipelines and distribute jobs on high performance computing clusters.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, either a biochemistry or computer science-related degree. You should have interest in compute-based research projects and a basic knowledge of Linux environment and simple bash commands. Experience in image processing is beneficial but not essential.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Biology 01
Plant synthetic biology
Professor Francesco Licausi
We combine biological modules 'borrowed' from different kingdoms to engineer new signalling pathways in plants. We want to use such novel pathways to elicit timely adaptive responses to environmental adverse conditions with the ultimate goal to boost crop resilience and productivity. We use cell and molecular biology techniques including GoldenBraid cloning, protoplasting, confocal microscopy and gene and protein expression analyses (realtime qPCR and western blotting). In the past, we engineered blue-light transcriptional switches for chloroplasts and animal-inspired hypoxia responsive modules.
The intern will learn to engineer proteins to perform specific tasks. They will also design constructs to express such proteins. We will measure outputs such as luminescence, fluorescence using confocal microscopy, and the production of specific metabolites. Depending on the projects, the intern will learn to grow plants in soil and in sterile conditions for transient or stable transformation.
Entry requirements
Applicants should be studying towards, or have completed a degree, biology or biological sciences. The candidate should have good knowledge about molecular biology of the cell.
Biology 02
Investigating the impact of genome variations on the circadian rhythms of individuals
Dr Christoph Treiber
This project will look at how mobile DNA segments, called transposons, affect genes involved in controlling circadian rhythms. You will use fruit flies to investigate where in the genome transposons are inserted and how these insertions change host genes. You will have the opportunity to combine molecular biology techniques such as quantitative RT-PCR and single-animal genotyping with behavioural testing of flies.
In addition, you will be able to build on existing, unpublished high-throughput single-cell transcriptomic data and use this valuable data to identify novel candidate transposon-gene pairs that might contribute to behavioural variation between individuals.
Your work will aim to further our understanding how genomic variations within a population contribute to behavioural diversity.
You will have the opportunity to learn the molecular strategies we employ to investigate variations in the genomes of individuals and you will be trained to perform behavioural testing of fruit flies. In addition, you will be able to gain an insight on a transformative new technology, high-throughput single-cell transcriptomics, which we pioneered in the fly brain.
Entry requirements
You should be interested in understanding how our brains function and be motivated to learn wet-lab techniques as well as some light-touch computational analyses. Applicants must be studying towards, or have completed, a degree in molecular and cellular biology, genomics, and/or genetics.
Biology 03
How sustainable is beer?
Dr Joseph Poore
180 billion litres of beer are drunk every year globally. This requires nearly 50 million hectares of farmland to produce the barley and hops that go into it; an area of land the size of Spain. The production of beer creates over 100 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, and this has to be reduced in order to limit warming to 1.5 degrees.
What are the most sustainable ways to produce barley, hops, and beer? Can the impacts be reduced enough to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees? Some research has found that beer can be carbon negative if regenerative farming practices are used to remove more CO2 from the air than is emitted; are their claims true? Does that mean we should consume more?
The purpose of this internship is to upload agri-environmental data to the HESTIA platform, focusing on barley in the major global producing countries (Russia, Australia, France, UK, and Ireland) and also on hops. The data will come from published peer reviewed studies and also from the partner organisations who we work with. You will also work with data from breweries describing the production of beer. HESTIA will automatically calculate the life-cycle environmental impacts for different products. Your work would support our collaboration with The Waste and Resources Action Plan (WRAP), funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra). The day-to-day work would involve sourcing and reading studies, extracting inventory data, uploading these data to HESTIA, and then exploring and analysing the results.
You will work with our team to create new assessments of the environmental impacts of barley and beer in different countries under different production systems.
You will gain knowledge of: crop production systems, how to quantify agricultural sustainability (in particular using Life Cycle Assessment), and how to conduct literature reviews. You will gain particular skills in: Excel, Git, and also knowledge of working with JSON schemas.
You do not need prior skills in these areas and will have opportunities to learn on the job. A basic understanding of these skills would however offer you a faster start. You will also have the opportunity to work with a range of researchers from our team, including environmental scientists and software developers.
Entry requirements
We are open to applicants who are studying for degrees in any area.
Biology 04
AI and grassland resilience
Professor Rob Salguero-Gomez
Grasslands cover approximately 40% of the Earth’s land surface and are crucial for global biodiversity, carbon storage, and ecosystem services. However, they face threats from climate change, land use changes, and biodiversity loss, challenging their resilience and sustainability.
This project proposes the use of AI-driven analytical pipelines in combination with hyperspectral cameras mounted on drones to monitor grassland resilience in Wytham Woods, Oxford. Hyperspectral imaging, with its ability to capture detailed spectral data across numerous wavelengths, will enable precise assessment of vegetation health, species composition, and stress responses in grassland habitats. AI algorithms will process and analyse the high-dimensional data, identifying trends and resilience patterns in response to environmental pressures.
This innovative approach will provide a scalable, non-invasive method for real-time monitoring, helping to establish early warning systems and inform conservation strategies. The insights gained could offer a model for grassland monitoring and conservation globally, advancing sustainable management practices.
As an intern on this project, you will gain hands-on experience in remote sensing, AI, and environmental monitoring. You will be trained to operate drones equipped with hyperspectral cameras, gathering high-resolution data across multiple spectral bands. Using specialized software, you’ll learn to process and analyse hyperspectral data, applying AI models to detect patterns in vegetation health, biodiversity, and stress indicators within grassland ecosystems.
This role will also involve training in statistical methods for ecological data analysis and resilience assessment, with guidance on selecting and implementing appropriate models. You’ll participate in team meetings, contributing insights and collaborating on findings with researchers. At the project’s conclusion, you will present your results to the group. Depending on the findings and the progress on the project, you may have the opportunity to co-author a publication including your analysis. This internship will equip you with valuable skills in ecological monitoring and advanced data science, applicable to diverse fields in conservation and AI-driven research.
Entry requirements
You should be studying, or have completed, a degree in environmental science, ecology, remote sensing, data science, computer science, or a related field. Proficiency in data analysis software and programming languages (eg Python, R) is essential, as you will work with hyperspectral data and AI models. Familiarity with machine learning techniques and libraries (eg scikit-learn, TensorFlow) would be advantageous, as would experience with geospatial data tools (such as QGIS or ArcGIS) or drone operation. A background in ecology or environmental monitoring is desirable, particularly with a focus on plant health and biodiversity. Strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and the ability to interpret complex data are essential. You should be a proactive learner, able to work independently and as part of a team. Effective communication skills are also valuable, as you will present findings and contribute insights to the research group.
Biology 05
Earthtracker: Tracking progress towards recovering nature at the global level
Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland
Working with WWF-UK, a team of researchers is developing a new Earth Tracker tool, to be launched at UNFCCC in Belem in late 2025. This will aggregate existing tools and frameworks to track whether countries are meeting the commitments that they made under the 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework, whether these commitments are enough to "bend the curve" for biodiversity, and which conservation actions should be a priority for each country.
In this project you will compile existing tracking initiatives, and carry out exploratory research to explore their fitness for purpose. You will analyse how the actions and countries covered by existing databases map to various sustainability goals, what components of biodiversity are covered, and where there are gaps. For example you may find that there is a lot of international interest in Protected Area coverage but very little on sustainable wildlife use, and maybe that conservation in tropical countries is well explored, but not in East and Central Asia. Your project will therefore highlight gaps in evidence about country-level action towards the Global Biodiversity Framework and ways that these gaps could be filled.
You will be part of a team working with a major conservation organisation towards an exciting new tool that could be influential in global conservation. You will learn about international biodiversity conservation policy, and you will also learn how to interrogate policy documents, and how researchers currently track progress towards international biodiversity goals.
Entry requirements
No specific skills required, just an interest in international conservation policy. Must be studying towards (or have studied) in the areas of environmental science or data science.
Biology 06
The effect of surfactants on plant-associated bacteria
Professor Gail Preston
Plant-associated microorganisms often face the challenge of colonising hydrophobic plant surfaces. They achieve this by synthesising chemicals known as biosurfactants that reduce surface tension and act as wetting agents. Similarly, agrochemicals such as fungicides or insecticides are often mixed with surfactants to enhance their effectiveness when applied to crops. However, surfactants not only help microorganisms to colonise plant tissues – they also interact directly with biological membranes and can disrupt membrane integrity.
This project will use microbiological techniques, microscopy and gene expression assays to examine the effect of surfactants on the viability, growth and virulence of plant pathogenic bacteria. The project builds on a current collaboration between the Preston group and Dr Luke Clifton at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source studying membrane-surfactant interactions, so you will also gain insight into the use of neutron reflectometry techniques to analyse membrane properties.
You will be trained in microbiological, microscopy and imaging techniques used to study bacterial growth and gene expression. You will have the opportunity to learn about how we can use neutrons to study membrane properties and to visit ISIS Neutron and Muon Source to learn more about how these experiments are performed. You will be encouraged to actively contribute to experimental design, data analysis and data interpretation and participate fully in lab meetings and group activities.
It is possible that the project could coincide with a period during which the group will be moving into the new Life and Mind Building, in which case the project will focus more on bioinformatics and data analysis to minimise disruption.
Entry requirements
You should have or be studying a science-related degree subject. An interest in microbiology, biochemistry and/or plant science will be advantageous. You should be willing and able to work responsibly with microorganisms in a laboratory setting with care, precision and attention to detail.
Biology 07
Phenotyping of Interspecific Bidirectional Lake Malawi Cichlid Fish Hybrids
Dr Berta Verd
Lake Malawi cichlids are an extremely diverse group of >850 species of freshwater fishes which have diverged from a single common ancestor over the last 800k years. Despite their rapid diversification, species are more closely related than human populations. We have generated inter-species hybrids, in both parental directions, of a riverine insectivore, (Astatotilapia calliptera) and an algae-grazing rock-dweller (Maylandia zebra). The two species differ in their behaviour and in their morphology: however, we are yet to quantify many of the differences between these two species and of their respective hybrid offspring.
You will be responsible for phenotyping anatomical (such as jawbone shape) traits in these species and their respective hybrid offspring from micro-CT scan data we have previously generated. From this shape analysis, you will determine whether the phenotypes are sufficiently different to pursue for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis, a technique which allows the association of genomic regions with a phenotype of interest.
You will be trained in the segmentation of micro-CT scan data, as well as the tools necessary to landmark the 3D models generated from these data to analyse bone shape. Additional training will be provided for statistical analysis of the shape data in R, which will be essential in determining the distribution of phenotypes in the hybrids relative to the founding populations. Dependent upon your interests, you will also have the opportunity to observe and contribute to behavioural experiments utilising the hybrids and consider the impact of parental inheritance on behaviour.
At the end of the project, you will have phenotyped a number of anatomical or behavioural phenotypes that will be taken forward for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis to determine the genomic basis of these phenotypes. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a biological sciences related degree (broadly interpreted) or have a strong statistical background (which could include non-biologists). Familiarity with R would be preferred but is not essential. Ability to work independently is essential.
Biology 08
Machine learning and multi-species ecological dynamics
Professor Michael Bonsall
Observational time series can be generated by many different underlying mechanisms particularly in earth systems such as how species interact in ecosystems. Unravelling this complex dynamical interaction between species from time series requires unique and novel approaches to statistical inference.
This project will focus on the use of both supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches to make statistical inference on multispecies ecological time series. The aim will be to combine the use of AI/ML approaches to learn aspects of any/some (but not all) of the mechanisms underpinning interactions in a multi-species time series – these mechanisms might, for example, be the way in which predators interact prey with prey or how one species competes with a second species. This AI/ML approach will be embedded within mathematical models relevant to the underlying ecology to understand (and forecast) the dynamical interaction between species.
Through this project, you will have the opportunity to gain experience in a research project focused on statistical modelling of multi-species ecological time series. You will again experience of presenting, collating and writing the results. It is also anticipated that your results from this work will contribute to our research and we anticipate that the analysis will be included in a collaborative future publication.
Entry requirements
An interest in earth systems particularly ecology and dynamical systems. Some familiarity with statistical modelling, differential equations and machine learning would be advantageous. studying (or studied) Biology or Maths/Statistics to degree level.
Biology 09
Investigating the role of HECATE-like genes during the transition to 3-dimensional growth in plants.
Dr Laura Moody
One of the most transformative events in history was the colonization of land by plants approximately 470 million years ago. 3-dimensional (3D) growth is an invariable and fundamental feature of all land plants, and the diverse morphologies exhibited across the globe are a result of the differential regulation of 3D growth processes.
This project will investigate the role of HECATE-like genes in 3D growth in the model plant Physcomitrium patens. Experimental work will include quantitative RT-PCR to determine whether these genes are induced by auxin and/or cytokinin, construct preparation, western blotting, and confocal microscopy to determine the subcellular localization of the proteins. The project will be supervised by both Laura Moody (group leader) and Zoe Weeks (postdoc).
You will build on a fundamental understanding of the genetic network that underpins the transition from 2-dimensional to 3D growth in plants. Primarily, you will determine the expression patterns of both the HECATE genes and the proteins they encode. You will also determine whether these genes and proteins are regulated by auxin and/or cytokinin. You will be trained in molecular techniques as well as confocal microscopy and will have the opportunity to contribute to other experiments ongoing in the lab.
At the end of the project, you will present at one of our lab meetings, and any results you obtain will be acknowledged by adding your name as co-author on any resulting publications.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a biology degree with an interest in plant developmental biology. Training will be provided, but you should be enthusiastic about learning new skills and developing the ability to work independently (with guidance always nearby).
Biology 10
Investigating cross-kingdom communication in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
Dr Ronelle Roth
Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) are among the most important fungal groups in terrestrial ecosystems due to their ancient and widespread symbiotic relationships with land plants, including most crops. AM symbiosis enhances crop productivity by improving plant nutrition and increasing tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. AM symbiosis is maintained through intricately coordinated signalling, mainly driven by or resulting from the initial exchange of signals between the symbiotic partners.
The aim of this project is to determine the role of small RNAs as inter-organismal signals in the interaction. Project 1 will investigate the expression of candidate genes that might be modulated through sRNAs while project 2 will analyse the effect of AM fungal colonisation in mutants unable to generate small RNAs. You will quantify AM fungal colonisation in wild-type and mutant roots using histology and light microscopy followed by qRT-PCR to study expression of candidate genes that might be modulated by sRNAs.
As a molecular cell biology lab we will train you in basic molecular biology techniques such as gel electrophoresis and PCR, including qRT-PCR to study gene expression of a marker genes to quantify arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in AM fungal colonised roots. Results will be analysed by running statistical tests to determine the extent of mycorrhizal fungal colonisation over a time course.
You will also learn histology including trypan blue staining fungal colonised roots and light microscopy to quantify levels of colonisation which you will compare with molecular gene expression results. You will have an opportunity to present your findings at our weekly lab meetings and if your analysis is included in a future publication you will be included as a co-author.
Entry requirements
You should have a degree in plant molecular biology and ideally be familiar with R and statistical methods. Full training will be provided in molecular biology techniques used in our lab.
Biology 11
Bats in beef-producing Brazilian landscapes
Dr Ricardo Rocha
Brazilian beef is the most environmentally damaging food sector in the world. It is already responsible for 72% of Brazil’s deforestation and if current trends continue, this system could drive catastrophic ecological collapse, climate change and the emergence of zoonotic pathogens.
Bats play critical roles in human-modified ecosystems, providing numerous services to people, such as suppression of agricultural pests and consumption of pathogen-carrying arthropods. Bats exhibit considerable variation in their sensitivity to human disturbance.
While many species avoid humanized landscapes, numerous others benefit from human/livestock presence and can even be characterized as synanthropic. Furthermore, as human numbers increase and people encroach deeper on remaining natural habitats, human-bat interactions are becoming more frequent, with often undesirable consequences to both humans and bats (eg zoonotic disease spill over).
Using bioacoustic data collected in Brazil, this desk-based project will investigate changes in insectivorous bat assemblages in relation to livestock-induced habitat change in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes.
You will receive comprehensive training in bioacoustic analysis of bat echolocation calls, along with ecological analytical methods for assessing the impact of habitat change on biodiversity-rich animal communities. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in weekly meetings of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science, where you can present your work and engage with other researchers. Additionally, if your contributions are included in a future publication, you may be credited as a co-author.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be pursuing, a degree in a biology-related field with a strong interest in ecology and conservation. Experience with R and ecological statistical analyses is beneficial.
Biology 12
Coral Bleaching at Aldabra Atoll: Video Data Analysis
Professor Lindsay Turnbull
Coral bleaching surveys are essential for tracking the health of coral reef ecosystems through a bleaching event, by documenting the extent and severity of bleaching. Bleaching surveys typically involve recording coral colonies and the extent of their bleaching (eg healthy, partially bleached, fully bleached) within a specific area.
This project focuses on the corals at Aldabra Atoll, where multiple video surveys of corals on ten different reefs were conducted during the recent global bleaching event. Your role will be to observe and record the bleaching status of individual coral colonies in defined areas on the survey videos, and compile and provide preliminary summary analyses on the data. This will provide valuable bleaching survey data on multiple reef sites at Aldabra, and will go towards gaining a better understanding of the effects of a global bleaching event on remote reefs.
You will be trained in coral identification and coral bleaching assessments, and how to extract the relevant data from underwater video transect footage. You will gain valuable experience in coral reef surveying during a global bleaching event, and specifically will learn to determine species, size, growth morphology and bleaching status of coral colonies.
At the end of the project you will present your data summary together back to the group in an internal meeting. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a biology related degree. Applicants with a strong background in image processing are also welcome to apply. In general, having an interest in marine biology, coral reefs and ecosystem resilience would be highly advantageous, and experience in coral species identification would be useful (but not required). Familiarity with image processing and R would also be potentially helpful.
Biology 13
Host-Pathogen Interactions In Molecular Pharming
Professor Renier van der Hoorn
Molecular Pharming is a biosynthetic technique which uses a plant pathogen known as Agrobacteria, to infect and transfer genes into plants for protein production. This technique has great potential as a new way to produce proteins, as it is more sustainable, more scalable, and faster than current mainstream options which mostly rely on animal cells. Molecular Pharming has already been used to produce important medical and scientific products, such as vaccines for Covid-19, and antibodies used for diagnostics and research.
This promising platform is not without its problems: one of the biggest challenges is increasing product yield. In order to make Molecular Pharming more efficient, we must understand the interactions between the pathogen Agrobacteria, and its plant host's immune landscape. You will help identify and profile potential 'problem interactions' that may hinder the bacteria's infection process and reduce downstream protein production. By investigating these host-pathogen interactions, you will contribute to overcoming these obstacles and help enhance the efficiency of this new and exciting protein production platform.
You will have the opportunity to manage a self-contained research project typical in postgraduate degrees in Molecular Biology. Your main task will be to create and optimise a reporter Agrobacteria, which is a specially modified bacteria strain designed to monitor gene expression in plant tissues. You will design the strain to report the expression of a gene that Agrobacteria naturally expresses during infection to overcome plant immune responses. You will then use this reporter Agrobacteria to screen for changes in bacterial gene expression in response to the immune landscape of various plant species, and assess their impact on protein yield in Molecular Pharming.
You will be trained in a wide variety of essential molecular biology techniques, such as bacteriology, cloning, PCR, sequencing, gel electrophoresis, and Western Blots, as well as Molecular Pharming techniques, such as agroinfiltration and plant husbandry. You will gain extensive experience designing and managing both in-vitro and in-planta assays. You will learn to collect data using our imaging equipment, including the LAS4000, and the Amersham Typhoon, and analyse the data using tools such as R and ImageJ. You will be encouraged to join and present at our lab meetings, learning from our diverse team of lab members, researching a wide variety of topics across plant pathology.
At the end of the project, you will have successfully developed a reporter Agrobacteria ready for use in further research, and will present your findings at a lab meeting. If any of your work is included in future publications, you will be acknowledged and credited.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, a degree in Biology or any related subject. You should have an interest and basic knowledge in molecular biology. Any prior wet lab experience, as well as experience with the programming language R, would be useful, but not essential. You should be motivated, open minded, and capable of working both independently and collaboratively within the team.
Biology 14
Invertebrate biodiversity and mapping of tree cavities in Wytham Woods
Dr Thomas Hesselberg
Wytham Woods, near Oxford, is one of the most studied woodlands in the world and is hosting a range of long-term studies on tits, badgers and bats. However, we know less of its invertebrate diversity, especially in the less accessible habitats. One particularly overlooked habitat in woodland biodiversity studies is the holes and crevices found in older trees, which can shelter bats and are home for a range of invertebrates including snails, woodlice, beetles and spiders.
In this project, we will expand the long-term study on bats in Wytham Woods by Dr Dani Linton to investigate how invertebrate biodiversity in tree crevices is influenced by variables relating to the crevice itself, the tree it is found in and the location of that tree within the woodland. An endoscope will be used to count and ID the invertebrates in the crevices and analyse our findings with advanced spatial and statistical techniques.
Firstly, You will gain skills in ecological surveying and species ID to measure tree characteristics (species, tree height, diameter at breast height and cavity size) and identify and count invertebrates inhabiting the tree cavities with an endoscope.
Secondly, you will gain skills in mapping the location of trees using GPS and QGIS software, and potentially using remote sensing data such as LIDAR. Thirdly, you will learn to analyse and visualise the data that you obtain during this project with the statistical programming software R.
Finally, you will present your data for the group and depending on the quality of the obtained data might be involved as author on a resulting scientific publication.
Entry requirements
You should be studying or have completed an ecology related degree and be prepared to spend long field days in Wytham Woods. Experience with identifying British terrestrial invertebrates and an aptitude for data analysis and GIS would be advantageous.
Clinical Medicine
Clinical Medicine 01
Examining Evidence and Perspectives on Medical Apprenticeships in the UK
Dr Yingxi Zhao
Medical degree apprenticeship, a new way of obtaining medical degrees, is set to launch in the UK this year, with proponents aiming to enhance access to medical careers and ensure graduates acquire skills directly aligned with workforce needs. However, concerns around equity, supervision, and the program’s effectiveness have been raised by some stakeholders.
This internship, building on work by the Health Systems Collaborative team on UK and global health workforce issues, will involve a series of literature and policy reviews as well as social media analytics to explore the historical context and current state of medical apprenticeships in the UK and internationally. Through this work, the intern will develop skills in conducting comprehensive literature and policy reviews or social media analytics and applying analytical frameworks and theories.
You will develop skills and understanding of literature reviews and/or social media analytics, including developing a search strategy and conducting thematic coding, and experience of working with an applied health research team.
We will expect you to produce a report or journal paper or other relevant output to disseminate the findings - and to present this to colleagues in the Health Systems Collaborative team.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in medicine, allied health, social sciences (eg education or policy), but you are welcome to apply from any subject background.
Clinical Medicine 02
What determines the position of a cancer cell?
Professor Richard White
Cancer does not occur randomly in the body - some locations are more prone than others. Recent work from the White lab has uncovered why some skin cancers like melanoma occur in certain anatomic locations, but there is much still to learn. For example, we don't know how to target this "positional" effect for therapy.
In this project, we will use stem cell models of cancer to uncover mechanisms that determine why cells take on certain positions in the skin.
The student will learn stem cell culture, genetic manipulation and imaging.
Entry requirements
You should have some background in biology, biochemistry or genetics.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Clinical Medicine 03
RNA Pseudouridylation in cancer
Professor Chunxiao Song
Cellular RNA is decorated with diverse chemical modifications, which participate in all aspects of RNA biology. The multitude of modifications in RNA adds a new layer to gene regulation, leading to the emerging field of epitranscriptomics. Our research aims to decode the chemical modifications of our genome, transcriptome, and proteome in human health and disease – cancer in particular – and translate this information into diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities that ultimately benefit patients.
Recently, we developed a novel sequencing method, called BACS, for the most abundant RNA modification pseudouridine (Nat. Methods 2024, 10.1038/s41592-024-02439-8). We are now studying the role of pseudouridine and pseudouridine synthases (PUS) in cancer, and exploring the potential clinical application.
To learn how to conduct and interpret biochemical experiments that will contribute to the groups' research.
Entry requirements
A Biology or Chemistry or a related science background would be required.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Clinical Medicine 04
How do errors in DNA folding cause disease?
Dr Robert Beagrie
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is a genetic disease that affects multiple organs including the brain, heart, limbs and gut. It is usually caused by mutations in NIPBL, a gene that controls the way DNA folds in the cell nucleus. In order to study the role of DNA folding in the development of different tissue systems, we use mice in which one copy of the Nipbl gene is knocked out.
We have generated high resolution 3D imaging datasets from mouse embryos carrying Nipbl mutations and control, wildtype embryos. In this project, the student would be trained in how to analyse these datasets and to identify the developmental issues that commonly affect CdLS patients (eg malrotation of the gut). This would allow us to pinpoint the affected organ systems and design future experiments to understand why those tissues are specifically affected by errors in DNA folding.
You will be trained in computational software used to analyse 3D imaging data, in how to measure the size and shape of various different organs of interest, and in which statistical tests to apply to identify significant differences between mutant and wild-type embryos. You will also have the opportunity to observe and potentially contribute to other molecular biology experiments going on in the lab during your stay.
At the end of the project you will present your findings back to the group in an internal meeting. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you will be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
Applicants may have studied or be studying towards a degree in any academic discipline aligned with the project. All required training will be provided.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Clinical Medicine 05
How human genetic variation drives the evolution of hepatitis C virus
Dr Azim Ansari
Embark on an exciting scientific journey to unravel the mysteries of the Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a RNA virus affecting millions worldwide. This project will investigate chronic HCV infection, a leading cause of severe liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Our mission is to explore how the virus adapts and thrives within the human body, driven by selective pressures from the host immune responses. By identifying key mutations, we can gain valuable insights into the complex interactions between the virus and its host, with far-reaching implications for developing cutting-edge therapies and vaccines.
Central to our research is the innovative Genome-to-Genome (G2G) analysis. This groundbreaking method connects human and viral genetic data, revealing hidden associations and uncovering previously unknown genes involved in infection processes. Recent technological advancements in sequencing and data analysis have opened up new possibilities for exploring these vast genomic landscapes.
In this project, you will work with extensive paired host-HCV datasets to pinpoint specific genetic variants influencing viral evolution. Join us in this pioneering research to make significant contributions to the field of viral genomics and transform our understanding of host-pathogen dynamics.
By participating in this project, you will gain a foundation in programming and learn to manage large-scale human genetic and viral sequencing data. You will learn genome-wide association analysis techniques and develop an understanding of genomics. This experience will equip you with valuable skills for future research and innovation in the field.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in biology, statistics or relevant field. Previous programming experience in bash/Python/MATLAB/R/Java is desirable but not essential.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Clinical Medicine 06
Exploring debates on health workforce with quantitative text analysis
Dr Attakrit Leckcivilize
Text analysis using Machine Learning techniques have been used in various fields such as political science and economics. These text analysis tools can help to group 'text' by similarity, extract key themes from the articles, and explore writers’ sentiments. Despite the usage of these tools with eg patients’ records and feedbacks, they have not been employed to study health policy or public perception extensively.
This project aims to use text analysis tools to explore, extract and visualise key information from news articles of major news outlets in the UK regarding Physician Associates in the NHS. Physician associates (PAs) are healthcare professionals with a generalist healthcare education who work alongside doctors and surgeons providing medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.
However, there are concerns on issues such as patients safety, training, and integration into clinical teams. We expect the results from this project to be a proof of concept and feed into a further exploration on this topic across countries and international organisations.
You will have an opportunity to explore news articles with text analysis techniques, while learning more on the debates around health workforce in the UK. At the end of the project you will present the findings to the group. We also hope to publish the findings as research article(s) in peer-reviewed journal. And if possible, it will be used to support our team's future application for external funding to explore health workforce policy in the UK.
Entry requirements
Good knowledge in programming and Machine Learning is essential and interest in health care issues and policies would be advantageous.
Clinical Medicine 07
Developing new approaches to combat anti-microbial resistance
Professor Frank von Delft
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi, also referred to as “superbugs”. The antimicrobial discovery and development community faces many challenges which hold back the advancement of life saving therapies, not least that biopharma considers the problem too difficult to invest into. We believe instead that what is lacking are protein targets that are researched thoroughly enough to permit accelerated rational drug discovery: proteins that enable targeting novel modes of action, along with suitable chemical matter that shows how to exploit them.
In this project you will establish a new target protein for direct-acting antimicrobials. The techniques you will employ includes target informatics, protein chemistry, high-throughput biochemistry and structural biology. The project aims include the design the DNA constructs that yield fit-for-purpose proteins, the production of high-quality reagent and the generation protein crystal structure that can feed into an AMR drug discovery program.
You will be trained to do hands-on laboratory experiments, including molecular cloning, protein production and protein crystallography, and the computational software used for informatics analysis and solving crystal structures. At the end of the project you will present your findings back to the group in an internal meeting and prepare a preprint on your findings to be submitted to the BioRxiv server.
Entry requirements
You should have a basic knowledge of molecular biology and biochemistry and be willing to spend most of your internship doing experiments in a wet lab. Ideally, you will also have an aptitude for computer-based analysis.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Clinical Medicine 08
Evidence Synthesis through Existing Literature to Combat Poverty-Related Infectious Diseases
Dr Makoto Saito
Clinical care in poorer countries often lacks strong supporting evidence, even though infectious diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in many of these areas. As part of the Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO)’s aim of enabling evidence-based decision-making to combat infectious diseases, our current project uses systematic reviews of existing literature to gather evidence regarding the safety of antimalarial drugs during pregnancy, and antimicrobial resistance in low- and middle-income countries.
We have extensive experience of such work, and have streamlined the evidence-gathering process, with our work feeding in to the development of numerous clinical guidelines, including the World Health Organization’s malaria guidelines. We seek individuals interested in understanding these topics and the process of evidence synthesis. Expected activities include reviewing medical literature and summarizing findings by extracting relevant data. You may also have opportunities to contribute to report writing based on these findings.
Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the context (malaria or antimicrobial resistance) and develop skills in critically appraising published literature, an essential first step for many scientific projects, including defining a postgraduate project which clearly addresses a knowledge gap regardless of whether it involves wet lab or dry lab work.
Working in collaboration with our team, participants will also gain an overview of how to conduct a proper systematic literature review and synthesise existing evidence.
Entry requirements
Applicants must be studying towards, or have completed, a degree in Medicine or Medical Science to be eligible for this project. Applicants should have a basic understanding of medical terminology and be competent in reading medical articles. No prior experience in statistical analyses or data management is required, although it can be helpful.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Clinical Neurosciences
Clinical Neurosciences 01
Investigating disease mechanisms underlying cerebellar neurodegeneration
Professor Esther Becker
The spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) are a complex group of inherited neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by the dysfunction of the cerebellum. Patients affected by SCA have difficulty with walking and balance, fine motor skills, speech and swallowing, as well as eye movements. SCAs are debilitating diseases and can lead to an early death. No effective treatments currently exist for patients and there is thus an urgent need to develop new therapeutic strategies.
This project will focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that cause neuronal dysfunction and degeneration in SCAs. Our lab has previously identified aberrant mGluR1 signalling as a key driver of disease. The project will further advance our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and how these could be utilised to develop treatments. The project will involve molecular biology techniques, Western blotting and immunofluorescence microscopy.
You will gain experience in experimental design, molecular and cellular techniques, and data analysis. Overall, the project will help us to understand how abnormal mGluR1 signalling causes disease and how this pathway could be targeted therapeutically. You will present your work at our lab meeting and also produce a short report about your project.
Entry requirements
The project is suitable for students from a life sciences/biology/biochemistry/pharmacology or related background.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Clinical Neurosciences 02
Understanding the cellular mechanisms of a pain-causing immunotherapy
Dr Alexander Davies
Our lab investigates how the immune system modulates pain in the body. In childhood neuroblastoma, a nerve cell cancer, a common treatment involves an immunotherapy containing an ‘anti-GD2' antibody that targets and destroys cancer cells but also causes nerve pain. We aim to understand how this antibody causes pain.
To do this, we will:
- identify where in body the antibody targets nerves in animal models of neuroblastoma, using in vivo imaging and tissue immunohistochemistry; and
- analyse immune cell profiles in both neuroblastoma patients and animal models undergoing anti-GD2 antibody treatment, through flow and mass cytometry.
We have engineered a variety of therapeutic anti-GD2 antibodies intended to reduce pain while preserving their anti-cancer effectiveness. We are currently testing these engineered variants by conducting sensory and motor behavioural analyses and immune profiling in a neuroblastoma mouse model after administering the modified antibodies to determine whether they meet these goals.
We will help you identify areas to pursue in your future career by involving you in an interdisciplinary project, where you can gain foundational knowledge in immunology, neuroscience, and immunotherapy.
You will also gain hands-on experience with techniques such as cell culture and immunohistochemistry, essential for careers in biomedical research and diagnostic laboratories. Additionally, you may participate in the analysis of mouse sensory-motor behavioural tests, which will provide valuable experience for preclinical and scientific careers.
As well as weekly supervisory meetings, you will take part in regular meetings of the Neural Injury group, where you will learn from a range of experts (>35 researchers including postdocs, clinicians, DPhil students, technicians and clinical support staff) in the field of peripheral neuropathies and neuropathic pain. You will have the opportunity to present your final report to the Neural Injury group, and any analysis you produce for the project that is included in a scientific publication would be acknowledged by co-authorship.
Entry requirements
You will have studied (or be studying) a biomedical science or related degree, and be familiar with basic lab bench techniques including sterile technique, pipetting and liquid handling. You will also have a strong understanding of the core biological processes underlying neuronal and immune cell function, the anatomy of the somatosensory nervous system, and the principals of immunohistochemistry and fluorescence microscopy.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Medicine 01
Developing a simulation framework for clinical hyperpolarized MRI experiments
Dr James Grist
This project will focus on developing a computer simulation that can be used to describe, and more importantly optimise, metabolic imaging experiments in humans. You'll use data already present in the lab, as well as fundamental physics mathematics, to make this framework as true to real life as possible. You'll use Python or Matlab to code the project and be well-supported in your time here.
You will be trained in fundamental MRI physics, python, Matlab, and image processing. You will have the opportunity to engage in lab meetings and experience and understand the work being performed by other members of the lab. We'll involve you in research discussions and the day to day life of the lab, we love to have new members come and join us! You'll be able to present your work at lab meetings and gain experience in scientific presentation.
If completed, you'll be able to publish this work.
Entry requirements
Experience in use of Matlab or Python is required, background in engineering and /or physics and / or computer science. You'll be the right person if you enjoy working with others but on a specific project.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Medicine 02
AI deep learning for clinical research
Professor Qiang Zhang
AI deep learning is transforming the world in many aspects, but its real-world clinical applications have been hindered by the knowledge gap between machine learning scientists and clinicians. We actively address this by developing AI algorithms next to clinical doctors at an interdisciplinary clinical research unit. We offer opportunities to work with a cross-disciplinary team to gain experience in developing deep-learning solutions for unmet clinical needs. This may include data pre-processing, neural network design, data analysis, and method validation.
You will have the chance to observe real-world clinical MR scans at the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, and access to computing facilitates at Oxford Big Data Institute.
You will gain domain knowledge of both deep learning and cardiovascular imaging, skills in medical data processing, neural network design in Python, and valuable experience in developing AI algorithms in clinical research settings.
Entry requirements
You should have a background in computer science or engineering. You should have experience in machine learning and coding in Python.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Medicine 03
Why does turbulent blood flow cause vessel disease?
Professor Ellie Tzima
Our arteries are exposed to various types of blood flow depending on their shape. When blood flow is turbulent, endothelial cells that line arteries become inflamed and activated, resulting in chronic inflammation and development of plaques. These plaques can obstruct blood flow to the heart or brain and cause heart attacks or strokes. The mechanisms by which endothelial cells sense and respond to turbulent blood flow are a mystery.
Work from our group has identified specialised receptors expressed on the surface of cells whose function is to detect blood flow and send signals that ultimately result in disease. One of these receptors is called Plexin D1. We now aim to understand in greater detail the mechanism by which Plexin D1 senses blood flow and how it signals to other cells to form a plaque.
The project involves a combination of tissue culture cell-based experiments, molecular biology, and advanced microscopy techniques. The project has the potential of being tailored to suit your research interests and techniques you want to specialize in.
Entry requirements
You should be studying for a Biochem/Biology/Biomedical Sciences degree or Medicine.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Medicine 04
Developing web-applications for reproducible interactive exploration of biomedical data using iSEE
Professor David Sims
Data visualisation is an integral part of biomedical data science, critical to the exploration and interpretation of experimental data. We have developed an R/Bioconductor package called iSEE for the interactive visualisation of virtually any biomedical assay, including large genomic and proteomic datasets. This project aims to build the functionality of the iSEE universe. This may include the development of new interactive visualisations methods, new functionality improving user experience, and demonstration workflows for a range of biomedical assays, such as single-cell RNAseq.
You will be trained in the R programming language and the use of Bioconductor packages to analyse a wide range of biomedical data sets. You will learn about software development best practices including version control (Git) and testing using continuous integration. You will gain experience in the design of an interactive graphical user interfaces, and in writing and publishing accompanying online documentation.
At the end of the project you will present your contributions to the group in an internal meeting. Your contributions will be recognised as a named contributor in the documentation of all the relevant software packages.
Entry requirements
You should have, of be studying, a degree related to either computer science or biomedical data science and have some experience of programming at an undergraduate level. Familiarity with R, bioinformatics libraries, and JavaScript would be useful. If you have an interest in web technologies or cloud computing, it would be advantageous.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Medicine 05
Interrogation of SHP-2 mediated T cell inhibition through inhibitory receptors
Dr Joseph Clarke
One mechanism by which tumours can evade the immune system is by inhibition of killer T cells, which would otherwise carry out cytotoxic effector functions to kill tumour cells. One way tumour cells do this is by engaging inhibitory receptors on the surface of the T cell. Once these receptors are engaged, a key signalling molecule, SHP-2, is thought to be critical in establishing T cell inhibition. Therefore, targeting of the SHP-2 molecule may provide one way of releasing T cell inhibition.
However, targeting both SHP-2 and other molecules known to mediate inhibition may be beneficial in reversing T cell inhibition during the anti-tumour response. This project aims to address whether targeting SHP-2 alongside a list of other proteins, known to interact with SHP-2, can lead to better T cell responses against tumours. To do this, the student will utilise techniques such as cell culture, molecular cloning, lentiviral transductions as well learning how to perform functional T cell experiments measured using flow cytometry.
You will have the opportunity to learn key wet laboratory techniques such as tissue culture, molecular cloning and lentiviral transduction, as well as functional T cell assays and flow cytometry. Additionally, this project will use CRISPR-Cas9 technologies to target genes of interest (ie PTPN11, the gene which encodes for SHP-2), and will therefore provide a basic insight into how CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing is performing.
This project will provide basic training in the described techniques, as well as provide understanding of the textbook theories behind T cell activation and inhibition, in the context of anti-tumour responses. You will learn how to analyse the functional data you acquire from flow cytometry based experimental readouts, and will have the opportunity to present some of this data at regular lab meetings as well as presenting your collected findings to the group before you leave. Finally, there will be scope to get involved with other on-going projects within the lab.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a biological science related degree and have a basic understanding of how T cells work at an undergraduate level, and a keen interest in Immunology as a whole would be ideal. Previous laboratory experience would be useful.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Medicine 06
Super-resolution imaging of cell adhesions in gut patient organoids
Dr Karina Pombo-Garcia
Our gut ages, which has implications for the cellular organization of proteins involved in cell-cell adhesion. Cell-cell adhesions are like the building blocks of a house, and the proteins responsible for holding them together act as the glue that allows our organs to function. In this project, you will have the opportunity to visualize, at very high resolution (on the nanometer scale), the distribution and organization of cell adhesion proteins in a gut-like model called gut-organoids. We will use patient-derived organoids from individuals of different ages to map how these proteins assemble as we age.
You will learn and use super-resolution microscopy with fluorescence proteins to visualize them in human tissue. Additionally, you will get familiar with handling the organoids and observing how they phenotypically change over several days in culture. While not required, it would be ideal if you have some basic knowledge of coding, such as Python, to assist in processing the images.
You will gain experience in several key cell biology techniques as well as being immersed in an active research environment. This will enable broadening of expertise, as well as help you derive a better understanding of studying and working in a research laboratory.
The project itself will allow for training in cell culture and aseptic techniques. You will also be trained on key super-resolution imaging microscopy STED , as well as gut organoid development and maintenance.
There will also be the opportunity to work in a lab with a range of experience from junior to senior scientists who are willing to advise and mentor. If successful, the data and resources generated will have a real-world impact on ongoing research with you contribution credited accordingly if work with their direct involvement is published.
Entry requirements
Applicants must be studying toward, or have complete, a degree in biology, biochemistry, or medicine. It would be ideal if you have some basics of cell biology and microscopy but not required and some familiarity with python. The most important skills are motivation and curiosity for science.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Medicine 07
Engineering Gamma Delta T cells
Dr Sumana Sharma
Gamma delta (γδ) T cells are a unique subset of T cells characterized by their distinct T-cell receptor (TCR) composed of γ and δ chains, differing from the conventional alpha beta (αβ) T cells. Engineering gamma delta (γδ) T cells presents a promising approach in immunotherapy due to their unique ability to recognize stressed or malignant cells without MHC restriction. We have established techniques to engineer (αβ) T cells through over-expression and knockout approaches, which we have started to translate to (γδ) T cells.
You will be assisting with these ongoing efforts by learning to culture primary T cells, editing primary T cells, and performing various cellular assays to characterise the function of these engineered cells. At the end of your project, you will have the opportunity to present your work to the members of the lab and gain feedback.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, or biological sciences.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Oncology 01
Targeting tumour-host interactions to improve cancer treatment
Dr Monica Olcina
Paediatric high-grade gliomas (pHGGs) are malignant, deadly tumours developing in infants and children. pHGGs are fast-growing and diffusive which makes them hard to remove or treat. For some of these tumours radiotherapy remains the only option with transient benefits. Unfortunately, most children only survive for 9-15 months from the time of diagnosis. We are interested in understanding how interactions between tumour cells and host immune cells in the tumour microenvironment (TME) drive resistance to treatment.
The aim of the project is to use blockers of tumour-host interactions to improve radiotherapy and potential future novel immunotherapy treatments. Techniques used to address this aim may include assessment of gene and protein expression by standard molecular biology and microscopy techniques. The effect of drugs on tumour cell survival will be assessed in cell cultures. Analysis of stained tumour or normal tissues may also be undertaken.
You will have the opportunity to gain experience in shadowing and undertaking experiments to assess gene and protein expression changes in tumour and immune cells under different treatments. You will also learn how to assess the effect of treatments on tumour cell survival.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a biological science of biomedicine related degree. Familiarity with coding (Python or R) would be useful but not essential.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences
Imaging chronic inflammation in human tissues
Professor Mark Coles
At the Kennedy Institute we aim to understand mechanisms leading to chronic non-resolving inflammation and identify pathways that can lead to resolution of inflammation. To understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning chronic inflammation we have been using multiplex (20-60 antibodies) imaging on tissue sections from needle biopsies to quantify cellular microenvironments in both normal and chronically inflamed tissues.
In this project you will be involved in undertaking imaging of paired biopsies and applying image analysis pipelines to quantify cellular neighbourhoods focusing on the co-localisation of immune cells and specialised fibroblasts. Specifically, we aim to quantify cellular neighbourhoods associated with barrier membranes in health and chronic inflammatory disease.
You will be trained on using state-of-the art multiplex imaging systems to analyse human tissue biopsies from patients with rheumatological disease. You will learn skills in sample processing, imaging and analysis, including topological analysis. You will have the opportunity to observe and contribute to functional assays in the lab during your stay.
At the end of the project you will present your findings in a short presentation to the lab group. If your analysis is used in future publications you may be included as a named co-author on that publication.
Entry requirements
A background in the biological science or interest in image analysis (computer science, physics, mathematics). Some experience with python is useful but not necessary, depending on student background and interest the project can be modified to either focus on biological samples or on image analysis (requires experience with python).
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Bridging Clinical Trials and Real-World Data: Replicating and Characterizing Trial Populations in Healthcare Databases
Dr Marti Catala Sabate
Join a dynamic and multidisciplinary team in the Health Data Sciences group. Our team includes experts from fields such as medicine, pharmacy, mathematics/statistics, working together to leverage real-world data (RWD) from hospitals, general practices, and disease registries to improve public health.
While essential for testing new treatments, clinical trials are conducted in controlled settings with carefully selected patient groups. This limits their ability to fully represent how treatments perform in the real world. By contrast, RWD reflects the broader population and real healthcare practices, offering insights that clinical trials might miss—such as unobserved side effects or how treatments are used in routine care. However, since RWD was not originally collected for research, careful processing and analysis are required to ensure reliable scientific evidence.
In this internship, you will reproduce and characterise a population from a clinical trial using RWD and use it to answer relevant clinical research questions.
This internship provides comprehensive training in R programming, big data handling, clinical epidemiology, and biostatistics. You’ll have the opportunity to build your presentation skills by regularly presenting your work in team meetings, with potential for co-authorship on project publications. These skills are highly valued in both academia and industry, providing a solid foundation for future job applications and career development.
Entry requirements
Applicants should be studying a STEM subject, and familiarity with the R programming language is desirable.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Real-world evidence on the safety and effectiveness of novel medicines in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases: A systematic review
Dr Annika Jödicke
Understanding how well new medicines for cardiovascular and metabolic disease work, and how safe they are in real-world settings is essential. This project will focus on “real-world evidence” (RWE), referring to studies using data gathered in routine care settings, such as by general practitioners in primary care, or in specialist settings of hospitals.
Systematic reviews of the literature provide a comprehensive overview of the published knowledge at a time. This is particularly important to inform future research.
Students will begin by developing a protocol for a literature review, including a search strategy and criteria for including or excluding studies. With guidance from supervisors, students will then review and discuss the identified studies, and write a summary of the findings. This work will provide valuable experience in research methodology, with the potential to be published as part of a project report or scientific manuscript.
You will have the opportunity to gain experience in conducting literature reviews using a systematic search strategy. We will support you in developing a protocol for the review, work with specialists at the Bodleian Libraries to develop a search strategy, teach you how to screen titles and abstract, and extract relevant information from the scientific publications we shortlist.
We will aim to write a report on the literature review that will be published alongside the protocol, and (where possible) include the findings from the literature review for the introduction/discussion sections of future research publications or project reports.
Entry requirements
The project will be best suited for people with an undergraduate degree in medical-related fields, eg public health, nursing, pharmacy or medicine, or statistics/epidemiology. Applicants ideally have an interest in reading medical literature and are interested in learning how to conduct literature reviews.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Statistical Methods for Randomised Controlled Trials Data
Dr Sofia Massa
The aim of the project is to gain a deeper understanding of the methods and techniques used to analyse health data coming from randomised controlled trials. You will be part of our group of statisticians that will be able to share their knowledge and enthusiasm using statistics to address important clinical questions for the benefit of patients.
You will be able to work with real and simulated datasets to compare the common used methods to analyse the typical types of outcomes encountered in these studies. Depending on your interests different avenues of research will be possible.
You will receive specialised training in the analysis and interpretation of health data and randomised controlled trials data. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on the study.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for a degree in statistics, medical statistics, data science or statistics related degree. Familiarity with a statistical software would be useful (R, Stata, SAS, Python) but it is not essential.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Paediatrics 01
Development of new vaccines against emerging and neglected diseases
Dr Young Chan Kim
Our group, within the Oxford Vaccine Group (OVG), is committed to the development of innovative vaccines targeting a range of emerging infectious diseases, including alphaviruses, Plague, Q-fever, and Chagas disease. Our mission is to harness cutting-edge vaccine platforms to address these global health challenges, with a primary focus on improving human health. We employ a diverse range of vaccine technologies and these are utilised to design, develop, and carry out both pre-clinical and clinical testing of novel vaccines.
In this project you will study the immune responses elicited by the novel vaccines against Chagas disease and Plague in preclinical mouse model using methods such as ELISA, ELISpot and Flow-cytometry. You may also have the opportunity to gain experience in mammalian cell culture and molecular biology techniques (such as PCR, cloning, real-time qPCR, western blot).
You will have the opportunity to learn a variety of basic laboratory skills applicable in many laboratory contexts in addition to project specific skills, analytical techniques, project management and critical thinking. You will also receive mentorship and guidance if you are interested in pursuing a career in biomedical research.
Entry requirements
You should have a biology or scientific background. However, technical training will be provided.
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Pathology 01
How do cells ensure chromosome inheritance?
Professor Fumiko Esashi
In many animals and plants, every chromosome contains a unique structural region, called the centromere. The centromere recruits the kinetochore machinery, which ensures proper segregation of chromosomes when cells divide. Curiously, the centromeric DNA sequences are least conserved even between closely related species, but they are commonly composed of arrays of repetitive elements in animals and plants. We study why and how these repeats have evolved at centromeres, with a specific focus on the mechanism called homologous recombination (HR).
HR is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism that catalyses homology-directed repair of DNA breaks and is essential for cell survival. Surprisingly, our recent study has revealed that centromeres harbour unusually high levels of intrinsic DNA breaks even in non-cycling cells, driving hyper-recombination. Building on this observation, the project aims to elucidate how centromeric DNA breaks impact on the fitness of human cells.
The student will learn to assess cellular phenotype, genetics and/or advanced imaging, depending on their primary interest, during the project. This will involve cell culture, microscopy and molecular biology. The student will also gain a clear understanding of the research field of genome stability control and centromere biology.
Entry requirements
Applicants must be studying towards, or have completed, a degree in the life sciences to be eligible for this project.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Pathology 02
Mechanisms of protein degradation
Professor pedro carvalho
Accumulation of misfolded proteins and aberrant protein aggregates are hallmarks of a wide range of pathologies such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Under normal conditions, these potentially toxic protein species are kept at low levels due to a variety of quality control mechanisms that detect and selectively promote their degradation.
Our lab investigates these protein quality control processes with a particular focus on ER-associated degradation (ERAD), that looks after membrane and secreted proteins. The ERAD pathway is evolutionarily conserved and in mammals, targets thousands of proteins influencing a wide range of cellular processes, from lipid homeostasis and stress responses to cell signalling and communication. We investigate the mechanisms of ERAD using multidisciplinary approaches both in human and yeast cells.
We are using CRISPR-based genome-wide genetic screens and light microscopy experiments to identify and characterize molecular components involved in the degradation of disease-relevant toxic proteins. In parallel, we use biochemical and structural approaches to dissect mechanistically the various steps of the ERAD pathways. These strategies helped us in discovering ERAD mechanisms contributing to the homeostasis of the endoplasmic reticulum, the organization of the nuclear envelope and regulation of lipid metabolism. Although we focus primarily on fundamental aspects of protein quality control, our work will shed light on how these processes are disrupted in human disease and may ultimately contribute to better therapeutics.
It should be possible to characterize a new effector or substrate of the ERAD pathway using biochemical and/or genetic tools
Entry requirements
A good background in Biology is desired, therefore, applicants must have completed at least an A-Level in Biology to be eligible for this project.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Pathology 03
How cells build complicated protein machines
Professor Jordan Raff
Centrosomes are complicated protein machines that play an important part in organising eukaryotic cells. If human cells lose their centrosome, they usually kill themselves, and centrosome dysfunction has been linked to a plethora of human diseases—including cancer and microcephaly. Almost all cells are born with a single centrosome that grows and divides; when the cell divides, each daughter inherits one centrosome and the cycle starts again.
This project involves using sophisticated microscopes to make movies of living cells expressing fluorescently-tagged versions of the key proteins that drive centrosome assembly. These large imaging datasets will be analysed using computational methods to track how the centrosomes grow and divide and how individual proteins behave. These quantitative measurements are allowing us to better understand how centrosome growth and division are regulated during cell division and development, providing important insight into how these processes go wrong in disease.
You will be trained in Drosophila genetics (setting up crosses to generate living fly embryos for analysis and injection), advanced microscopy (using several different types of sophisticated microscopes), and you will learn how to analyse large imaging datasets with various computational tools. You will also have a chance to learn some molecular biology (DNA cloning, mRNA preparation) and biochemistry (protein purification). You will attend our weekly group meetings and be expected to present your work to the Group at the end of your Project.
Entry requirements
Degree requirements: Studying towards (or have studied) in any of the following subjects: medicine, biology, biochemistry, computing, or engineering. No specific skills are required, as you will be taught everything. An interest in understanding how complex biological systems work is all you will need.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Pathology 04
Processing of Alzheimer’s-associated protein aggregates by microglia
Dr Sally Cowley
Microglia are strongly implicated in the progression of Alzheimer’s, and neuroinflammation is also a feature of other neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s and ALS. We have developed a genetically tractable system for differentiating authentic human microglia from induced Pluripotent Stem cells, which is used widely to investigate disease pathogenesis and identify new therapeutic targets.
You will join our team who are using human iPS-microglia to help investigate how the Alzheimer’s-associated aggregation-prone protein tau is taken up by microglia, how it is trafficked in these cells, and how it is released from microglia in potentially more toxic forms, including in extracellular vesicles. You will focus on one aspect of this pathway, applying relevant assays to, for example, quantify tau in specific subcellular locations.
The project student will learn human iPS cell culture and differentiation, isolation of subcellular fractions and/or extracellular vesicles, immunocytochemistry with associated image analysis, and cellular assays for detection of tau.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying for, a degree related to biomedical sciences. Knowledge of neuroscience and/or immunology would be helpful. Familiarity with tissue culture techniques would be useful but is not essential.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Pathology 05
Biophysical analysis of T-cell receptor interaction with antigens
Professor Omer Dushek
T cells are important white blood cells that orchestrate immune responses. They can be activated when they recognise the molecular signatures of infections (antigens) or cancer (neoantigens). T cells do this using their antigen receptors (TCRs). When this recognition is accurate, it can lead to the elimination of pathogens or cancer cells, but when inaccurate, it can lead to autoimmunity (self-antigens) or allergy (innocuous antigens).
The ability of T cells to discriminate between different antigens depends on the binding affinity/kinetics between the TCR and the antigen. However, the difference in affinity/kinetics between the TCR and foreign vs self-antigens is unknown. Here, TCRs and antigen will be purified and their interaction studied using a biophysical technique known as surface plasmon resonance.
You will analyse data by fitting mathematical models determine binding affinity and kinetics for different interactions. The objective will be to determine the difference in affinity between foreign and self-antigens.
You will gain valuable experience in protein production, a popular biophysical assay for binding, and mathematical modelling. The research findings may be included in a future research study.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, or biological sciences.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Pathology 06
Investigating how molecular motors transport cargoes in cells using genome editing and microscopy
Dr Anthony Roberts
The goal of this project is to investigate how motor proteins transport cargo in eukaryotic cells, while obtaining training and experience in a variety of molecular and cell biology techniques. Our research group specialises in the motor proteins kinesin and dynein, which use ATP hydrolysis to move along microtubules. These motors transport a range of macromolecular cargo in diverse physiological processes, underscored by the severe human disorders that arise from their dysfunction.
To better understand their mechanisms of movement and regulation, we solve cryo-EM structures of kinesin and dynein complexes. From these structures we generate hypotheses, which we test by designing and introducing mutations into cultured cells using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing. We then visualise the movement of the motors and their cargoes in mutant and wild-type cells, tagging the proteins with bright fluorescent proteins and observing their motility using advanced fluorescence microscopy. In this project, you will use these methods to generate a novel mutant and characterise its behaviour.
You will be trained in and have the opportunity to conduct molecular cloning, eukaryotic cell culture, and fluorescence microscopy experiments. You will gain experience in analysing sequencing data, gel images, and fluorescence microscopy time-lapse videos. You will produce figures of your data and present your findings at a friendly internal group meeting at the end of the project.
Entry requirements
You be studying for or have a degree in biochemistry, molecular or cellular biology, or a related area.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Pathology 07
Membrane proteins and signalling in health and disease
Professor Matthew Freeman
We study membrane proteins and how they control signalling and cellular responses to stress. These processes are implicated in multiple human diseases including cancer, neurodegeneration, inflammation and infection so, although we mostly do discovery science, our work has wide potential medical relevance, and we are also interested in the translational opportunities.
Our particular focus is the rhomboid-like superfamily. We were the first to discover rhomboids, and we proved that they were novel intramembrane proteases, conserved across evolution, and that they controlled growth factor signalling.
More recently we have become interested in the much wider superfamily of rhomboid-like proteins, the majority of which are not proteases. Of these non-protease rhomboid-like proteins, we especially focus on the iRhoms, which we discovered to be primary regulators of inflammation.
Our experimental approaches include genetics, cell biology, biochemistry and structural biology, mainly in mammalian cells but also with a variety of model systems.
You will gain experience with experimental cell and molecular biology, as well as participating in a research group focused on discovery science. By the end of the project, you should have completed some aspect of one of our projects. If what you do is included in a future publication you may be included as a co-author.
Entry requirements
You should be studying a mechanistic bioscience related degree (eg biochemistry, biomedical science, biology) and have an interest in research. Ideally you would be considering the possibility of a PhD as a next career step.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Physiology 01
How does a high salt diet affect placental development?
Dr Victoria Rashbrook
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth defect, affecting 1.7% of live births worldwide. Only a third of CHD cases have a known genetic cause. Some of the remaining two-thirds of cases are caused by in utero exposure to environmental factors. One such factor is maternal high blood pressure (hypertension) during pregnancy, which has been shown in humans to double the risk of offspring CHD. However, it is not known how maternal hypertension causes CHD. In this project, we will use an animal model to investigate this problem.
In the developing embryo, the heart and placenta form at the same time. If one of these organs does not form correctly, it can cause the other organ to also develop defectively. Thus, CHD can be caused by placental defects. A high-salt diet increases blood pressure in mice. We have shown that the offspring of mice fed a high-salt diet have placental abnormalities. This may explain how maternal hypertension causes CHD. In this project, we will investigate how a high-salt diet affects placental development. We will look at the structure and blood vessels in the placentas of pregnant mice fed a high-salt diet. Techniques will include 3D modelling, tissue culture, histology, and confocal microscopy.
You will have the opportunity to learn several transferrable experimental techniques including dissection of placentas and embryos, high-resolution episcopic microscopy, immunofluorescent and histological staining of tissue, tissue culture and confocal microscopy.
Additionally, you will develop skills in experimental design, data analysis and interpretation. You will receive guidance and mentorship should you wish to pursue a future academic career.
We hope the data achieved in this project will eventually contribute to a publication.
Entry requirements
We will teach all of the relevant skills throughout the project. You should have a background in developmental, cardiovascular or molecular biology. We perform animal research in our lab, which you must be comfortable with.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Physiology 02
Understanding the role of BMP signalling in lymphatic development and disease
Dr David Grainger
The lymphatic vascular system is a network of vessels that drains interstitial fluid (lymph), traffics immune cells and absorbs lipids. Its critical roles in homeostasis is reflected by the diseases that arise from its perturbed development and misfunction in primary lymphedema where an accumulation of protein-rich fluid results in uncontrolled swelling.
Through studying the embryonic origins and molecular cues instructing normal lymphatic development we aim to identify undiscovered causes of primary lymphedema. We are currently focussed on the role of the Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) signalling pathway as we have identified TLL1, a modulator of BMP signalling as a potential causative gene in primary lymphedema.
You will perform confocal imaging of whole mount and/or sectioned (cryostat and vibratome) mouse embryonic tissue by staining with immunofluorescence and RNA-fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) for components of the BMP signalling pathway. Additionally, you will transfect HEK-29T cells with plasmids expressing TLL1 wildtype or mutant forms in combination with BMP signalling components followed by quantification by western blot and RT-qPCR.
You will learn how to study developmental and vascular biology and have a good understanding of experimental design, frequently used methods, data analysis and interpretation. Data may potentially be included in a manuscript for publication.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a biological/life sciences undergraduate degree and an enthusiastic approach to learning about our field of study and experimental techniques.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Physiology 03
Microcarrier-mediated transfer of lipophilic proteins and lipids during fruit fly reproduction
Professor Clive Wilson
Cell-cell communication controls almost all physiological processes in multicellular organisms, and can be mediated by soluble or lipophilic molecules. We know remarkably little about the mechanisms by which lipophilic signals are transferred between cells, even though they can play critical roles, for example in the fat droplets of breast milk.
We have developed a new system to study this process, the male accessory gland of the fruit fly, which transfers lipophilic signals to females in seminal fluid. We have found that these molecules are packaged into secreted lipid droplet-like structures called microcarriers. We have identified multiple genes that control this process, many of them linked to lipid transfer in humans, and discovered how they work.
In this project, one of the unexplored genetic mechanisms that control microcarriers will be characterised. The project will involve microdissection, genetics, high-resolution fluorescence imaging and bioinformatics.
You will receive training in state-of-the-art approaches that we have developed to study microcarrier formation and function. You will be contributing to characterising a mechanism that in the future might be engineered to deliver new lipophilic drugs to cells or to understand human diseases where lipophilic carriers appear to malfunction. You will work with our research team, which is also studying other signalling mechanisms that are involved in human disease, exposing you to different aspects of translational research.
Entry requirements
You should be studying a degree in the area of biomedical or biological sciences.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health
Population Health 01
Cancer epidemiology
Dr Christiana Kartsonaki
The aim of the project will be to study risk factors or biomarkers for certain types of cancer. The specific objectives can be adapted to match your interests and background. The project may involve a systematic review and meta-analysis, or other literature review and/or data analysis. For example, it may be a systematic review and meta-analysis on a particular risk factor and cancer type. Alternatively it could be on the analysis of a cancer-related dataset.
You may have the opportunity to contribute to a paper to be submitted for publication.
You will learn how to search the literature, use the statistical software R to analyse data, plan research and perhaps write a protocol or analysis plan, and some epidemiological and statistical concepts and methods.
Entry requirements
You should be studying towards (or having completed) a degree in an academic field broadly relevant to the project and should have an interest in epidemiology, medicine, health, (bio)statistics or another related field.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 02
Women’s reproductive traits and their correlates and associations with adiposity and glycaemia in a study of over 100,000 Mexican women
Dr Eirini Trichia
Obesity and diabetes are major causes of death, illness and reduced quality of life globally, but with particularly marked impacts in some countries of Latin America, such as Mexico. Previous research has shown that certain reproductive traits are associated with higher risk of diabetes among women, and that this might vary by ethnicity. However, despite acknowledged challenges for women’s reproductive health in many low and middle income countries, including those in Latin America, the relevance of female reproductive factors for health and disease remain under-studied and incompletely understood in many such populations.
The Mexico City Prospective Study includes a cohort of over 100,000 Mexican women. Various data were collected for all women when they were recruited into the study, including through questionnaires, physical measurements and blood sampling. The aim of this project is to explore how various reproductive traits among women in Mexico differ according to levels of various socio-demographic and lifestyle factors, and whether these same reproductive traits are related to adiposity, blood glucose levels and potentially diabetes.
As well as the opportunity to gain experience of, and skills in, epidemiological research, data analysis and global health, you will produce a short research report, with the aim of submitting this for publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in biomedical sciences, statistics, public health or a related area. You should have an interest in epidemiology, data analysis, medical research, global health, or research in understudied populations. Some experience or interest in statistics for data analysis would be beneficial but not essential, with relevant training provided.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 03
Ethnicity and breast cancer
Dr Toral Gathani
The project will aim to study the associations of ethnicity with breast cancer. The project may involve a systematic review (or any other type of review) of the literature and/or data analysis. You will learn how to search the literature, use the statistical software R to analyse data, and some epidemiological and statistical concepts and methods.
You will be trained in searching the literature and analyse data using R. By the end of the project, you may have the opportunity to contribute to a manuscript for publication and give a presentation locally
Entry requirements
You should have or be studying medicine or other health-related degrees, such as public health and/or epidemiology.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 04
Food security, nutrition and health in Kenya
Dr Jennifer Carter
Kenya has been going through a nutritional transition over recent decades, where changes in the food environment (such as access to more modern supermarkets) have occurred as the country goes through economic and social development. However, there is little evidence about how this transition has impacted diets and health.
Two projects are available that will analyse pilot data from samples of adults in traditional villages in Kenya and from ‘transitioning’ villages with access to a more modern food environment.
One project will look at the relationship between food security (eg worrying that their household does not have enough food), diet (eg as how much meat or chips participants consume) and body weight.
Another project will look at the relationships between the food environment (eg access to takeaway food or supermarkets), diet and body weight. If time, students can also look at relationships with blood pressure or blood sugar.
The aim of both of these projects is to produce a short research report (<1000 words) that might be submitted for publication as a short research letter in a global health peer-reviewed journal or as an poster presentation at a conference.
Entry requirements
A student with an interest in global health would be well suited to this project. A background in biology, medicine or nutrition would be relevant. This project will use quantitative data analysis, so experience and/or an interest in statistics would be advisable. If the student has had no prior training in statistics, this can be learned during the placement.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 05
Joint localisation and bone segmentation in hand radiographs using deep learning methods
Professor Bartlomiej Papiez
Rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis are two common types of inflammatory arthritis (IA) that cause joint inflammation and structural damage in patients. Radiographs of hands and feet are routinely taken and visually examined during clinical diagnosis and evaluation. Several radiographic damage quantification schemes have been proposed and adopted in clinical trials, but the complexity and expertise required limit their application in clinics.
This project aims to use deep learning methods to accurately locate joints and segment bone structures in hand radiographs, which are important steps to quantify IA-related damage. A baseline joint localisation model will be available, and you will optimise it and then utilise and adapt foundation models such as Segment Anything to perform bone segmentation. We expect the results from this project to be a proof of concept which would facilitate the development of an automated IA damage quantification pipeline.
You will gain knowledge of deep learning techniques for medical image analysis and experience working with foundation models and designing and implementing neural networks in Python. Depending on the results, we may use the developed methods as a foundation for future work.
Entry requirements
You should have a background in STEM and experience in machine learning and coding in Python. An interest in the clinical application of AI would be beneficial.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 06
Big Data in Epidemiology
Dr Jelena Besevic
UK Biobank is a cohort study of half a million individuals in the United Kingdom. UK Biobank was set up to enable a diverse range of research into the causes and consequences of disease in middle and old age. In this project, you will work with the UK Biobank team to learn how a large epidemiological study is conducted. You will also learn how to plan research, conduct literature reviews and use statistical software to conduct data analysis. The specific aims of the project can be tailored to your research interests.
You may have the opportunity to contribute to scientific publications as well as presentation of your work at meetings.
Entry requirements
You should be studying a degree in biology, biomedical sciences, medicine, public health or other related study area. Experience and/or interest in statistics would be beneficial.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 07
Diet and cardiometabolic traits in China
Dr Maria Kakkoura
The aim of the project will be to investigate the regional and sex-specific variations of dietary intake in China and their associations with cardiometabolic traits (eg adiposity and blood pressure). China is a socio-economically and topographically diverse country and these factors could differently affect dietary patterns and prevalence of cardiometabolic disease in various regions.
The project will utilise existing data of the prospective China Kadoorie Biobank study, which includes >0.5 million adults from five urban and five rural areas across China. The study collected blood samples and among other data, it also captured information on sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle factors including consumption of major food groups. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were also performed.
You will investigate whether the relationship between food intake and cardiometabolic traits (eg body mass index, random blood glucose etc) varies among men women or among the ten diverse regions. The project can also be adapted based on your interests and background.
Through this project you will learn epidemiological and statistical concepts and methods, how to plan your analysis, use and analyse a large dataset using statistical software. Towards the end of the project, you will produce a short research report and you may also have the opportunity to contribute to a publication submitted in a peer-reviewed journal.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in biomedical sciences, biology, nutritional sciences, medicine, statistics, data analysis, public health or other related study area.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Population Health 08
Reproductive factors and cardiometabolic health in Chinese population
Dr Andri Iona
Reproductive patterns in China have changed radically over the past decades, primarily driven by rapid socio-economic development and strict family planning policy introduced in the late 1970s. Pregnancy has a substantial physiological and metabolic impact on a woman’s body that may lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension, and diabetes in later life. However, reproductive factors may also vary according to socioeconomic background and associate with adiposity traits.
The aim of the project will be to examine the associations of reproductive factors and a medical history of CVD, high blood pressure and diabetes in a Chinese cohort study of over 500,000 participants. You will investigate how these associations vary when accounting for differences in socioeconomic status and adiposity levels. Additionally you will investigate whether the effect of parenthood on health outcomes is consistent between men and women.
You will be trained in utilising rich and comprehensive dataset to develop and enhance your analytical skills, including statistical methods and programming techniques. This training will provide you with a solid foundation in epidemiological principles, allowing you to effectively present and interpret your findings.
At the end of the project, you will produce a short research report and deliver a short presentation. You may also have the opportunity to contribute to a paper submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Entry requirements
You should have an interest in epidemiology, bio(statistics), data analysis, women’s health, cardiovascular disease or other related field. This project involves quantitative data analysis, so experience and/or an interest in statistics is advisable. However, during the placement, you will have the opportunity to learn these skills, including how to apply appropriate statistical methods to answer research questions, how to analyse data using statistical software, and how to interpret and present results. Applicants must be studying for, or have completed, a degree in Statistics, Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Sciences, or any related field.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Primary Care Health Sciences
Primary Care Health Sciences 01
Investigating communication of different weight loss treatments by health coaches
Dr Rachael Drewery
Rates of obesity are increasing worldwide, and there are an increasing number of effective treatments to support weight loss and improve quality of life. We do not know how they work in combination or how they compare with usual care. The LightCOM trial is comparing usual NHS care with a multi-component weight loss intervention, which includes total diet replacement, medication and lifestyle support delivered by health coaches. You will contribute to a work package exploring how health coaches implement this multi-component intervention.
In support of this project, you will:
- review recordings (and transcripts) of health coach-participant consultations;
- code the content of these recordings using a fidelity checklist; and
- present these findings using basic descriptive statistics to the trial team.
You will develop skills and knowledge in qualitative health research methods, including coding and analysis, and basic descriptive statistics. You will have an opportunity to write a report and present findings to the wider trial team. We will also support opportunities to review or contribute to presentations and/or publications.
In addition, we will ensure that you gain broader knowledge of intervention trials, behaviour change and clinical communication.
Entry requirements
You need to have some aptitude for or interest in working with recordings and transcripts of healthcare interactions. Basic skills in qualitative research methods, audio editing software and Microsoft Excel would be an advantage. Suitable degree subjects include medicine, nursing and other allied healthcare professional training, social sciences (eg sociology, psychology, anthropology, communication studies) or degrees where you have been dealing with textual data (eg English, linguistics)
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Primary Care Health Sciences 02
The management of patient risk in calls to NHS 111 about COVID-19
Professor Rebecca Barnes
The intern will contribute to an ongoing retrospective qualitative study led by the primary supervisor of the telephone management of people who were affected or at risk of COVID-19 infection. The calls were made to NHS 111 services in April 2020 in England at the start of the UK COVID-19 pandemic. The intern will be involved in the management and analysis of a unique dataset of over 250 call recordings and verbatim transcripts. The aim of this project will be to identify and code instances in the calls where clinical risk is being managed, such as when worsening advice is given.
Skills developed will include how to work with sensitive data, qualitative health research methods and basic descriptive statistics. Students will also gain knowledge of the management of a public health crisis, plus experience of working as a member of our friendly research team.
At the end of the project you will present your findings back to the wider group in an internal meeting. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper. For exceptional candidates the work may provide a grounding for a future career in research or a personal training award such as a NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.
Entry requirements
You need to have some aptitude for or interest in working with recordings and transcripts of health care interactions between patients or their family members and health care professionals. Suitable degree subjects include Medicine, Nursing, Paramedic Science, Social Sciences (eg Sociology, Psychology, Communication studies, Anthropology) or humanities (eg Linguistics, English). Basic skills in qualitative research methods and/or audio editing software would be an advantage.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Psychiatry 01
Linking clinical and molecular phenotypes of depression
Dr Clara Albiñana
Depression is a common mental disorder, but it presents high levels of heterogeneity, both in terms of its symptoms and molecular phenotypes. For symptoms, some individuals may struggle primarily with overwhelming sadness and low energy, while others might experience irritability, insomnia, or even physical symptoms like chronic pain. At the molecular level, depression shows a complex genetic architecture, with thousands of genetic associations of small effect and neurotransmitter and hormonal imbalances, differential inflammation and immune responses etc. However, it is unknown how the clinical and molecular phenotypes of depression intersect.
The project aims to investigate the overlap between clinically and biologically defined subtypes of depression in the UK Biobank. In practise, to goal is to combine mental-health questionnaire data together with blood multi-omic data (genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, blood biomarkers) and apply unsupervised clustering algorithms to identify subgroups of depression cases. Identifying these subgroups might lead to better diagnosis and treatment options for these patients.
You will have the opportunity to work alongside a postdoctoral researcher and participate in an engaging research environment. You will gain experience in analysing large biological datasets and train a range of machine learning techniques in a very active research field. At the end of the project you will present your findings back to the group in an internal meeting. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a degree in biology, biomedical sciences, medicine, statistics, public health or other related study area. You should have experience in R or python. This project will use quantitative data analysis, so experience of and/or an interest in statistics would be beneficial. If you have had no prior training in statistics, you will have the opportunity to learn these skills during the placement.
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Psychology 01
An introduction to clinical psychology mental health research
Professor Daniel Freeman
Aim: For many patients with psychosis the world can feel anxiety-provoking and therefore they may avoid going into situations. The aim is to understand for the first time the different types of ways that anxious avoidance of everyday situations (agoraphobia) may be shown by patients with psychosis.
Methods: Analysis of the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia from two pre-existing large datasets from patients with psychosis in NHS clinical services. The inventory lists 27 different situations that may be avoided. Factor analysis will be used to identify the typical ways that avoidance may be shown (ie the ways the 27 situations may reduce into a smaller number of groupings). Statistical support will be provided.
Most importantly, supported to produce a technical report that may be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Training and supervision provided in factor analysis and writing up for publication.
Time spent in a clinical psychology research group, learning about the different types of research conducted and future pathways.
Entry requirements
Applicants must be studying toward, or have completed a degree in, Psychology. It would also suit someone potentially interested in studying and/or treating mental health disorders.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Psychology 02
Re-evaluating early executive functions
Dr Alexandra Hendry
Early Executive Functions (EF) performance during toddlerhood has some predictive associations to later EFs and broader outcomes. Yet there is little consensus on the nature and stability of these foundations; arguably due to limitations of task design and analytic approach.
The traditional approach to EF measurement is to attribute scores on any particular task to one or two aspects of EF. Hence tasks become known as ‘inhibitory control tasks’, or ‘working memory tasks’. Yet, toddlers often have consistent response styles across tasks with supposedly different EF demands. Some toddlers struggle to complete tasks because they are overwhelmed by frustration when their attempts are unsuccessful. Others perseverate on just one strategy, or impulsively produce the first response they are able. Others seem to deploy a trial-and-error basis without ever demonstrating a consistent strategy. Additional common issues are inattentiveness, and low motivation to attempt a challenging task. Overcoming frustration, perseveration and impulsivity, employing metacognitive strategies to deduce a rule from error patterns, and sustaining attention and maintaining effort on an abstract goal are all important aspects of early EF. By reducing performance to one single score, we miss the opportunity to identify strengths and difficulties in these important skills.
In this project we will operationalise how different response styles related to the dimensions listed above would manifest across a battery of EF tasks. We will create coding schemes for each relevant response style for each task, based on patterns in trial-by-trial scores, alongside global behaviour. We will then test whether convincing evidence for cross-context and longitudinal stability of EF in toddlerhood is found when response styles are considered, rather than performance scores alone.
You will be given the opportunity to develop insight and hands-on experience in developmental cognitive psychology. Specifically you will be trained in behavioural coding, and given access to observational data collected from both neurotypical and neurodivergent toddlers. You will be supported to conduct appropriate statistical analyses of your data.
At the end of the project you will present your findings back to the group in an internal meeting. If any aspect of your analysis is included in a future publication, you may be included as a named co-author on that paper.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a psychology or related degree. This project would suit someone with an interest in early cognitive development. Attention to detail is a must.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Psychology 03
The museum of mental health in the media: Website development and social media marketing
Dr Lucy Foulkes
I am currently developing a new science communication project – a website called the Museum of Mental Health in the Media. The Museum is a curated collection of portrayals of mental health problems in popular media (eg films, TV shows, music). We are working with web developers to create the website, with input from a young person’s advisory group (YPAG). The website will be live by spring 2025. However, we need help to grow the website after that and to promote it widely, including on social media.
We are therefore seeking an intern who will help with a number of tasks: find depictions of mental health problems in popular media, convert our list of existing examples into website-ready content, and create social media posts to advertise the website. The intern will gain skills in accessible writing for general audiences, basic website development, and social media post design using Canva.
You will have the opportunity to gain experience in public science communication, website development and social media management. You will learn about an urgent and quickly-developing area of mental health science – understanding the impact of the changing public conversation about mental health problems. You will gain skills in writing engaging, accessible copy for the website and for social media. You will have the opportunity to meet and learn from other researchers working in this area.
At the end of the project, you will present your findings back to the group in an internal meeting and have the opportunity to write a publicly-shared blog post about your experiences. You will be credited by name on the final published website.
Entry requirements
You should be working towards, or have completed, a BSc psychology undergraduate degree, with at least a predicted high 2:1. You should have an interest in clinical psychology and mental health. You should be an excellent writer, ideally with previous experience writing for general audiences. You should enjoy the public communication of science, including via social media. You should be a self-starter with the ability to work both independently and in a team.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Surgical Sciences
Surgical Sciences 01
Investigating the Regulatory T Cells in Organ Transplantation
Dr Hisashi Hashimoto
Organ transplantation represents a vital solution for individuals suffering from end-stage organ failure. While immunosuppressive drugs are essential for preventing rejection of transplanted organs, their effectiveness is often compromised by severe side effects, including cardiovascular complications and nephrotoxicity. Regulatory T cells (Tregs), a specific subset of helper T cells (CD4 T cells), play a crucial role in regulating unnecessary immune responses. Our team is leveraging Tregs as a form of cellular therapy to prevent rejection of transplanted organs and is currently involved in a Phase 2 clinical trial of this approach.
We will conduct an in-depth analysis of the behaviour of human Tregs in various extracellular environments, thereby providing further insights into Treg cellular therapy. This will involve several in vitro studies, including the culture of human samples, flow cytometry analysis, and immunoassays such as ELISA.
As an intern, you will be trained in establishing in vitro experiments and essential research methodologies, including flow cytometry and immunoassays. You will gain hands-on experience in cell culture and data analysis, alongside insights into translational medicine and current advancements in organ transplantation immunology. This experience will enhance your scientific expertise and improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills within a collaborative research environment.
Entry requirements
Applicants should be studying towards, or have completed, a degree related in medicine or related to immunology. Candidates should have a basic understanding of immunology and demonstrate a high level of motivation. A medical background is not essential. Candidates interested in translational medicine, basic science at the PhD level, or those with a focus on clinical studies would be well-suited for this course.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.
Surgical Sciences 02
Investigation of mitochondrial dysfunction in deceased kidney donation for transplant
Dr Letizia Lo Faro
Kidney transplantation is the best treatment for end-stage kidney disease. However, there exists a great disparity between organ supply and demand. This imbalance has led to the increased use of “marginal” organs, from older donors or donors with co-morbidities, which are more prone to injury. Mitochondria are cellular organelles responsible for energy production. They are generally deeply affected during transplantation and are often the first targets of injury. Our previous work has shown that mitochondrial and related metabolic dysfunction are associated with kidney injury at time of organ donation, and might contribute to chronic organ damage.
In this project you will use clinical samples (kidney tissue) from deceased kidney donors and will investigate markers of mitochondrial dysfunction using immunoassays, such as western blotting and immunofluorescence. The levels of these markers will then be associated with clinical parameters such as the organ donor age, the kidney function after transplantation etc to investigate how these molecular markers contribute to kidney injury.
You will be trained in basic laboratory skills, including tissue lysis, protein extraction and quantification. You will perform immunoassays, such as Western Blotting on protein extracts and immunofluorescence on kidney tissue on microscopy slides. You will learn how to analyse results from these experiments and will gain some expertise in biological statistical analysis. You will participate in the day-to-day life of the lab, presenting your work in internal meetings.
If any aspects of these analyses will be included in scientific publications you may be included as a co-author of the manuscript.
Entry requirements
You should have, or be studying, a relevant subject degree (Biological sciences, Biomedical sciences, Biochemistry, Medicine etc). Previous experience working in a scientific laboratory would be an advantage, but it is not required.
Funding information
This internship may be funded as a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship (BVS). The benefits of a Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship placement are the same as those for UNIQ+ but you will be employed by the University and paid a basic salary at real Living Wage plus holiday pay and National Insurance contributions (estimated to be in the region of £4,040 before tax and National Insurance contributions). Please refer to the What is a UNIQ+ Research Internship? page and the eligibility requirements for further details about Wellcome BVS placements.