Hello, my name is Cece and I'm a Danish second-year Classical Archaeology and Ancient History student here at Oxford. I made my first friends in freshers’ week through some of the activities that I signed up for. Basically you get all of these different options and it can seem a bit overwhelming, but I would just urge you to really keep an open mind and just participate. Obviously, you shouldn't do things that you're uncomfortable with. For example, if you don't like clubbing you can just skip that entirely. I made one of my closest friends going ice skating, which was really fun and unexpected. Another great way is just by living close to people, that's how I became close with my college wife and that sort of ties in with the college family system which is really neat. It basically means that two second years, sometimes three, will adopt sort of 'children' from the freshers who are doing the same subject that they are, so they can sort of help them and mentor them through the first year and also just make it feel more like home at college. Of course, societies are also a great way. I really wanted to join a knitting society when I first started but there wasn't one at my college, but it was actually a really easy process to make my own knitting society, and I applied for a budget and everything and we're still going now a year after, so that's just a really great example of how you can really tailor the college experience to your own interests, and it can help you meet people who are like-minded and who can become your long-time friends, which was the case for me.