Contact us

This contact form is for schools, parents and students living in the South East of England who are looking to find out more about the outreach programmes offered by the Oxford for South East Consortium and seeking to make contact with their link college.

If you would like more information about our work or have a particular question relating to Oxford outreach please complete the contact form below.

Make sure you have read the privacy information first. The University of Oxford's comprehensive privacy policy can be found here.

Please note that this contact form is not for enquiries from international students about courses, entry requirements, scholarships or admissions to Oxford University. To find out more about the above, please see the following pages on our website:

 ·      Information for International students:

 ·      International Qualifications:

 ·      Applying to Oxford:

 ·      Fees and funding/scholarships at Oxford:

Please indicate which of the following list best describes you*