Roads to ruin? Public transport, inequality and the way forward

Sarah Leeming, Luke Marion, Dr Anna Plyushteva, Pete Brunskill
Event date
Event time
17:30 - 18:30
Kellogg College
62 Banbury Road
Park Town
Venue details

The Hub

Event type
Lectures and seminars
Event cost
Disabled access?
Booking required

The Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation Public Seminar series brings together members of the public, researchers and practitioners interested and engaged in urban health issues. The principal aim of the series is to provoke debate and constructive action, linking current best practice in urban development with emerging areas of health research.

Transport lies at the heart of our everyday experiences of urban living. In many cities, the high cost of public transport and its limited coverage drives some residents to be dependent on cars. This creates car-dominated environments that potentially undermine active travel. Many people struggling financially are further disadvantaged by the lack of affordable public transport, making it more difficult to access job opportunities, education, or healthcare and other services.

In this seminar, we ask how can cars, public transport, and active transport work together? Do current transport policies reduce, or increase inequalities in cities? We expect a lively debate from a range of perspectives about the options facing cities today, including transport poverty, healthy urbanism, and climate change.

  • Sarah Leeming - South of England Regional Director, Sustrans
  • Luke Marion - Managing Director, Oxford Bus Company
  • Dr Anna Plyushteva - Departmental Research Lecturer, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford
  • Pete Brunskill - Principal Rail Development Planner, Oxfordshire County Council

The event will be chaired by Dr Juliet Carpenter, Director of Research at the GCHU.

This in-person event is free and open to all. Refreshments will be served from 17:00. The seminar will begin at 17:30, followed by a drinks reception at 18:30.