Image credit: OUI/Greg Smolonski
Oxford conference to prepare for future of pandemics
Representatives from academia, industry, policy and civil society are gathering in Oxford next week to discuss the latest scientific advances that are ensuring the world is better prepared for future pandemics.
The inaugural International Pandemic Sciences Conference, hosted by Oxford’s Pandemic Sciences Institute, will take place on 10-11 July at Oxford Town Hall, and is dedicated to accelerating the discovery, creation and equitable application of practical solutions to epidemic and pandemic threats worldwide.
The Institute’s Director, Professor Sir Peter Horby, will welcome a diverse range of academics, industry leaders, NGOs and funders to the two-day event which will include panel discussions, presentations and networking sessions.
The events at the conference will focus on the theme Making the Exceptional Routine. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that academia, when partnered with industry, public health agencies and the public, can deliver transformative scientific advances with global impact.
Speaking ahead of the event, Professor Horby said: 'Over the last three years, the tireless work of the global scientific and research community in addressing COVID-19 has protected health systems, restored livelihoods and saved millions of lives.
‘With sufficient determination and resources, we know we can radically accelerate the development and implementation of interventions that benefit humanity. We hope this meeting will build on the successes of the pandemic, encourage academic excellence, foster equitable partnerships, and showcase the application of science to safeguarding health and economic stability for future generations.’
Speakers and more than 450 registered delegates at the conference will include representatives of the innovators, industry partners and funders who have been involved in developing the new approaches that were rapidly deployed during the pandemic, and the focus will be on ensuring that these exceptional ways of working can become business as usual in pandemic sciences. A full list of speakers can be found on the conference website.
Although Oxford places are already sold out, it is still possible to join the conference online – register now to attend online.
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