Nurse your election hangover at the Rothermere American Institute
After one of the most bitterly-fought presidential election campaigns of all time, US voters will finally cast their votes on Tuesday (8 November).
The following day (Wednesday 9 November), experts at Oxford University's Rothermere American Institute will be reviewing the results.
The Institute will hold an 'open house' from 9am on the Wednesday morning, then at midday there will be a discussion of the election results involving some of Oxford's top US politics experts.
The RAI's experts have been commenting on the election to local, national and international media throughout the election. They have also produced important research on the likely role of overseas voters in the election. Their report found that winning a majority of overseas voters – often amounting to just a few thousand votes – could be enough for the candidates to snatch certain swing states.
From 12pm to 1.30pm, Nigel Bowles, Tom Packer, and Nina Yancy will place the election in historical perspective, analyse what the result tells us about today's American political landscape, and reflect on what the implications may be for the place of the United States in the wider world.
Everyone is welcome to attend - whether or not you are exhausted from staying up to watch the results come in!