Lord Christopher Patten
Lord Christopher Patten

Credit: John Cairns

Lord Patten of Barnes announces his retirement as Chancellor of the University of Oxford

Christopher Patten, Lord Patten of Barnes, has announced that he will retire as Chancellor of the University of Oxford at the end of the 2023-24 academic year. He has been Chancellor since March 2003.

Lord Patten said: ‘This year, I will have my 80th birthday in May. I hope that there will be many more birthdays to come. But I am unlikely to have another 21 years in the job as Chancellor of the University. 

I think it is in my own interest and that of the University for me to step down at the end of this academic year, giving the University the opportunity to plan a sensible succession which matches the demands of the 2020s. I say this with a heavy heart, trusting that I will still be able to work for Oxford University (which I love) from time to time.

‘The University of Oxford has been a hugely important part of my life. I think it is true to say that Oxford as a whole made me, not just because of the three happy years I spent there as a student, but because of what Oxford has continued to mean to me over the years right up to the present day.’

Lord Patten’s full letter of retirement to Professor Irene Tracey, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, is available to read online.

Professor Irene Tracey, Vice-Chancellor of the University, said:

‘Over the past 21 years, Lord Patten has been an extraordinarily active and committed Chancellor, engaging in as many as 60 international events per year on the University’s behalf, tirelessly championing Oxford at home and abroad. While his incomparable dedication will be sorely missed by the University, it is entirely understandable that he should want to take a step back at this time, as he approaches his 80th birthday.

‘I am personally grateful for his wise and steadfast support to me as I navigated the transition to becoming Vice-Chancellor.

‘On behalf of thousands of alumni, students and staff and the many people whose lives have been changed by the University’s work, I thank Chris, and also his wife Lavender, for their service and wish them well in a richly deserved retirement.’   

Lord and Lady Patten at Divinity School, Oxford. December 2014.
Lord and Lady Patten at Divinity School, Oxford. December 2014.

About the role of Chancellor

The Chancellor is the titular head of the University and presides over several key ceremonies. The Chancellor chairs the Committee to Elect the Vice-Chancellor. In addition to these formal duties, the Chancellor undertakes advocacy, advisory and fundraising work, acting as an ambassador for the University at a range of national and international events.

The election of the Chancellor

The process and timetable for the election of the Chancellor by members of the University’s Convocation will be announced in due course.