2022 A-Level results: University of Oxford response
The University of Oxford is delighted to congratulate the many students who have successfully met their Oxford offer, and whose places have been confirmed today. Alongside their teachers and families, we celebrate the commitment, resilience, and adaptability of all applicants, who have achieved so much despite the considerable challenges of the last few years. We know how incredibly hard they have worked in order to achieve these outstanding results and we look forward to welcoming them to the University.
Following confirmation of A-Level results, the University is currently expecting to admit around 3210 highly talented students this October.
With some results still pending, figures released today show that students from a wider range of backgrounds than ever will be joining the University. To date, 23% of UK undergraduate places have been confirmed to pupils from the least advantaged backgrounds. They include applicants from across the UK, from areas of low progression to higher education and from areas of social and economic disadvantage. This figure has increased from 13% four years ago. This upward trend reflects the University’s ongoing commitment to ensure that the most academically able pupils in the country aspire to study at Oxford and have a fair chance of admission.
To date, 68.3% of UK places have been confirmed to state educated applicants, with 31.7% going to independent school students. The proportion of UK entrants securing a place at the University from state schools has steadily increased from 58% in 2016.
The University of Oxford has created a number of access initiatives in recent years. Next month almost 190 students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds are expected to take part in Opportunity Oxford, a bridging programme – now in its third year – that provides additional academic support to help students transition successfully from school to Oxford and prepare them for starting at the University in the autumn.
This year, over 1400 year-12 state school students from across the UK were invited to attend our UNIQ programme which aims to help students under-represented at Oxford find out what it’s like to study here and make competitive applications to the University.
Applications will also open this year for the Astrophoria Foundation Year, which will provide up to 50 UK state school students with significant academic potential, but who have experienced severe personal disadvantage or a disrupted education, with a fully funded one-year academic course.
Preparations are now also well underway for the 2023 admissions round. In June, the first in-person Open Days since before the pandemic took place. Prospective undergraduates and their families visited colleges, faculties and departments to get an insight into all Oxford has to offer. A further Open Day will take place on 16th September. The deadline for submission of applications to Oxford is 15th October 2022, with separate registration for admission tests closing on 30th September.