Six Oxford scholars recognised by British Academy
Six Oxford academics in the humanities and social sciences have received prizes and medals from the British Academy this year.
23 academics in total were recognised in this year's awards. Oxford is the only institution to have more than one academic on the list of award-winners.
Professor Patricia Clavin of the History Faculty and Jesus College received a British Academy Medal for 'landmark academic achievement', for her book 'Securing The World Economy: The Reinvention of the League of Nations 1920-1946'.
Professor R. F. Foster of the History Faculty and Hertford College also received a British Academy Medal for 'landmark academic achievement', for his book 'Vivid Faces: The Revolutionary Generation in Ireland 1890-1923'.
Professor Ankhi Mukherjee of the English Faculty and Wadham College received the Rose Mary Crawshay Prize for her book 'What is a Classic? Postcolonial Rewriting and Invention of the Canon'.
Oxford classicist Nigel Wilson, a Fellow at Lincoln College, won the Kenyon Medal for Classical Studies and Archaeology for 'his significant contributions to the study of Greek palaeography and the history of Byzantine and later scholarship, and his editing of Greek texts'.
English scholar Professor Ralph Hanna won he Sir Israel Gollancz Prize for 'his contribution to, and prolific research in medieval book history and paleography'.
Dr Brian A’Hearn of the Department of Economics and Pembroke College won the Serena Medal for Italian Economics for 'his reputation in, and contribution to the study of Italian economic history'.
The full list of prizes can be found here.