
The environmental threat to humankind is existential. The millions who have tragically died in the pandemic, will be followed by many more if we do not take urgent action over these twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change

A rapid climate response from science is essential

Climate change
Expert opinion
Clear messaging is key to any campaign, especially if you want people to behave in a certain way

We need to define the rules of a post-pandemic world

Expert opinion
Kate Bingham DBE

‘Another War Is Coming’, Kate Bingham DBE, delivers Romanes lecture

COVID-19 vaccine
Expert opinion
When the history of COP26 and the battle to reduce emissions is written, last minute manoeuvrings in Glasgow will be a feature. But the very real successes of this year's Conference of the Parties will also be writ large

COP26: Don't forget the successes - Oxford experts

Climate change
Expert opinion
True Planet
global growth of cities, particularly in the global south, will entrench and embed people in urban concentrations of informality

Finally: COP considers cities and the climate crisis

Climate change
Expert opinion
Social Sciences
True Planet
