
There has to be a worry [the Online Safety Bill] is going to be a missed opportunity to tackle the perceived problems of online harms, protect adults and children – and create a robust system of regulation that will actually achieve what is intended. Cred

Expert Comment: Online Safety Bill - a missed opportunity?

Expert opinion
Social Sciences
Evidence should be at the heart of climate-friendly policies, but there is real risk that political demands for ‘perfect evidence’ could actually undermine attempts to improve air quality. Credit: Shutterstock

Expert Comment: Let's bring the city centres back to the people

Climate change
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Social Sciences
Unemployment affects social trust over time.  Credit: Shutterstock

Expert Comment: Unemployment could undermine social trust in Europe

Expert opinion
Social Sciences
Rising pollution on the Delhi-Jaipur expressway. Credit: Sudarshan Jha/Shutterstock

Expert Comment: Air pollution cools climate more than expected – making cutting carbon emissions more urgent

Climate change
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Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Think of the woman fetching water for her family or cooking over a woodstove…she suffers more from the degradation of our natural biomass and water resources than anyone else

Expert comments: COP27 Gender Day

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Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Social Sciences
Professor Myles Allen: Speaking last weekend on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, Professor Allen used lumps of coal to illustrate how much fossil fuel the world has already burned – and continues to burn, despite efforts to reduce emissions. He said, ‘Calls

We must stop fossil fuels causing global warming, before the world stops using fossil fuels - Prof Myles Allen

Climate change
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Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Social Sciences
