
An infant watches a character display physically counterintuitive methods

Is deference to supernatural beings present in infancy?

Social Sciences
According to the report, Europe Today and Tomorrow: What Europeans Want, based on a March 2021 poll of 13,601 people, conducted in the 27 member states and the UK, it provides ‘mixed reading’ for the EU.

Concerns over European Union in Oxford EU-wide survey

Social Sciences
Credit: Shutterstock. True Planet: The world is in a climate crisis, and Oxford researchers are at the forefront of trying to find solutions in adaptation and resilience, nature, energy transition, clean road transport and green finance.

Nature-based solutions highly effective in long term - Oxford research

Social Sciences
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
True Planet
Credit: Shutterstock. People may work with beavers on the restoration, rather than controlling them. The beavers, who are best placed to deliver sustainable results, are left to make positive changes in the landscape.

Nature must be a partner, not just a provider of services – Oxford report

Social Sciences
True Planet
Among OECD countries, liberties were most severely impacted in those that chose mitigation, whereas swift lockdown measures - in line with elimination - were less strict and of shorter duration

Policies for COVID-19 elimination, not mitigation, best for health, economy and civil liberties

Social Sciences
Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
