
Net zero targets now cover two thirds of the global economy, according to a report today from Oxford Net Zero and the ECIU – even though it was only a decade ago that Oxford climate scientists first showed the need to reach net zero emissions

Net Zero pledges go global, now action needs to follow words - Oxford-ECIU report

Social Sciences
True Planet
Image of Oxford University buildings across the skyline

Oxford’s ambitious Environmental Sustainability Strategy is approved

Climate change
True Planet
Credit: Shutterstock. Governments have a unique chance to put their countries on sustainable trajectories that prioritise economic opportunity, poverty reduction and planetary health at once - Inger Andersen, UNEP's executive director.

Are we on track for a green recovery? Not Yet. Hundreds attend Oxford-UN eco event.

Social Sciences
True Planet
Technologies deriving from OXGAV will combat biodiversity loss, climate change, confront energy crises, promote human food security, and predict the implications of landscape change, among others. The Studio will also serve as a think-tank for thought lea

On a mission: Innovative solutions to pressing environmental problems

Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
There is a prominent narrative in the energy planning community that the continent will be able to take advantage of its vast renewable energy resources and rapidly decreasing clean technology prices to leapfrog to renewables by 2030

Africa’s electricity unlikely to go green this decade

Social Sciences
Aggressive emission reductions must be complemented by equally aggressive scale-up of safe and permanent greenhouse gas removal and disposal

Oxford Net Zero launches to tackle global carbon emissions

Climate change
