
Olenii Ostrov location

Climate change in the Early Holocene - archaeology report

Climate change
Social Sciences
insecurity of income and the inadequacy of income for those out of work could adversely affect mental well-being and the stability of relationships

Stress for couples on Universal Credit as living costs soar - new research

Social Sciences
In South Africa, windfarms in optimum locations would cost the country 16.7% less per unit of energy than if it were to build more coal power plants.

Invest strategically in wind and solar farms in Africa - Oxford study

Climate change
Social Sciences
We face a torrent of misinformation on topics great and small. The Royal Society report reviews the challenges of misinformation and what steps we can take to deal with them. It does not call for content removal as a panacea. Credit: Shutterstock

Royal Society cautions against online censorship of scientific misinformation

Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences
Social Sciences
The new Oxford nature recovery centre will harness state-of-the-art technologies designed to deliver nature recovery at scale and monitor progress towards this recovery. Credit: Shutterstock.

Leverhulme Trust awards £10 million to new Oxford nature recovery centre

Climate change
Social Sciences
'We have less than 10 years to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and temperature growth to 1.5C and we cannot make it without interventions from and change within the finance sector,' Liz McKeon, IKEA Foundation. Credit: Shutterstock.

IKEA Foundation pledges £4.5m to back Oxford sustainable finance action

Climate change
Social Sciences
