Professor Matthew Dyson

Professor of Civil and Criminal Law, Faculty of Law; Tutorial Fellow, Corpus Christi College


Professor Matthew Dyson is Professor of Civil and Criminal Law and Director of the Institute for European and Comparative Law in the Faculty of Law and a Tutorial Fellow of Corpus Christi College.

Professor Dyson researches and teaches criminal law and tort law, drawing particularly on historical and comparative materials from around the world. He has published widely in criminal law, tort law, comparative law and legal history.

He is an associate member of 6KBW College Hill, a leading set of Barristers' Chambers specialising in criminal law and related areas of public and civil law. He is also a Research Fellow of the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law and a Vice President of the European Society for Comparative Legal History.


  • Criminal law, with particular expertise in accessory liability/complicity/joint enterprise
  • Tort law, including what legal actions can be brought for compensation for harm, the role of injunctions, negligence, occupier’s liability, trespass, assault, battery, false imprisonment and the role of insurers
  • Legal history
  • Comparative law: understanding and comparing the laws of different countries
  • English legal system and legal practice: how laws are made, how disputes are resolved and the roles of different legal actors, like judges, barristers, solicitors, academics, insurers etc.

Media experience

Professor Matthew Dyson has experience working with the media.


English, some French and Spanish