Professor Geoff Evans

Professor of the Sociology of Politics; Director, Centre for Research Methods in the Social Sciences; Fellow of Nuffield College


Professor Evans researches the relationships between social position - class, income, religion/ethnicity - and political representation. Much of his recent work focuses on the choices parties offer voters. He is also particularly interested in voters' perceptions, ideology and values and how these might inform, or derive from, their party preferences.

He is currently leading the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)’s EU Referendum study, which is following 30,000 citizens up to and beyond Britain's referendum on membership of the EU in June 2016. He is also co-director of the ESRC-funded 2015 British Election Study, which runs from 2014-2017, the Scottish Referendum Study (2014-2016), and the Northern Ireland Election Study (2015-2017).


  • Class politics and social and political change over the last 50 years
  • The decline of class voting in Britain
  • Social tolerance: minorities, far right, freedom of speech
  • Political participation and attitudes towards political parties
  • Voting behaviour, political choices and election outcomes
  • Euroscepticism and attitudes to European integration

Media experience

Professor Evans has extensive media experience in both print and broadcast media.

