Dr Nicola Ranger
Dr Nicola Ranger helps financial institutions, public and private, factor climate and environmental risks into their decision making, and aims to speed up investment in green finance.
She works at the intersection of science, risk analytics, finance, economics and policy. She works extensively in emerging and developing economies, particularly in Southeast Asia and Africa.
Dr Ranger joined Oxford from the World Bank, where she worked with Ministries of Finance, Central Banks and regional institutions to strengthen financial resilience to climate and other crises.
Previously, she spent six years at the UK Department for International Development (now FCDO) where she was lead advisor on risk financing. Dr Ranger has also worked as a government official on climate change for Defra and HM Treasury.
She has contributed to the IPCC Special Report on Managing Extreme Events, the World Development Report 2010, the UK National Climate Change Risk Assessment, and the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change.
- Climate and environmental risk
- Financial and fiscal risk management
- The role of finance in resilience and sustainability
- Climate change and natural disasters
- Disaster risk finance and insurance
- Climate change adaptation
- Public finance, public policy and multilateral development banks
Selected publications
- Financial Protection of Critical Infrastructure Services. World Bank-APEC report (2021)
- UK Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report: Chapter 2. Report prepared for the Committee on Climate Change (2016)
- Safeguarding development aid against climate change (2014)
- Unburnable Carbon: Wasted Capital and Stranded Assets (2013)
- Is it possible to limit global warming to no more than 1.5C? (2012)
- Adaptation in the UK: a decision making process (2010)
- Some economics of dangerous climate change: reflections on the Stern Review (2007)
Media experience
Dr Ranger has experience of interviews for national print and online media and has written commentaries.
Recent media work
- Learning from COVID-19 and Climate Change: Managing the Financial Risks of Compound Shocks (World Bank, 2021)
- Five Reasons You Should Be Thinking About Compounding Risks Now (Financial Protection Forum, 2020)
- Five Reasons to Support SMEs So They Can Build Stronger Resilience to Future Disaster Shocks (Financial Protection Forum, 2020)
- Even duller disasters? How earlier finance can save lives in emergencies (World Bank, 2018)