Dr Geri Della Rocca de Candal
ERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages & the Bodleian Libraries
Dr Della Rocca de Candal is part of the 15cBOOKTRADE: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualisation of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance project. He works with libraries around the world to include their incunabula descriptions into MEI (Material Evidence in Incunabula) and also contributes to the new TEXT-INC database, a corpus of all texts printed in the 15th century.
His research interests focus on early Greek printing, books for Western traders in the Mediterranean, and the circulation of books in the Ottoman Empire.
- History of early printing
- History of early typography
- Early Greek printing and circulation of Greek texts
- Aldus Manutius
- Incunabula